Paribas Arbitrage S Sample Clauses

Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. is the authorised participant. What is the key financial information regarding the Issuer? Statement of Comprehensive income of Leverage Shares plc for the financial period 1-Jul-19 to 30-Jun-20 USD - Audited 1-Jul-18 to 30-Jun-19 USD - Audited Net profit/(loss) 0 0 Statement of financial position of Leverage Shares plc for the financial period ended 30-Jun-20 USD - Audited 30-Jun-19 USD- Audited Total Assets 35,113,428 11,463,915 Total Liabilities 35,086,063 11,436,550 Financial Assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 28,798,446 11,358,467 Derivative financial assets 0 0 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 19,180,104 5,668,141 Derivative financial liabilities 0 0
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Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. es el participante autorizado. ¿Cuál es la información financiera fundamental con respecto al Emisor? Estado de resultados integrales de Leverage Shares plc para el período financiero 1-Jul-19 al 30-Jun-20 USD - Auditado 1-Jul-18 al 30-Jun-19 USD - Auditado Xxxxxxxxx xxxx/(pérdidas) 0 0 Estado de situación financiera de Leverage Shares plc para el período financiero finalizado 30-Jun-20 USD - Auditado 30-Jun-19 USD - Auditado Activos Totales 35.113.428 11.463.915 Total Pasivos 35.086.063 11.436.550 Activos financieros designados a valor razonable con cambios en resultados 28.798.446 11.358.467 Activos financieros derivados 0 0 Pasivos financieros designados a valor razonable con cambios en resultados 19.180.104 5.668.141 Pasivos financieros derivados 0 0 ¿Cuáles son los riesgos fundamentales que son específicos del Emisor? El Emisor es una entidad con cometido especial: El Emisor es una entidad con cometido especial con el único negocio de emitir Títulos ETP. Los únicos fondos del Emisor para realizar pagos con respecto a una Serie de Títulos ETP son las cantidades recibidas por el Emisor de la enajenación de los Activos en Garantía (tal y como se define más adelante). Para cada Serie, el Emisor titulizará los Activos en Garantía con respecto a esa Serie en beneficio de, entre otros, los Titulares de Títulos ETP de esa Serie. En el caso de que se ejecuten los derechos derivados de dicha titulización creados por el Emisor, y los ingresos de dicha ejecución xxxx, después de hacer el pago a todos los acreedores con prioridad superior, insuficientes para pagar en su totalidad todas las cantidades xxxxxxx a dichos titulares de Títulos ETP, el Emisor no tendrá ninguna responsabilidad, obligación o deuda por cualquier déficit en el pago y ninguno de los Titulares de Títulos de ETP o el Fiduciario (o cualquier otra parte que actúe en su nombre) puede xxxxx medidas adicionales para recuperar dichas cantidades. Reclamaciones del Proveedor de Préstamos Apalancados: Los inversores deben tener en cuenta que el acuerdo celebrado entre el Emisor y el Proveedor de Préstamos Apalancados, regido por xx xxx de Nueva York (el "Acuerdo de Cuenta de Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx") no contiene disposiciones que limiten la responsabilidad del Emisor con respecto a sus obligaciones. Por lo tanto, existe el riesgo de que, con respecto a una reclamación contra el Emisor por parte del Proveedor de Préstamos Apalancados en relación con el Acuerdo de Cuenta de Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, si después de l...
Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. jest autoryzowanym uczestnikiem. Xxxxx są kluczowe informacje finansowe dotyczące Emitenta? Sprawozdanie z całkowitych dochodów Leverage Shares plc za okres obrotowy 1-lipca-22 do 30-czerwca-2023 USD - Audytowane 1-lipca-21 do 30-czerwca-2022 USD - Audytowane Xxxx/(strata) netto (25,459) (11,299) Sprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowej Leverage Shares plc za okres obrotowy zakończony 30-czerwca-2023 USD - Audytowane 30-czerwca-2022 USD- Audytowane Aktywa ogółem 1,524,922,046 472,815,480 Zobowiązania ogółem 1,524,939,985 472,807,960 Aktywa finansowe wyceniane w wartości godziwej przez wynik finansowy 1,413,012,880 376,888,565 Pochodne aktywa finansowe Zobowiązania finansowe wyceniane w wartości godziwej przez wynik finansowy 597,297,376 232,748,740 Pochodne zobowiązania finansowe 0 0 Xxxxx są główne ryzyka specyficzne dla Emitenta? Emitent jest podmiotem specjalnego przeznaczenia: Emitent jest podmiotem specjalnego przeznaczenia, którego jedynym przedmiotem działalności jest emisja Papierów Wartościowych ETP. Jedynymi środkami Emitenta na dokonywanie płatności z tytułu Serii Papierów Wartościowych ETP są kwoty otrzymane przez Emitenta z realizacji Aktywów Zabezpieczających (zdefiniowanych poniżej). Dla każdej Serii Emitent ustanowi zabezpieczenie na Aktywach Zabezpieczających w odniesieniu do tych Serii na rzecz, między innymi, Posiadaczy Papierów Wartościowych ETP tych Serii. W przypadku, gdy zabezpieczenie ustanowione przez Emitenta zostanie wyegzekwowane, a wpływy z takiej egzekucji po dokonaniu płatności na rzecz wszystkich uprzywilejowanych wierzycieli będą niewystarczające do pełnej zapłaty wszystkich kwot należnych takim Posiadaczom Papierów Wartościowych ETP, Emitent nie będzie ponosić odpowiedzialności, zobowiązanie lub dług z tytułu niedoboru płatności i żaden z Posiadaczy Papierów Wartościowych ETP ani Powiernik (ani żadna inna strona działająca w ich imieniu) nie może podejmować żadnych dalszych działań w celu odzyskania takich kwot.
Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. est le participant autorisé. Q uelle sont les informations financières clés concernant l’Émetteur ? Etat du résultat Global de Leverage Shares plc pour la période comptable 1-Juil-19 au 30-Juin-20 USD - Vérifié 1-Juil-18 au 30-Juin-19 USD - Vérifié Bénéfice net/(perte) 0 662 Etat de la situation financière de Leverage Shares plc pour la période comptable révolue 30-Juin-20 USD - Vérifié 30-Juin-19 USD- Vérifié Totalité des actifs 35,113,428 11,463,915 Totalité des passifs 35,086,063 11,436,550 Actifs financiers désignés à la juste valeur par le biais du compte du résultat 28,798,446 11,358,467 Actifs financiers dérivés 0 0 Passifs financiers désignés à la juste valeur par le biais du compte du résultat 19,180,104 5,668,141 Passifs financiers dérivés 0 0 Q uels sont les risques clés spécifiques à l’Émetteur ? L’Émetteur est une entité à finalité spécifique: L’Émetteur est une entité à finalité spécifique dont l’unique fonction est d’émettre des Titres ETP. Les seuls fonds de l’Émetteur visant à effectuer des paiements dans le respect d’une Série de Titres ETP sont les montants reçus par l’Émetteur pour la réalisation d’actifs (tels que xxxxxxx xx-dessous). Pour chaque Série, l’Émetteur créera un titre sur les Actifs dans le respect de cette Série et pour le bénéfice, entre autres, des détenteurs de titres de cet te Série. Au cas où un titre crée par l’Émetteur est exercé, et que les bénéfices de cette exécution sont, après le paiement des créanciers de premier rang, insuffisants pour payer les montants dû aux détenteurs de Titres ETP, l’Émetteur n’aura aucune responsabilité, obligation ou dette pour tout manquement de paiement, et aucun détenteur de Titres ETP ou fiduciaire (ou tout autre partie agissant en leur nom) ne pourra prendre de mesures pour recouvrer les sommes.
Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. and each Authorised Participant expressly named as an Authorised Offeror on the Issuer’s website ( Not applicable No. Whilst the designation is specified as "No" at the date of these Final Terms, should the Eurosystem eligibility criteria be amended in the future such that the Notes are capable of meeting them the Notes may then be deposited with one of the ICSDs as common safekeeper and registered in the name of a nominee of one of the ICSDs acting as common safekeeper. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the Notes will then be recognised as eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra day credit operations by the Eurosystem at any time during their life. Such recognition will depend upon the ECB being satisfied that Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met. ANNEX – ISSUE SPECIFIC SUMMARY A Introduction and Warnings This summary should be read as an introduction to the base prospectus of Leverage Shares plc (the “Base Prospectus” and “the Issuer”). Any decision to invest in the ETP Securities (as defined below) should be based on consideration of the Base Prospectus as a whole by the investor. AN INVESTOR MAY LOSE THE VALUE OF ITS ENTIRE INVESTMENT OR PART OF IT. Where a claim relating to the information contained in the Base Prospectus is brought before a court, the plaintiff investor might, under the national legislation of the Member States, have to bear the costs of translating the Base Prospectus before the legal proceedings are initiated. Civil liability attaches only to those persons who have tabled the summary including any translation thereof, but only if the summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with the other parts of the Base Prospectus or it does not provide, when read together with the other parts of the Base Prospectus, key information in order to aid investors when considering whether to invest in the ETP Securities. Issuer: Leverage Shares Plc, 2nd Floor, Block 0, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx 0, X00 X000, Ireland. Website: xxxxx:// Telephone: +000 0 0000000 LEI: 635400TLFJSNHVSOFH59 Competent Authority: Central Bank of Ireland, New Wapping Street, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland Website: xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xx Telephone: + 000 (0) 0 000 0000 Date of approval of the Base Prospectus: 18 December 2020 as supplemented on 4 March 2021 and 6 May 2021 Issue Specific Summary: Securities: Series: LS 1x Tesla Tracker ETP, ...
Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. is the authorised participant. What is the key financial information regarding the Issuer? Statement of Comprehensive income of Leverage Shares plc for the financial period 1-Jul-21 To 30-Jun-2022 USD - Audited 1-Jul-20 to 30-Jun-2021 USD - Audited Net profit/(loss) (11,299) (8,546) Statement of financial position of Leverage Shares plc for the financial period ended 30-Jun-2022 USD - Audited 30-Jun-2021 USD- Audited Total Assets 472,815,480 139,543,031 Total Liabilities 472,807,960 139,524,212 Financial Assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 376,888,565 123,270,695 Derivative financial assets Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 232,748,740 70,468,597 Derivative financial liabilities 0 0 What are the key risks that are specific to the Issuer? The Issuer is a special purpose vehicle: The Issuer is a special purpose vehicle with the sole business of issuing ETP Securities. The Issuer's only funds to make payments in respect of a Series of ETP Securities are the amounts received by the Issuer from the realisation of the Collateral Assets (as defined below). For each Series, the Issuer will create security over the Collateral Assets in respect of that Series for the benefit of, amongst others, the ETP Securityholders of that Series. In the event that the security created by the Issuer is enforced, and the proceeds of such enforcement are, after making payment to all senior ranking creditors, insufficient to pay all amounts due to such ETP Securityholders in full, the Issuer shall have no liability, obligation or debt for any shortfall in payment and none of the ETP Securityholders or the Trustee (or any other party acting on their behalf) may take any further action to recover such amounts. Claims of the Margin Loan Provider: Investors should be aware that the agreements entered into between the Issuer and the Margin Loan Providers (the “LS Margin Account Agreements”) do not contain limited recourse provisions with respect to the obligations of the Issuer. There is a risk therefore that, in respect of a claim against the Issuer by a Margin Loan Provider in relation to an LS Margin Account Agreement, if following realisation in full of the Secured Property (whether by way of liquidation or enforcement) in respect of a Series of ETP Securities and application of available cash in accordance with the applicable orders of priority and the Trust Deed, a claim remains outstanding against the Issuer, such claim m...
Paribas Arbitrage S. N.C. est le participant autorisé. Quelle sont les informations financières clés concernant l’Émetteur ? Etat du résultat Global de Leverage Shares plc pour la période comptable 1-Juil-22 au 30-Juin-2023 USD - Vérifié 1-Juil-21 au 30-Juin-2022 USD - Vérifié Bénéfice net/(perte) (25,459) (11,299) Etat de la situation financière de Leverage Shares plc pour la période comptable révolue 30-Juin-2023 USD - Vérifié 30-Juin-2022 USD- Vérifié Totalité des actifs 1,524,922,046 472,815,480 Totalité des passifs 1,524,939,985 472,807,960 Actifs financiers désignés à la juste valeur par le biais du compte du résultat 1,413,012,880 376,888,565 Actifs financiers dérivés Passifs financiers désignés à la juste valeur par le biais du compte du résultat 597,297,376 232,748,740 Passifs financiers dérivés 0 0 Quels sont les risques clés spécifiques à l’Émetteur ?
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Related to Paribas Arbitrage S

  • Step 4 - Arbitration If the grievance is not settled on the basis of the foregoing procedures, the Association may submit the issue in writing to final and binding arbitration within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer or designee’s response. Within ten (10) calendar days of the notification that the dispute is submitted for arbitration, the Association shall request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to supply a list of eleven (11) arbitrators from Washington and Oregon and the parties shall alternate in striking names from such list until the name of one (1) arbitrator remains who shall be the arbitrator. The party to strike the first name shall be determined by coin toss. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding, subject to limits of authority stated herein. The arbitrator shall have no authority or power to add to, delete from, disregard, or alter any of the provisions of this Agreement, but shall be authorized only to interpret the existing provisions of this Agreement as they may apply to the specific facts of the issue in dispute. The arbitrator shall base his or her decision solely on the contractual obligations expressed in this Agreement. If the arbitrator should find that the Employer was not prohibited by this Agreement from taking, or not taking, the action grieved, he or she shall have no authority to change or restrict the Employer’s action. The arbitrator shall not reverse the Employer’s exercise of discretion in any particular instance and substitute his or her own judgment or determination for that of the Employer. If a nurse feels the Employer’s determination is based upon bad faith, is arbitrary and capricious, is based on irrelevant information or favoritism, the nurse shall have recourse to the grievance procedure. Any dispute as to procedure shall be heard and decided by the arbitrator in a separate proceeding prior to any hearing on the merits. Any dismissal of a grievance by the arbitrator, whether on the merits or on procedural grounds, shall bar any further arbitration. Each party shall bear one half (½) of the fee of the arbitrator and any other expense jointly incurred by mutual agreement incident to the arbitration hearing. All other expenses, including any costs or attorneys’ fees, shall be borne by the party incurring them, and neither party shall be responsible for the expenses of witnesses called by the other party.

  • Step 3 - Arbitration If the grievance is not settled on the basis of the foregoing procedures, and if the grievant and the Union have complied with the specific time limitations specified in Steps 1 and 2 herein, the Union may submit the issue in writing to arbitration within fourteen (14) calendar days following the receipt of the written reply from the Director of Employee Relations and Employment or designee. After notification that the dispute is submitted for arbitration, the Employer and the Union shall attempt to agree on an arbitrator. If the Employer and the Union fail to agree on an arbitrator, the Union shall promptly request a list of seven (7) arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The parties shall thereupon alternate in striking a name from the panel until one (1) name remains. The person whose name remains shall be the arbitrator.

  • Level Four - Arbitration A. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at the Board level, it may within ten (10) days after the decision of the Board refer the matter for arbitration to the American Arbitration Association by filing a written demand for arbitration and request the appointment of an arbitrator to hear the grievance. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, he shall be selected in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

  • Level IV - Arbitration Should the grievance remain unresolved at Level III, the UFO may, within twenty (20) days following conclusion of Level III, provide written notice to the District to submit the matter to arbitration.

  • Step Four - Arbitration In the event that the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted at Step Three, arbitration may be requested. In order to proceed to arbitration, the Association representative must submit a request in writing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the decision in Step Three. Within ten (10) days of the receipt of the request for arbitration the parties shall immediately attempt to select a mutually acceptable arbitrator from a list of seven (7) names, with experience in public education, requested from the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Services. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within ten (10) days of receiving the list of arbitrators, the parties will alternately strike names until one name is left. The conduct of the arbitration shall be governed by the voluntary labor arbitration rules of the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. Both parties agree that, subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedures of the State of California, the arbitration award resulting from this procedure shall be final and binding on all parties.

  • Rules of Arbitration 1. Within 10 working days of receipt of the Federation's notice of its intent to arbitrate a grievance, the Federation shall call upon the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for a list of five potential arbitrators. The federation will provide the employer with a simultaneous copy of the arbitration panel request.

  • Step Five – Arbitration a. When CRONA has requested arbitration in accordance with this Section, CRONA and a representative designated by the Employer shall attempt to reach Agreement on an arbitrator by informal discussion. If agreement has not been reached within five (5) working days of the request for arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected from the following five (5) persons by the alternative striking of names, with the Employer striking first, until one remains, who shall be the arbitrator: Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. The first strike for arbitrators will be rotated between CRONA and the Employer.

  • Appointment of Arbitrators 1. Except to the extent that the competent authorities of the Contracting States mutually agree on different rules, paragraphs 2 through 4 shall apply for the purposes of Articles 24A to 24H.


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