MY RIGHTS Sample Clauses

MY RIGHTS. I understand this authorization is voluntary. Treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits may not be conditioned on signing this authorization except if the authorization is for: (1) conducting research-related treatment; (2) obtaining information in connection with eligibility or enrollment in a health; (3) for determining an entity’s obligation to pay a claim; or (4) creating health information to provide to a third party. Under no circumstances, however, am I required to authorize the release of mental health records.
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MY RIGHTS. To be fully informed of the program and its methods. • To refuse treatment and leave the program at any time. • To be accommodated in a safe, drug-free, healthy and supportive environment • To have access to appropriate medical and legal assistance, if necessary. • To be able to voice grievances and suggestions freely and openly. • To be free from violence and exploitation. • To have adequate nutrition. • To have assistance with other government agencies such as Courts, Centerlink • To expect details of my personal history and written records to be kept in strict confidence, except where the service is legally bound to surrender information. • To expect not to be personally identified in any publication, research or other public communication by the service without my express consent. • In the case of a dispute with a staff member which cannot be resolved with that staff member I have the right to take the issue to Xxxxx Xxx GYM, FITNESS CLASSES AND OUTING I have been explained and understand the GYM Guidelines below * Fitness classes are part of the program I must have Doctors certificate to be exempted. * Weight training program can only be 4 days per week. I must have at least 3 days off in the one week. * There is to be two people in the gym or weights area at all times when exercising. No exceptions. MY OBLIGATIONS • Declare all money to Centerlink. • All Centerlink mail must come through our PO Box 608 Macksville NSW 2447 • To give AAGANA the Authority to Liaise with Centerlink on all matters regarding my Centerlink Benefit and have all monies direct payment from Centerlink, deposited into AAGANA account while in the Program. • Deposit income into AAGANA account – income means: wages, social security payments, money loaned, and any one-off payments from any source. You will be allocated money and will live within a budget as set out by your case manager. • To abide by the rules and guidelines of which are not negotiable? • On the decision to leave AAGANA Inc all personal belongings are to be taken at the time of departure. • No responsibility will be taken by AAGANA for any belongings left behind. • Any property left will be tagged and placed in storage. After one month all items will be donated to a charity • If I wish for any person to pick up my belongings, they must produce signed authorisation, or my belongings will be held. • To abide by the financial commitments to board, lodging and other expenses incurred on my behalf. If I cannot pay Board,...
MY RIGHTS. I understand this authorization is voluntary. Treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits may not be conditioned on signing this authorization except if the authorization is for: (1) conducting research-related treatment; (2) obtaining information in connection with eligibility or enrollment in a health; (3) for determining an entity’s obligation to pay a claim; or (4) creating health information to provide to a third party. Under no circumstances, however, am I required to authorize the release of mental health records. I may revoke this authorization at any time, provided that I do so in writing and submit it to: XX. XXXXXX X EGGLESTON, D.C. The revocation will take effect when received by XX. XXXXXX X EGGLESTON, D.C., except to the extent that XX. XXXXXX X EGGLESTON, D.C. or other have already relied on it. I am entitled to received a copy of this Authorization EXPIRATION OF AUTHORIZATION Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization expires (insert applicable date or event). If not date is indicated, this authorization will expire 12 months after the date of signing this form.
MY RIGHTS. I understand this authorization is voluntary. Treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits may not be conditioned on signing this authorization except if the authorization is for: (1) conducting research-related treatment; (2) obtaining information in connection with eligibility or enrollment in a health; (3) for determining an entity’s obligation to pay a claim; or (4) creating health information to provide to a third party. Under no circumstances, however, am I required to authorize the release of mental health records. I may revoke this authorization at any time, provided that I do so in writing and submit it to: XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXX, D.C. The revocation will take effect when received by XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXX, D.C., except to the extent that XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXX, D.C. or other have already relied on it. I am entitled to received a copy of this Authorization EXPIRATION OF AUTHORIZATION Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization expires (insert applicable date or event). If not date is indicated, this authorization will expire 12 months after the date of signing this form. SIGNATURE X (Signature of Patient or Patient’s Legal Representative) Date AM PM Printed Name Time (Legal Relationship of Signatory if not Patient) Signature of Witness or Translator CLIENT INTAKE SHEET REF. BY: Driver Premises Liability: Slip/Fall NAME: DATE OF ACCIDENT: TIME: Address: Telephone: Home: ( ) Cell: ( ) Work: ( ) Email Address: S.S.#: Marital Status:

Related to MY RIGHTS

  • PARTY RIGHTS A person who is not a Party to this Deed of Guarantee will have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Xxx 0000 to enforce any term of this Deed of Guarantee. This Clause does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available otherwise than following that Act. GOVERNING LAW This Deed of Guarantee, and any non-Contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it, will be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law. The Guarantor irrevocably agrees for the benefit of the Buyer that the courts of England will have jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or proceedings and to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with this Deed of Guarantee and for such purposes hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such courts. Nothing contained in this Clause will limit the rights of the Buyer to take proceedings against the Guarantor in any other court of competent jurisdiction, nor will the taking of any such proceedings in one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not (unless precluded by applicable Law). The Guarantor irrevocably waives any objection which it may have now or in the future to the courts of England being nominated for this Clause on the ground of venue or otherwise and agrees not to claim that any such court is not a convenient or appropriate forum. [The Guarantor hereby irrevocably designates, appoints and empowers [the Supplier] [a suitable alternative to be agreed if the Supplier's registered office is not in England or Wales] either at its registered office or on fax number [insert fax no.] from time to time to act as its authorised agent to receive notices, demands, Service of process and any other legal summons in England and Wales for the purposes of any legal action or proceeding brought or to be brought by the Buyer in respect of this Deed of Guarantee. The Guarantor hereby irrevocably consents to the Service of notices and demands, Service of process or any other legal summons served in such way.] IN WITNESS whereof the Guarantor has caused this instrument to be executed and delivered as a Deed the day and year first before written. EXECUTED as a DEED by [Insert name of the Guarantor] acting by [Insert/print names] Director Director/Secretary Schedule 9 - Processing, Personal Data and Data Subjects Subject matter of the processing: [This should be a high level, short description of what the processing is about ie its subject matter] Duration of the processing: [Clearly set out the duration of the processing including dates] Nature and purposes of the processing: [Please be as specific as possible, but make sure that you cover all intended purposes. The nature of the processing means any operation such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of data (whether or not by automated means) etc The purpose might include eg: employment processing, statutory obligation, recruitment assessment etc] Type of Personal Data: [Examples here include: name, address, date of birth, NI number, telephone number, pay, images, biometric data etc] Categories of Data Subject: [Examples include: Staff (including volunteers, agents and temporary workers), customers/clients, suppliers, patients, students/pupils, members of the public, users of a particular website etc] Plan for return or destruction of the data once the processing is complete UNLESS requirement under union or member state law to preserve that type of data: [Describe how long the data will be retained for, how it will be returned or destroyed] Part C – Terms and conditions

  • Proprietary Rights and Licenses 7.1 Subject to the limited rights expressly granted under this Agreement, we and our licensors reserve all of right, title and interest in and to the Sage Services and Content, including all related intellectual property rights. No rights are granted to you other than as expressly set out in this Agreement.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - DATA RIGHTS A. Data produced under this Annex which is subject to paragraph C. of the Intellectual Property Rights - Data Rights Article of the Umbrella Agreement will be protected for the period of one year.

  • Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights Seller (or its supplier) shall indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless against an award of damages and costs against Purchaser by a final judgment of a court of last resort in the country in which the Equipment is originally installed by Seller resulting from actual or alleged patent infringement relating in any way to use or sale of the Equipment, or any component thereof furnished hereunder, provided that Purchaser (i) gives Seller immediate notice in writing of any suit or claim for infringement against Purchaser, (ii) permits Seller (or its supplier) to control the defense of any suit or claim, and (iii) gives Seller (or its supplier) all available information, assistance, and authority to enable Seller (or its supplier) to assume such defense. Seller (or its supplier) shall diligently defend and prosecute all such patent infringement litigation and shall keep Purchaser fully informed of all developments in the defense or adjustments of any such claim or action. If a final injunction or judgment in any patent infringement action is rendered restraining Purchaser’s use of the Equipment, or of any component thereof, Seller shall, at its option and expense, either (i) procure for Purchaser the right to use the Equipment, or (ii) replace or modify the infringing component so that it no longer infringes, or (iii) repurchase the Equipment upon its return to Seller, less reasonable depreciation of 2% per month from date of installation, for use, damage, or obsolescence. Seller shall have no liability whatsoever to Purchaser if any such patent infringement or claim thereof is based upon or arises from (i) the use of any Equipment in combination with an apparatus or device not manufactured or supplied by Seller and such combination cause the infringement, (ii) the use of any Equipment in a manner for which it was neither designed nor contemplated, or (iii) any modification of any Equipment by Purchaser, or by Seller at Purchaser’s request, or by any third party, which causes the Equipment to become infringing.

  • Privacy Rights The Employer shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations with respect to the privacy rights of its employees.

  • Third Party Rights A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Xxx 0000 to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement.

  • Intellectual Property Rights Infringement HP will defend and/or settle any claims against Customer that allege that an HP-branded product or service as supplied under this Agreement infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party. HP will rely on Customer’s prompt notification of the claim and cooperation with our defense. HP may modify the product or service so as to be non-infringing and materially equivalent, or we may procure a license. If these options are not available, we will refund to Customer the amount paid for the affected product in the first year or the depreciated value thereafter or, for support services, the balance of any pre-paid amount or, for professional services, the amount paid. HP is not responsible for claims resulting from any unauthorized use of the products or services. This section shall also apply to deliverables identified as such in the relevant Support Material except that HP is not responsible for claims resulting from deliverables content or design provided by Customer.

  • Property Rights The Employee agrees that all literary work, copyrightable material or other proprietary information or materials developed by the Employee during the term of this Agreement and relating to, or capable of being used or adopted for use in, the business of the Company shall inure to and be the property of the Company and must be promptly disclosed to the Company. Both during employment by the Company and thereafter, the Employee shall, at the expense of the Company, execute such documents and do such things as the Company reasonably may request to enable the Company or their nominee (i) to apply for copyright or equivalent protection in the United States, Canada and elsewhere for any literary work hereinabove referred in this Paragraph, or (ii) to be vested with any such copyright protection in the United States, Canada and elsewhere.

  • NO GRANT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IHiS reserves all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information and no rights or obligations other than those expressly stipulated in this NDA are granted or to be implied from this NDA. In particular, no license is hereby granted directly or indirectly under any patent, invention, discovery, copyright or other industrial property right now or in the future held, made, obtained or licensable by IHiS.

  • Intellectual Property Rights The Company and each of its Subsidiaries owns or possesses or has valid rights to use all patents, patent applications, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trademark registrations, service mark registrations, copyrights, licenses, inventions, trade secrets and similar rights (“Intellectual Property Rights”) necessary for the conduct of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries as currently carried on and as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus. To the knowledge of the Company, no action or use by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries necessary for the conduct of its business as currently carried on and as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus will involve or give rise to any infringement of, or license or similar fees for, any Intellectual Property Rights of others. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has received any written notice alleging any such infringement, fee or conflict with asserted Intellectual Property Rights of others. Except as would not reasonably be expected to result, individually or in the aggregate, in a Material Adverse Change (A) to the knowledge of the Company, there is no infringement, misappropriation or violation by third parties of any of the Intellectual Property Rights owned by the Company; (B) there is no pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others challenging the rights of the Company in or to any such Intellectual Property Rights, and the Company is unaware of any facts which would form a reasonable basis for any such claim, that would, individually or in the aggregate, together with any other claims in this Section 2.32, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Change; (C) the Intellectual Property Rights owned by the Company and, to the knowledge of the Company, the Intellectual Property Rights licensed to the Company have not been adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, and there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others challenging the validity or scope of any such Intellectual Property Rights, and the Company is unaware of any facts which would form a reasonable basis for any such claim that would, individually or in the aggregate, together with any other claims in this Section 2.32, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Change; (D) there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others that the Company infringes, misappropriates or otherwise violates any Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights of others, the Company has not received any written notice of such claim and the Company is unaware of any other facts which would form a reasonable basis for any such claim that would, individually or in the aggregate, together with any other claims in this Section 2.32, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Change; and (E) to the Company’s knowledge, no employee of the Company is in or has ever been in violation in any material respect of any term of any employment contract, patent disclosure agreement, invention assignment agreement, non-competition agreement, non-solicitation agreement, nondisclosure agreement or any restrictive covenant to or with a former employer where the basis of such violation relates to such employee’s employment with the Company, or actions undertaken by the employee while employed with the Company and could reasonably be expected to result, individually or in the aggregate, in a Material Adverse Change. To the Company’s knowledge, all material technical information developed by and belonging to the Company which has not been patented has been kept confidential. The Company is not a party to or bound by any options, licenses or agreements with respect to the Intellectual Property Rights of any other person or entity that are required to be set forth in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus and are not described therein. The Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus contain in all material respects the same description of the matters set forth in the preceding sentence. None of the technology employed by the Company has been obtained or is being used by the Company in violation of any contractual obligation binding on the Company or, to the Company’s knowledge, any of its officers, directors or employees, or otherwise in violation of the rights of any persons.

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