Medical Necessity We Cover benefits described in this Contract as long as the dental service, procedure, treatment, test, device, or supply (collectively, “service”) is Medically Necessary e.g. orthodontia. The fact that a Provider has furnished, prescribed, ordered, recommended, or approved the service does not make it Medically Necessary or mean that We have to Cover it. We may base Our decision on a review of: • Your dental records; • Our dental policies and clinical guidelines; • Dental opinions of a professional society, peer review committee or other groups of Physicians; • Reports in peer-reviewed dental literature; • Reports and guidelines published by nationally-recognized health care organizations that include supporting scientific data; • Professional standards of safety and effectiveness, which are generally-recognized in the United States for diagnosis, care, or treatment; • The opinion of health care professionals in the generally-recognized health specialty involved; • The opinion of the attending Providers, which have credence but do not overrule contrary opinions. Services will be deemed Medically Necessary only if: • They are clinically appropriate in terms of type, frequency, extent, site, and duration, and considered effective for Your illness, injury, or disease; • They are required for the direct care and treatment or management of that condition; • Your condition would be adversely affected if the services were not provided; • They are provided in accordance with generally-accepted standards of dental practice; • They are not primarily for the convenience of You, Your family, or Your Provider; • They are not more costly than an alternative service or sequence of services, that is at least as likely to produce equivalent therapeutic or diagnostic results; • When setting or place of service is part of the review, services that can be safely provided to You in a lower cost setting will not be Medically Necessary if they are performed in a higher cost setting. See the Utilization Review and External Appeal sections of this Contract for Your right to an internal Appeal and external appeal of Our determination that a service is not Medically Necessary.
Medical Services We do not Cover medical services or dental services that are medical in nature, including any Hospital charges or prescription drug charges.
Medical Plan Eligible employees and dependants shall be covered by the British Columbia Medical Services Plan or carrier approved by the British Columbia Medical Services Commission. The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium. An eligible employee who wishes to have coverage for other than dependants may do so provided the Medical Plan is agreeable and the extra premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. Membership shall be a condition of employment for eligible employees who shall be enrolled for coverage following the completion of three (3) months’ employment or upon the initial date of employment for those employees with portable service as outlined in Article 14.12.
Medical Services Plan Regular Full-Time and Temporary Full-Time Employees shall be entitled to be covered under the Medical Services Plan commencing the first day of the calendar month following the date of employment. The City shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums required by the plan.
Medical Care The Parents must comply with the School Medical Officer's recommendations which may include a reasonable decision to release the Pupil home or to her education guardian when she is unwell.
Medical There shall be an open enrollment period for medical coverage in each year of this Agreement. An employee may elect no medical coverage during any open enrollment period. An employee who has elected no medical coverage may elect medical coverage during an open enrollment period. No pre-existing condition limitations will apply.
Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) System 1. request access to CMBHS via the CMBHS Helpline at (000) 000-0000. 2. use the CMBHS time frames specified by System Agency. 3. use System Agency-specified functionality of the CMBHS in its entirety. 4. submit all bills and reports to System Agency through the CMBHS, unless otherwise instructed.
HEALTH PROGRAM 3701 Health examinations required by the Employer shall be provided by the Employer and shall be at the expense of the Employer. 3702 Time off without loss of regular pay shall be allowed at a time determined by the Employer for such medical examinations and laboratory tests, provided that these are performed on the Employer’s premises, or at a facility designated by the Employer. 3703 With the approval of the Employer, a nurse may choose to be examined by a physician of her/his own choice, at her/his own expense, as long as the Employer receives a statement as to the fitness of the nurse from the physician. 3704 Time off for medical and dental examinations and/or treatments may be granted and such time off, including necessary travel time, shall be chargeable against accumulated income protection benefits.
Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.
Medication 1. Xxxxxxx’s physician shall prescribe and monitor adequate dosage levels for each Client. 2. Xxxxxxx’s physician shall not impose and/or limit dosage capitations for any prescribed medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder.