LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. ARMENIE / ARMENIA Xx X. BADALYAN, Counsellor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Director of the European Interregional Centre for Training of Rescuers, 00, Xxxxx Xxx., 0009 YEREVAN Tel./Fax +374 / + Fax. + /93 e-mail : AZERBAIJAN/ AZERBAIDJAN Xx. Xxxxx XXXXXXXXXX, Major General, Head of the Senior Department of Elimination of Consequences of Emergency Situations, Ministry of emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Tbilisi Xxxxxx, 00, XXXX XXXX Tel. +00000.000.00.00 / 000.00.00 Fax. +00000.000.00.00 / 000.00.00 E-mail :; BELGIQUE /BELGIUM Madame Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX, Directeur Planification d’Urgence, Centre Gouvernemental de Coordination et xx Xxxxx, Service Public Fédéral Intérieur, Xxx Xxxxxx, 00, B-1000 BRUXELLES Tel.: + 00 0 000.00.00 / 000 00 00 Fax: +00 0 000.00.00 E-mail: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx Madame Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX, Attaché, Centre Gouvernemental de Coordination et xx Xxxxx, Service Public Fédéral Intérieur, Xxx Xxxxxx, 00, X-0000 XXXXXXXXX Tel. + Fax. + e-mail: xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xxxx.xx BULGARIE/BULGARIA Xx. Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXX, Head of Department, Permanent Correspondent, Ministry of State Policy of Disasters and Accidents, 00 X. Xxxxxxxxx Str., SOFIA Tel. + Fax. +000.0.0000 115 e-mail: xxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx CHYPRE / CYPRUS Xx. Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXX, Senior Civil Defence Officer, Cyprus Civil Defence, 00 X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, 8021 PAPHOS Tel. +357.26818470 /+357.99699330 Fax. +357.26946374 E-mail: CROATIE / CROATIA Mr Xxxxx XXXXXXX, Head of the Director’s Office, National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Xxxxxxxx 0, 00000 XXXXXX Tel. +000.0.0000.000 Fax. +000.0.0000.000 e-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx; xxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx Xx. Xxxxxx XXXXX, International Relations Desk Officer, National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Xxxxxxxx 0, 00000 XXXXXX Tel. +000.0.0000000 Fax. +000.0.0000.000 e-mail : xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxx.xx ESPAGNE / SPAIN Mrs. Xxx XXXXXXXXX XXXX, Head, Division for Training and Institutional Relations, Direccion General de Proteccion Civil y Emergencias c/ Xxxxxxxxxxx 21,E - 28002 MADRID Urgences, Ministère de l’Intérieur, c/ Xxxxxxxxxxx, 21, E – 28002 MADRID Tel. + / + Fax. + e-mail : FRANCE Mademoiselle Xxxxxx XXXXXXX, Chargée de mission risques telluriques, Ministère...
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LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. CHYPRE / CYPRUS Xx. Xxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx KATSOURAS, Directeur de la Protection Civile, Gouvernement de Chypre, Office de la Protection Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx, 00 Enomenon Xxxxxx , 0000 Larnaca, CHYPRE Tel. + Fax. + E-mail: GEORGIE/GEORGIA Xx. Xxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX, Deputy Director, Head of United National Survey for Seismic Protection, Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences of Georgia 0, X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxx., Xxxxxxx 0000, XXXXXXX Tel: +995 Fax: +995; E-mail: x.xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxxx.xx “L’EX-REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACEDOINE” / “THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA” Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX, Permanent Correspondent of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, University "St. Xxxxx and Methodius", Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xx. 00, XXX 000, 00000 XXXXXX Tel. 00.00.000 Fax. e-mail : Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx XXXXXXXXXXX, Director , European Center on Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems (ECILS-Skopje), Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xx. 00, XXX 000, 0000 XXXXXX Tel. 00.00.000 Fax. e-mail : Assist. Professor Goran TRENDAFILOSKI, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, University "St. Xxxxx and Methodius", Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xx. 00, XXX 000, 0000 XXXXXX Tel. 00.00.000 Fax. e-mail : Ms. Tatjana OLUMCEVA, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, University "St. Xxxxx and Methodius", Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xx. 00, XXX 000, 0000 XXXXXX Tel. 00.00.000 Fax. e-mail : Xx. Xxxxxx TODORCEVSKI, Higher Inspector, Department for Fire Protection, Explosions and Dangerous Materials, Ministry of the Interior, Xxxxx Xxxxxx bb, 1000 SKOPJE Tel. Fax. e-mail : Mr. Blagoj TASHEVSKI, Head of Department, Ministry of Defense, Sector for Civil Protection Xxxx Xxxxxxx bb, 1000 SKOPJE Tel. Fax. e-mail : Xx. Xxxxx XXXXXXXX, Adviser, Ministry of Defense, Sector for Civil Protection, Xxxx Xxxxxxx bb, 1000 SKOPJE Tel. Fax. ROUMANIE / ROMANIA Xx. Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX, Expert, Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism, Romanian Gover...
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Euroclear will provide to the Issuer, upon its request, a list of all Euroclear participants holding positions in its 3(c)(7) securities so that the Issuer can periodically (and at least once per year) send a notice to all such participants outlining the restrictions applicable to 3(c)(7) securities in the form attached hereto as Appendix A-3.
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. As part of the community building for the ODIP project an extensive mailing list of experts representing the consortium partners and their associated projects and initiatives is being maintained. This list was used in conjunction with the ODIP website to invite participants for the second ODIP workshop. A draft agenda for the workshop was circulated and updated in consultation with partners. As a result 54 attendees from 11 countries took part in the 2nd ODIP Workshop (7 of them participated remotely by WebEx). They were: Xxxxxx XXXX LDEO, United States Irina BASTRAKOVA Geoscience Australia, Australia Xxxx XXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxxx XXXXX RIHMI-WDC, Russian Federation Xxxxxx XXXX NERC-BODC, UK Xxxxxxx XXXXXX IFREMER, France Xxxxx XXXXXXXX WHOI, USA Xxxxxxx XXXX RPI/TWC, USA Xxx XXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxx XXX CSIRO, Australia Karien de CAUWER RBINS-XXXX, Belgium Xxxxx XXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxx XXXXXXXX OGS, Italy Xxxx XXXXXXX FSU COAPS, USA Xxx XXXXXXXX UNIDATA, USA Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Linyun FU RPI/TWC, USA Xxxx XXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxx XXXXXX NERC-BGS, UK Xxxx XXXXXXXX Marine Explore, USA Sissy IONA HCMR, Greece Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX IFREMER, France Xxx XXXXX BODC, UK Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX HCMR, Greece Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXX UTAS, Australia Xxxxx XXXXXX UCSD, USA Xxxxxxx XXXXXX CNR-IAA, Italy Mohamed OUBERDOUS ULG, Belgium Xxxxx PARTESCANO OGS, Italy Xxx XXXXXXXX IEEE, USA Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX IEEE, USA Xxxx XXXXXX Geoscience Australia, Australia Gael QUEMENER IFREMER, France Xxxx XXXXXX XXXXX, Netherlands Xxxxx XXXXX XXXX, Belgium Xxxx XXXXXXXX WHOI, USA Xxxx-Xxxx XXXXXXX IFREMER, France Xxxxx XXXXX FSU COAPS, USA Xxxxxxx XXXXXXX NOAA/US IOOS, USA Xxxxx XXXXXXXX CSIC, Spain Xxxxx STOCKS SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxx XXXXXXX SIO-UCSD, USA Xxxxxx XXXXXX DFO-BIO, Canada Xxx XXX XXX TNO, Netherlands Sytze VAN HETEREN TNO, Netherlands Matteo VINCI OGS, Italy Xxxxxx WYBORN Geoscience Australia, Australia The participants in the 2nd ODIP workshop represented a good cross-section of the relevant EU, USA and Australian regional infrastructure projects and initiatives that are stakeholders in the ODIP project. There was also representation from the international IOC-IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) project.
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Amplifon shall provide to the Payers, with the frequency specified by the Payers, a listing of fully credentialed Participants, including Providers qualified to provide Covered Services to Members, for Payer’s use in their directories.
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Xx. Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX, Commissioner, Cyprus Civil Defence, Ministry of the Interior – Civil Defence Headquarters, 00, Xxxxxxxxxx Xx., Xxxxxxxxx, XX Xxx 00000, X.X. 0000 XXXXXXX/ XXXXXX Tel. + Fax. + E-mail: Xx. Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXX, Senior Civil Defence Officer, Ministry of the Interior – Civil Defence Headquarters, 63, Pericleous St., Strovolos X.X. Xxx 00000, X.X. 0000 XXXXXXX / XXXXXX Tel. + Fax. + E-mail: Xx. Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXX, Senior Civil Defence Officer, Cyprus Civil Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Paphos Xxxxx Xxxxxxx XX, 00 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 8021 PAPHOS Tel. + /+ Fax. + E-mail: Xx Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX, Senior Civil Defence Officer, Cyprus Civil Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Paphos Civil Defence HQ, 00 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 8021 PAPHOS Tel: + Fax: + E-mail: Xx. Xxxxx X. XXXXX, Director, European Centre for Risk Prevention, 4, Blvd. Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx 000, Xxxx-xxx 000, 0000 XXXXX / XXXXXXXX
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. PARTICIPANTS Grant Preparation (Beneficiaries screen) — Enter the info. Number Role Short name Legal name Country PIC 1 COO APRE AGENZIA PER LA PROMOZIONE DELLA RICERCA EUROPEA IT 999514191 2 BEN FBCD FBCD AS DK 984236206 3 BEN DFBG CONSORZIO XXXXXXXXX PER LA VALORIZZAZIONE DEL PESCATO CO.S.VA.P DISTRETTO XXXXX XXXXX E CRESCITA BLU IT 911557404 4 XXX XXXX GLOBAZ, S.A. PT 983211983 5 BEN UIA UNIVERSITETET I AGDER NO 998822969 6 BEN RISE RISE RESEARCH INSTITUTES OF SWEDEN AB SE 999613422 7 BEN EMU EESTI MAAULIKOOL EE 999857280 8 XXX XXXXX XXXXX - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOOKONOMI NO 999754848 9 BEN UNIPA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI XX XXXXXXX IT 999734284 LIST OF WORK PACKAGES Work packages Grant Preparation (Work Packages screen) — Enter the info. Work Package No Work Package name Lead Beneficiary Effort (Person- Months) Start Month End Month Deliverables WP1 Project Management 1 - APRE 28.00 1 36 D1.1 – Project Management Plan D1.2 – DMP D1.3 – DMP update WP2 Stakeholders engagement 1 - APRE 51.00 1 36 D2.1 – Stakeholders' board structure, communication tools and rules D2.2 – Report on numbers of stakeholders engaged within the project WP3 Social innovation, business models and governance structure - analysis of framework situation 8 - NIBIO 58.50 1 36 D3.1 – Framework for mapping D3.2 – Dataset D3.3 – KPIs and tools for selecting good practice methods D3.4 – Report on the governance models in the pilot regions D3.5 – LCA report on the pilot regions D3.6 – Business models analysis WP4 Social Innovation, business models and governance structure - new solutions 5 - UIA 40.50 16 27 D4.1 – New models for social innovations to enable stakeholders to switch to socially and environmentally responsible behaviour D4.2 – New business models D4.3 – New governance models D4.4 – A best practice guideline including the best practices coming from the 3 pilot regions WP5 Pilot regions Demonstration 2 - FBCD 43.00 22 36 D5.1 – Training programme and materials D5.2 – Multimedia contents and Work packages Grant Preparation (Work Packages screen) — Enter the info. Work Package No Work Package name Lead Beneficiary Effort (Person- Months) Start Month End Month Deliverables demonstrative videos for best practices demonstrated D5.3 – Lessons recordings and related materials D5.4 – Guidelines for small business on how to communicate - 24 EU languages WP6 Dissemination & Communication, exploitation and replication 4 - LOBA 56.00 1 36 D6.1 – Plan for dissemination and exploitation includin...
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LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. MOROCCO (Chair of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement) Madame Xxxxx XXXXXX, Directeur de la Surveillance et de la Gestion des Risques, Secrétariat d’Etat chargé de l’Evironnement, Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Eau et de l’Environnement 00, xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx, XXXXX Tél. + /34/35 Fax. + / 77.27.56 e-mail :; ROMANIA (Vice-Chair of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement) Xx. Xxxxx XXXX, Personal Adviser, Cabinet du Ministre Délégué pour les Transports Publics et l’Aménagement du Térritoire, Ministère du Transport, Construction et Tourisme, Dinicu Golescu Bd. N° 38, BUCHAREST Tel. + Fax. + e-mail: xxxxxx@xx.xx PORTUGAL (Vice-Chair of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement) Madame Xxxxxxxx XXXXXX, Service National des Feux et de la Protection Civile, SNBPC, Bureau des Relations Publiques et Internationales, Av. Do Xxxxx xx Carnaxide, 0000-000 CARNAXIDE Tel:+000.00.0000000 Fax. +000.00.0000000 Email: xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx SPAIN (Previous Chair of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement) Madame Xxxxx ABENZA XXXX, Directrice Générale de la Protection Civile, Direccion General de Proteccion Civile, c/ Xxxxxxxxxxx 21, 28O02 MADRID, Tel 34 9 l 000 00 00 / 01 Standard 000 00 00 Fax. E-mail :; PROGRAMME SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE EUR-OPA MAJOR HAZARDS AGREEMENT Monsieur Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX , Président de la Sous-Commission Programme, Résidence Saint Genes, 0, xxx Xxxxx, F – 33000 BORDEAUX Tel + Fax. + e-mail : COUNCIL OF EUROPE DIRECTORATE GENERAL IV – EDUCATION, CULTURE AND HERITAGE, YOUTH AND SPORT Xxx Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX-DRAGONI, Director General Xx. Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXX-GALIANO, Executive Secretary, EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Tel. + Fax. + e-mail : xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx@ Xx. Xxxxxxxx XXX, Secretary to the Committee of Permanent Correspondents, EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Invited speakers: Etxebarria Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx xxxx.xxxxxxx@x-xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx-Xxxxx Séchet Véronique Xxxxxxxxx.Xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx Xxx-Xxxxxx Xxxx xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx Puillat Xxxxxx Xxxxxx.Xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx.Xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx PiE members: Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx Xxxx Xxxx xxxx.xxxx@xxx.xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Valenciano Irune SCHeMA PIs: Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxxx.Tercier@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx.Xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Confaloneri Xxxxx xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx Klimant Xxxx xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxx Xxxx xxxx.xxxxxxx@x-xxxxxxxx.xx X’Xxxxxx Xxxxx Magi Emanuele xxxxxxxx.xxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxx-xxx.xx Xxxx Xxxxx xxxxx.xxxx@xxxxxx.xx SCHeMA Partners’ and XxX PhDs and PostDoc fellows: Xxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx.xxxxx@x-xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxx.xx Briaudeau Xxxxxxx Coll Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx.XxxxXxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx.Xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx Xxxx xx Xxxxx Xxx-Xxxx Teba Xxx-Xxxxxxx Endika Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx-xxx.xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxx.xx Mirasole Cristiana xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx.Xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxx Abra xxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxxxx Ane xxx.xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx@x-xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx Master students (Erasmus Mundus MER Master, CTA Master, SCHeMA partners): Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Bir Xxxxxxx Dapueto Xxxxxx xxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.x-xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Gain Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx.xxxx@xxxxxxx.xx Xxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx.xxxxxxx-xxxxxx@xxx.x-xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx....
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. B.1.1. List of Participants (full beneficiaries) Beneficiary Number Beneficiary short name Private Sector (Y/N) SME (Y/N) Country Month enter project Month exit project 1 (Coordinator) MPG N N DE Month 1 Month 48 2 ASTRAZENECA AB Y N SE Month 1 Month 48 3 CU (Cardiff) N N UK Month 1 Month 48 4 EPFL N N CH Month 1 Month 48 5 CNRS [Fresnel]1 N N FR Month 1 Month 48 6 Chalmers N N SE Month 1 Month 48 B.1.2. List of Associated Partners (including role and status) N° Associated Partner name Short name Country Organisation type SME (Y/N) Role in the project 1 Accelopment AG Accel CH Private Y TR 2 APE GmbH APE DE Private Y SEC 3 Hertz Training for Scientists Xxxxx XX Private Y TR 4 Institut de Ciències Fotòniques ICFO ES Public N SEC 5 Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH Leica DE Private N TR/SEC 6 Xxxx University Xxxx XX Public N SEC 7 Nanonics Ltd. Nanonics IL Private Y SEC 8 Polish Academy of Sciences PolAcSci PL Public N TR/SEC 1 Institute Fresnel which carries out parts of the work belongs to a Joint Research Unit UMR 7249 supported by CNRS and AMU. CNRS acts as host institution on behalf of Institute Fresnel.
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