Management activities. The United States has the right to enter the Easement Area to undertake, on a cost-share basis with the Landowner or other entity as determined by the United States, any activities to restore, protect, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland and other natural values of the Easement Area. The United States may apply to or impound additional waters, in accordance with State water law, on the Easement Area in order to maintain or improve wetland and other natural values.
Management activities. Orian Solutions Ltd will pay all salaries and standard employment costs for each individual crossing patrol and recruit any replacements as directed. We will continue to liaise with associated schools to ensure effective communication and information to parents. We will also work closely with schools to make the crossing patrol service sufficiently flexible to accommodate any changes to departure or arrival times for breakfast clubs, after school clubs and special events. However, site reviews, public consultation exercises and traffic surveys will remain the responsibility of the Local Committee and as such, Orian Solutions Ltd will not be involved. Similarly, Orian Solutions Ltd will not be responsible for enforcement of any local parking restrictions or alterations that may be required to the highway, including road markings, hazard warning lights or flashing beacons.
Management activities. Reimbursement of costs for management activities of the project: the maximum share of the Union contribution which may be charged to the project is 10%.
Management activities. The Unites States shall have the right to enter unto the easement area to undertake, at its own expense or on a cost-share basis with the Landowner or other entity, any activities (including removal of levees or other hydrologic alteration) to restore, protect, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the floodplain and other natural values of the easement area. The United States, at its own cost, may apply to or impound additional waters on the easement area in order to maintain or improve wetland and other natural values.
Management activities. Status of ESR/ER recruitments at each participant, and relevant issues related to the recruitment strategy/process and gender balance, with justification for any deviation from the original plan. • Effectiveness of networking, communication and decision-making between stakeholders. • Effectiveness of the "training events and conferences": external participation and integration in the training programme. • Effectiveness of the financial management and compliance with Xxxxx Xxxxx salary rates. • IPR management and commercial exploitation of research results.
Management activities. The easement granted in subsection (b) (as well as those set forth in (c) and (d)) run to the benefit of the Holder but may also be exercised by any Beneficiary in furtherance of its scientific, educational and resource management programs.
Management activities. The Parties have developed this Agreement to identify activities the District can implement to promote the conservation and recovery of the Covered Species and Xxxxx’x piperia. The District has implemented several components of habitat restoration and enhancement on the Enrolled Property, such as: installing fencing around several ponds to control the access of cattle and prevent cattle from disturbing sensitive habitat; removing non-native vegetation and replanting with native vegetation within the fenced area; and supporting and maintaining the coastal prairie terrace grasslands. For the purposes of this Agreement, a visitor is any person present within the Enrolled Property for recreational or other purposes not directly affiliated with District activities. For the purposes of this Agreement, a guest is any person present within the Enrolled Property associated with the District or District activities. These management activities would be beneficial to Covered Species because they would maintain, enhance, and/or restore habitat for Covered Species, and implement other activities that would be beneficial to the conservation and recovery of the Covered Species. Existing habitat for Covered Species will be maintained and enhanced. Additional habitat for Covered Species could be created and restored as resources and funding are available for the District. The completion of habitat restoration activities would result in the enhancement and restoration of habitat for the Covered Species. Implementation of activities to enhance and restore ponds and their associated aquatic, wetland, and adjacent upland habitats would be beneficial to California red-legged frogs and California tiger salamanders, and the creation of additional breeding ponds would be highly beneficial to the populations of these listed species at the Park. Controlling non-native vegetation within the coastal terrace prairie grasslands and supporting an increase in number and distribution of native grasses and shrubs (e.g., seacliff buckwheat and coast buckwheat) would be beneficial to the Xxxxx'x blue butterfly. Maintaining, supporting, and increasing numbers and distribution of Xxxxx’x piperia and its habitat at the Park would be beneficial to Xxxxx’x piperia. Restoration at certain areas of the Enrolled Property will be limited because habitat conditions are already favorable. The District agrees to carry out the following management activities at the Enrolled Property. The District will ma...
Management activities. Use of the Easement Area by or under the auspices of the Holder for stocking fish, improving stream habitat, stabilizing stream banks and other educational, scientific and resource management activities in furtherance of Easement Objectives.
Management activities. Grantee shall have the right to enter the contract area to undertake, at its own expense or on a cost-share basis with Grantor or other entity, any activities to restore, protect, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland, upland, highly erodible land, wildlife, and other natural values of the contract area. Grantee, at its own cost, may apply or impound additional waters on the contract area to maintain or improve wetland, upland, wildlife habitat, and other natural values.
Management activities. Management activities pursuant to the MSHCP are set forth in Section 8 of the MSHCP. As set forth in Sections 6.1.3 and 8.2.2 of the MSHCP, such activities will be overseen by the RMOC and implemented by the RMUCs, in coordination with the Land Manager and Monitoring Program Administrator.