SUBCONTRACTOR-DIRECTED WORK means work under a subcontract for which the Subcontractor is accountable for the outcome of the work performed and routinely provides work direction to the Subcontractor's work force.
SUBCONTRACTOR-DIRECTED WORK means work under a subcontract for which the Subcontractor is accountable for the outcome of the work performed and routinely provides work direction to the Subcontractor's work force. DISCLOSING USE OF FREE, LIBRE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (FLOSS)This clause applies to subcontracts that include the delivery of software (including software residing on hardware). Subcontractor shall disclose in writing, and obtain NTESS written consent, before using any FLOSS licenses or delivering any FLOSS in connection with this subcontract. Send written disclosures to the SP listed on this first page of this subcontract. NTESS may withhold written consent for use or delivery of FLOSS at its sole discretion. DISPUTES Subcontractor and NTESS agree to use the NTESS Acquisition Conflict Resolution Process at under “Policies” for resolving any and all disputes arising from this subcontract. ETHICAL CONDUCTThe Subcontractor, including any officers, employees or lower-tier subcontractor while engaged in work related to the subcontract shall:(a) Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and the terms of the subcontract(b) Conduct themselves with the highest degree of ethics, integrity and honesty(c) Treat others with respect and dignity, and create an environment free from discrimination, harassment, threats, violence, bullying, intimidating conduct or other similar behavior(d) Promptly report violations to the NTESS Ethics organization and the NTESS Procurement Policy and Compliance department manager. EXCESS FREIGHT CHARGES When NTESS pays any amounts for freight charges in connection with this subcontract, Subcontractor is responsible for and shall pay to NTESS the amount of any excess freight charges if the routing specified in writing by the SP is not used. If the specified routing cannot be used, Subcontractor shall promptly notify the SP before shipment, and obtain new routing directions from the SP. EXCUSABLE DELAYS(a) Except for defaults of subcontractors at any tier, the Subcontractor shall not be in default because of any failure to perform this subcontract under its terms if the failure arises from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Subcontractor. Examples of these causes are (1) acts of God or of the public enemy, (2) acts of NTESS, (3) acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, (4) fires, (5) floods, (6) epidemic...
SUBCONTRACTOR-DIRECTED WORK means work under a subcontract for which the Subcontractor is accountable for the outcome of the work performed and routinely provides work direction to the subcontractor's work force. DISCLOSING USE OF FREE, LIBRE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (FLOSS)This clause applies to subcontracts that include the delivery of software (including software residing on hardware). Subcontractor shall disclose in writing, and obtain NTESS written consent, before using any FLOSS licenses or delivering any FLOSS in connection with this subcontract. Send written disclosures to the SP listed on this first page of this subcontract. NTESS may withhold written consent for use or delivery of FLOSS at its sole discretion. FLOSS refers to software that incorporates, embeds, uses, bundles, or otherwise associates with any of the following:


SUBCONTRACTOR-DIRECTED WORK means work under a subcontract for which the Subcontractor is accountable for the outcome of the work performed and routinely provides work direction to the Subcontractor's work force. DISCLOSING USE OF FREE, LIBRE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (FLOSS)This clause applies to subcontracts that include the delivery of software (including software residing on hardware). Subcontractor shall disclose in writing, and obtain NTESS written consent, before using any FLOSS licenses or delivering any FLOSS in connection with this subcontract. Send written disclosures to the SP listed on this first page of this subcontract. NTESS may withhold written consent for use or delivery of FLOSS at its sole discretion. FLOSS refers to software that incorporates, embeds, uses, bundles, or otherwise associates with any of the following: Open source, publicly available, or "free" software, library or documentation;Software licensed under a FLOSS License; Software provided under a license that (a) subjects the delivered software to any FLOSS License, or (b) requires the delivered software to be licensed for the purpose of making derivative works or be redistributable at no charge. FLOSS License(s) include any Free Software, Open Source and Public License(s). FLOSS License also refers to: the General Public License (GPL), Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), the Affero GPL (APL), the Apache license, the Berkeley Software Distribution (“BSD”) license, the MIT license, the Artistic License (e.g., PERL), the Mozilla Public License (MPL), or variations thereof. DISPUTES Subcontractor and NTESS agree to use the NTESS Acquisition Conflict Resolution Process set forth at: for resolving any and all disputes arising from this subcontract. NTESS Acquisition Conflict Resolution Process available in “Policies” tab. ETHICAL CONDUCTThe Subcontractor, including any officers, employees or lower-tier subcontractor while engaged in work related to the subcontract shall:(a) Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and the terms of the subcontract(b) Conduct themselves with the highest degree of ethics, integrity and honesty(c) Treat others with respect and dignity, and create an environment free from discrimination, harassment, threats, violence, bullying, intimidating conduct or other similar behavior(d) Promptly report violations to the NTESS Ethics organization and the NTESS Procurement Policy and Compliance department manager.


  • Subcontractor employee, as used in this clause, means any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a subcontractor.

  • Subcontractors means subcontractors or subconsultants at any tier that are under the direct or indirect control or responsibility of the Contractor, and includes all independent contractors, agents, employees, authorized resellers, or anyone else for whom the Contractor may be liable at any tier, including a person or entity that is, or will be, providing or performing an essential aspect of this Contract, including Contractor’s manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers.

  • Supplier’s Team means the Supplier and, where applicable, any Relevant Person, and all other employees, consultants, agents and sub-contractors which the Supplier engages in any way in relation to the supply of the Services or the Goods; and

  • Contractor's Personnel means the personnel to be provided by the Contractor to provide services as per the contract.

  • Subcontractor means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or services to or for a prime contractor or another subcontractor.

  • Contractor Personnel means Contractor’s employees and subcontractors (as well as any employees or subcontractors of those subcontractors) performing the Services.

  • Development Work means the conduct of preclinical and clinical trials, the compilation of the regulatory dossier concerning Licensed Products and the conduct of other work necessary or useful for obtaining Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products.

  • Scope of Work means the description of Services and Deliverables specified in the Contract and as may be amended.

  • Contractor Software means software which is proprietary to the Contractor, including software which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • job work means any treatment or process undertaken by a person on goods belonging to another registered person and the expression “job worker” shall be construed accordingly;

  • The Work means each and every activity required for the successful performance of the services described in Section II, the Terms of Reference.

  • Third Party Contractor as used in the Student Data Protection Act and “Operator” as used in COPPA. De-Identified Information (DII): De-Identification refers to the process by which the Contractor removes or obscures any Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) from Education Records in a way that removes or minimizes the risk of disclosure of the identity of the individual and information about them.

  • Work/ works means work / works to be executed in accordance with the contract.

  • Major Subcontractor means, any Subcontractor with whom Contractor will enter (or has entered) into a Major Subcontract. 1

  • Scope of Works means the sections of the RFQ detailing the technical requirements of the work to be carried out as existing at the Date of Acceptance of the Quotation and any modification of such Works thereafter directed or the use of which has been permitted by the Superintendent for the purposes of the Contract.

  • audiovisual work means a work that consists of a series of related images which impart the impression of motion, with or without accompanying sounds, susceptible of being made visible and, where accompanied by sounds, susceptible of being made audible;

  • Contractor Project Manager means the employee identified in a Statement of Work as the Contractor project manager.

  • Development Works means the external development works and internal development works on immovable property;

  • Contractor means the individual or entity, that has entered into this contract with the Commonwealth.

  • Contract Work means everything required to be furnished and done by the Contractor by any one or more of the parts of the Contract referred to in Article 1, except Extra Work as hereinafter defined.

  • Supplier Personnel means Supplier’s employees, consultants, agents, independent contractors and Subcontractors.

  • Sub-subcontractor means a Person engaged by a Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Trade Contractor Work. The term “Sub-Subcontractor” also includes any lower tier Persons engaged by Sub-Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Trade Contractor Work.

  • Contractor System means the information and communications technology system used by the Contractor in performing the Services including the Software, the Contractor Equipment and related cabling (but excluding the Authority System).

  • The Services means those services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training, and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract.

  • Programme of work means the Programme of work submitted by the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-charge and includes and amendment thereto made from time to time and approved by the Engineer-in-charge;

  • Supplier/Contractor means the individual, firm or company with whom the contract has been concluded for supplying the Goods and Services under the Contract. The Supplier/Contractor shall be deemed to include its successors (approved by the purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors, administrators and permitted;