Examples of Residential services in a sentence
A pregnant Client, if she chooses and is appropriate for this service type, shall be transferred to Women and Children Intensive and Supportive Residential services no later than the eighth month of pregnancy in order to provide sufficient time to adjust to the changes prior to delivery of her child.
Residential services are provided in DHCS or DSS licensed residential facilities that also have DMC certification and have been designated by DHCS as capable of delivering care consistent with ASAM treatment criteria.
When the assessment indicates placement in System Agency-funded Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential services but there are no available beds, Grantee shall provide coordinated interim care until a Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential bed becomes available.
When the assessment indicates placement in System Agency funded Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential services but there are no available beds, Grantee shall provide coordinated interim care until a Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential bed becomes available.
When the assessment indicates placement in System Agency-funded Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential services but there are no available beds, Contractor shall provide coordinated interim care until a Women and Children Intensive or Supportive Residential bed becomes available.