Personal illness definition

Personal illness or “sick days” accumulated in the last Indiana school district in which the teacher taught shall be transferable to CCS at the rate of three (3) days per school year of service with CCS beginning with the second school year of employment.
Personal illness means the personal illness or off-the-job injury of the member rendering the member reasonably unable to suitably discharge the member’s duties. All provisions applicable to personal illness shall also apply to pregnancy. Personal illness leave is to be used for medical or dental appointments. Personal illness leave is to be used for the member, the member's family, or anyone for whom the member is the primary care giver. In cases of on-the-job injury see Article 7.B.
Personal illness as used in this agreement means the illness of the teacher.

Examples of Personal illness in a sentence

  • Excused absences will be permitted for the following reasons: Personal illness Hospitalization EmergencyDeath in immediate family Court subpoenaReligious holidaysAbsences approved by the principal Documentation supporting an excused absence must be submitted in a timely manner or the absence will be deemed to be unexcused.

  • Personal illness narratives: Using reflective writing to teach empathy.

  • Personal illness includes a woman's actual physical inability to work as a result of pregnancy, child birth, or related medical condition.

  • Personal illness/injury (Personal illness includes a woman's actual physical inability to work as a result of pregnancy, child birth, or related medical condition).

  • Personal illness of the student or when attendance in school would endanger the health of the student or the health of others is excused.

More Definitions of Personal illness

Personal illness. Family Illness” days shall be included.
Personal illness shall constitute a medical/health condition of the employee, spouse, child, or legal dependent that impairs the ability to function in a reasonably normal manner and meet his/her daily routines and requirements. Personal illness days may also be used for any reason required by law. Any employee requested by the Board shall furnish a medical certificate documenting the use of personal Illness days used for reasons of illness. Increments of no less than sixty (60) minutes can be taken by all employees. Advance notice of the necessity of such personal illness shall be given to the office of the Board as early as possible.
Personal illness means illness or injury of a Pilot or illness or injury arising out of or in the course of employment, which is, compensable under workers' compensation arrangements.
Personal illness is defined as absence from his/her duty because of personal disability due to illness or injury, or because he/she has been excluded from school by the school medical authority on account of a contagious disease or being quarantined for such disease by a physician. 1. All full-time, twelve-month employees will be entitled to twelve (12) and ten-month employees entitled to ten (10) sick leave days each school year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year. Pursuant to the prescriptions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30- 7, no employee shall be permitted to increase his/her total accumulation of sick days by more than fifteen (15) days in one (1) year. 2. Employees employed for one (1) or more years who are absent due to personal illness in excess of their regular sick leave benefits may, consistent with the prescriptions of extended sick leave request is granted, the Board may pay such employee that employee’s daily salary consistent with N.J.S.A. l8A:30-6. 3. The utilization of sick leave associated with pregnancy will be governed by the following requirements: a. Medical certification attesting to the pregnancy and the anticipated date of birth will be provided as soon as determined. b. Sick leave with pay may be taken up to a total of eight (8) weeks, after meeting the stipulation in Part a., with a maximum of four (4) weeks before the anticipated birth or after the actual birth, without providing any additional certification. c. All other sick leave with pay associated with pregnancy, except that specified in Part b. above, will require written medical confirmation of the staff member's inability to perform her assigned duties because of illness and/or physical disability. d. Use of sick leave benefits as provided in Parts b. and c. above may, at the employee's option, be preceded and/or followed by unpaid maternity leave, and the total days used including sick leave and unpaid maternity leave shall be up to a maximum of one (1) work year. 4. The Board may require, as set forth by law, an examination by an independent physician, at the expense of the Board, during or after leaves of absence for illness. 5. All employees, upon termination of employment, either by retirement or vesting of credited time under the terms of the appropriate New Jersey retirement fund, will be reimbursed for unused sick leave at the rate of $85.00 per day to a maximum of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000). This item may be reopened for negotiations at the request of eithe...
Personal illness. Before return to active service, you will undergo another drug (alcohol) test, must pass that test, and be released to return to active duty by the MRO and/or TWA SHS in accordance with applicable governmental regulations. In addition, you must comply with the following requirements after completing the program:
Personal illness. Provided a Doctor’s note is provided on the first day returning to work which documents that the employee was too ill to work for all days of such personal illness. • Absences Approved for Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) • Bereavement • On the Job InjuryJury DutyApproved Time Off • Vacations • Holidays • Natural Disaster • Traffic Jam which can be documented by the employee to have delayed an employee by more than one (1) hour. • Medical Emergency***** * Tardy = Not being at his/her workstation ready to begin work within three (3) minutes of the appointed start time. ** Late = More than ½ of scheduled hours. One (1) point will be assessed when an employee leaves work without prior approval and does not complete his/her shift. Two (2) points will be assessed if an employee does not complete one-half of his/her scheduled hours including mandatory overtime. *** No Call = Failure to notify your supervisor within thirty (30) minutes prior to start time. When an employee is absent for three (3) consecutive days without calling he/she will be considered to have abandoned their job and will indicate a voluntary termination. ***** Medical Emergency = Hospitalization to include the immediate family member(s) of the employee. Immediate family members are defined as father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, son or daughter. A written notice from the attending physician is required. ****** Employee’s tardy solely because of being verifiably delayed at the gates by the military, will not be counted as tardy, and will be allowed to complete the hours of their scheduled work shift. One (1) point shall be deducted from an employee’s total points for every calendar month of perfect attendance. For the purposes of this provision perfect attendance is defined as a calendar month without any attendance points being assessed to an employee.
Personal illness as used herein shall mean the i ncapacity of an employee because of sickness or because of accidental or other injury not arising out of and in the course of Edison Credit Union employment our outside gainful occupation.