Current Expenses definition

Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not
Current Expenses means the reasonable and necessary costs of operating, maintaining, administering and repairing the System, including salaries, wages, costs of materials and supplies, insurance and audits, but shall exclude depreciation, debt service, tax equivalents and capital expenditures;
Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not include equipment, repairs and alterations, buildings or lands. Each spending unit shall be responsible for and charged monthly for all postage meter service and shall reimburse the appropriate revolving fund monthly for all such amounts. Such expenditures shall be considered a current expense.

Examples of Current Expenses in a sentence

  • Current Expenses is the cash that will be needed to fund current expenses each year going forward until you purchase the annuity.

  • Annual Ongoing Cash Needed Years 1 through X is the total of Current Expenses and Yearly Amount to Save for Annuity.

  • The proceeds of the Advances will be used to finance the Borrower’s working capital requirements, classified as Current Expenses (as defined in the Trust Agreement), including but not limited to fuel oil purchases.

  • The Notes are valid and binding obligations of the Borrower, payable as Current Expenses from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority General Fund established under the Trust Agreement.

  • Authority Revenues consisting of governmental grants or appropriations available to pay Current Expenses of the Authority, shall be deposited in the Current Expense Fund.

More Definitions of Current Expenses

Current Expenses means, as applied to either component of the Utility, the Issuer’s reasonable and necessary current expenses of operation, repair and maintenance, and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, (a) all ordinary and usual expenses of maintenance, repair and operation, which may include expenses not annually recurring, (b) all administrative expenses, (c) any reasonable payments to pension or retirement funds properly chargeable to each component of the Utility, (d) insurance premiums, (e) engineering expenses relating to operation, repair and maintenance, (f) legal expenses, (g) any lawful fiscal agency commissions and expenses in connection with the payment of the principal of and the interest and any redemption premium on Outstanding Bonds, (h) any taxes which may be lawfully imposed on either component of the Utility or the income therefrom and reserves for such taxes, (i) the expenses of collecting rates, fees and charges for the use of and for the services furnished or to be furnished by the Utility, (j) if required by law, the payment of the principal of and the interest on outstanding bonds and other obligations heretofore issued by the Issuer or by improvement districts heretofore annexed by the City to pay the cost of any portion of the Utility to the extent that the special assessments and taxes pledged for the payment of such principal and interest shall be insufficient for such purposes and to the extent that such payment shall not be made from the Improvement Account, and (k) any other expenses required to be paid by the Issuer under the provisions of this Resolution or by law. “Current Expenses” shall not include any reserves for extraordinary maintenance or repair, or any allowance for depreciation, the Payment to the City, or any deposits or transfers to the credit of the Principal and Interest Account, the Bond Reserve Account, the Depreciation and Replacement Account or the Improvement Account.
Current Expenses means operating costs other than
Current Expenses means all reasonable and necessary expenses of ownership, operation, maintenance and repair of the System and keeping the System in good repair and working order, determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, including current maintenance charges, expenses of reasonable upkeep and repairs, salaries, wages, costs of materials and supplies, Administrative Fee, paying agent fees and expenses, annual audits, periodic Consultant’s reports, properly allocated share of charges for insurance, the cost of purchased water, gas and power, obligations (other than for borrowed money or for rents payable under financing leases) incurred in the ordinary course of business, liabilities incurred by endorsement for collection or deposit of checks or drafts received in the ordinary course of business, short-term obligations incurred and payable within a particular Fiscal Year, obligations incurred for the purpose of leasing (pursuant to a true or operating lease) equipment, fixtures, inventory or other personal property, and all other expenses incident to the ownership and operation of the System, but excluding interest paid on, and swap, hedge or other interest-like payments made with respect to, System Revenue Bonds, depreciation, amortization and other noncash charges (including payments into the Depreciation and Replacement Account), and all general administrative expenses of the City not related to the operation of the System.
Current Expenses means the reasonable and necessary current expenses of maintenance, repair, and operation of the System, and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, expenses not annually recurring, premiums for insurance, administrative, and engineering expenses relating to maintenance, repair, and operation, fees and expenses of the Paying Agent, legal and financial advisory expenses, taxes lawfully imposed on the System, reasonable payments to pension or retirement funds for employees of the System, and any other expenses of the System required or permitted to be paid by the Municipality under the provisions of the Bond Resolution, or by law, but shall not include any allowance for depreciation or deposits or transfers to the credit of the Bond and Interest Fund, the Depreciation Fund, or the Contingent Fund.
Current Expenses means all reasonable and necessary current expenses of the District, paid or incurred while operating, maintaining and repairing the System; and the term may include, at the District’s option (except as may be limited by law), without limiting the generality of the foregoing, engineering, auditing, legal and other overhead expense of the District, insurance and surety bond premiums, reasonable charges of the Paying Agent, the Registrar and any other depository bank appertaining to the System, payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds; any taxes, assessments or other charges which may be lawfully imposed on the District, or its income or operations of facilities under its control, ordinary and current rentals of equipment and other property, refunds of any revenues lawfully due to others, including, but not limited to, refunds, expenses in connection with the issuance of the Bonds or other obligations evidencing any loan to the District, any expenses and compensation of any trustee or other fiduciary hereunder, or otherwise, contractual services, professional services required by this Resolution, salaries, labor and the cost of materials and supplies used for current operation and all other administrative, general and commercial expenses related to the System, but excluding: (a) any allowance for depreciation or any reserves or capital replacements; (b) any reserves for operation, maintenance or repair of the System; (c) any allowance for the redemption of any Bond or other obligation evidencing a loan to the District or the payment of any interest thereon; (d) liabilities
Current Expenses means all necessary expenses of operation, maintenance and repair of the System, including, current maintenance charges, expenses of reasonable upkeep and repairs, properly allocated share of charges for insurance, and all other expenses incident to the operation of the System, but shall exclude depreciation and amortization charges, interest paid on revenue bonds of the System, all general administrative expenses of the City not related to the operation of the System, and the payments into the Bond Reserve Account provided for in the Resolution.
Current Expenses means the reasonable and necessary costs of operating, maintaining, administering and repairing the System, including salaries, wages, costs of materials and supplies, insurance and audits, but shall exclude depreciation, debt service, tax equivalents, replacements and capital expenditures. In the case of the electric utility portion of the System, Current Expenses shall include, without intent to limit the foregoing, all costs of purchasing, producing and delivering electric power and energy and specifically fuel costs, costs of transmission service, reserve service, interchange service, and all other costs of purchased power, including obligations under the Power Supply Contract between the City and WPPI, and all payments required by Credit Obligations;