Adopting Order The Parties agree that the provisions of this Compromise Agreement shall be subject to final approval by the General Counsel by incorporation of such provisions by reference in the Adopting Order without change, addition, modification, or deletion.
Timeliness of Submitting Orders You are obliged to date and indicate the time of receipt of all orders you receive from your customers and to transmit promptly all orders to us in time to provide for processing at the price next determined after receipt by you, in accordance with the Prospectuses. You are not to withhold placing with us orders received from any customers for the purchase of shares. You shall not purchase shares through us except for the purpose of covering purchase orders already received by you, or for your bona fide investment.
Sale Order The Sale Order shall, among other things, (a) approve, pursuant to sections 105, 363 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, (i) the execution, delivery and performance by Sellers of this Agreement, (ii) the sale of the Acquired Assets to Buyer on the terms set forth herein and free and clear of all Encumbrances (other than Permitted Encumbrances), and (iii) the performance by Sellers of their obligations under this Agreement, (b) authorize and empower Sellers to assume and assign to Buyer the Transferred Contracts, (c) find that Buyer is a “good faith” purchaser within the meaning of section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code, find that Buyer is not a successor to any Seller, and grant Buyer the protections of section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code, (d) find that Buyer shall have no Liability or responsibility for any Liability or other obligation of any Seller arising under or related to the Acquired Assets other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement, including successor or vicarious Liabilities of any kind or character, including any theory of antitrust, environmental, successor, or transferee Liability, labor law, de facto merger, or substantial continuity, (e) find that Buyer has provided adequate assurance (as that term is used in section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code) of future performance in connection with the assumption of the Transferred Contracts, (f) find that Buyer shall have no Liability for any Excluded Liability, (g) find that the consideration provided by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement constitutes reasonably equivalent value and fair consideration for the Acquired Assets, (h) find that Buyer and Sellers did not engage in any conduct which would allow this Agreement to be set aside pursuant to section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code and (i) order that, notwithstanding the provisions of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures 6004(h) and 6006(d), the Sale Order is not stayed and is effective immediately upon entry. Buyer agrees that it will promptly take such actions as are reasonably requested by any Seller to assist in obtaining Bankruptcy Court approval of the Sale Order, including furnishing affidavits or other documents or information for filing with the Bankruptcy Court for purposes, among others, of (A) demonstrating that Buyer is a “good faith” purchaser under section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code and (B) establishing adequate assurance of future performance within the meaning of section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Bidding Phase 2.8.1 The Professional, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Document Phase, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids and in award and preparation of Construction Contracts. 2.8.2 The Professional shall attend the bid opening and furnish a suitably detailed tabulation sheet for recording the name of each Bidder, the Bidder's Certificate of Responsibility Number, Bid Security, Base Bid, Alternates, and remarks. The Professional shall furnish sufficient tabulation sheets for all in attendance. Immediately after receipt of bids, the Professional shall submit to the Owner a certified tabulation of all bids received, along with his recommendation as to Contract award. 2.8.3 The Professional, following the award of a Construction Contract, shall prepare and submit to the Owner, two (2) copies of updated Construction Documents (Plans/Specifications). Each copy shall be marked OFFICIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and shall include an executed bid Proposal Form, Agreement Form, Contract Bond, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Insurance, all bulletins, Addenda, and supplemental Drawings. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Owner, one (1) copy shall be for the Contractor. Any other contract document guidelines will be distributed to the Professional at the bid opening. 2.8.4 The Professional shall also furnish the area and volume of the building computed in accordance with criteria of the American Institute of Architects; and the square foot and cubic foot costs of only the building, the mechanical system, the electrical system, special built-in equipment, and the total Project cost. 2.8.5 The Professional shall, unless waived by the Owner, also submit one electronic format copy of the updated Contract Documents (plans and specifications) in coordination with said Contract Documents in 2.8.3 above. Said electronic submittal to be submitted within thirty (30) days after award by Owner in .pdf format. The actual cost of the electronic submittal shall be paid by the Owner, with cost approval by the Owner before printing is ordered in accordance with 3.4.
Pre-Ordering BellSouth will provide electronic access to its OSS and the information contained therein in order that Freedom can perform the following pre-ordering functions: service address validation, telephone number selection, service and feature availability, due date information, customer record information and loop makeup information. Mechanized access is provided by electronic interfaces whose specifications for access and use are set forth at BellSouth’s Interconnection Web site and are incorporated herein by reference. The process by which BellSouth and Freedom will manage these electronic interfaces to include the development and introduction of new interfaces will be governed by the change Version: 4Q04 Resale Agreement 12/14/04 management process as described in Section 2.6 below. Freedom shall provide to BellSouth access to customer record information, including circuit numbers associated with each telephone number where applicable. Freedom shall provide such information within four (4) hours after request via electronic access where available. If electronic access is not available, Freedom shall provide to BellSouth paper copies of customer record information, including circuit numbers associated with each telephone number where applicable. If BellSouth requests the information before noon, the customer record information shall be provided the same day. If BellSouth requests the information after noon, the customer record information shall be provided by noon the following day. 2.2.1 The Parties agree not to view, copy, or otherwise obtain access to the customer record information of any customer without that customer's permission. Freedom will obtain access to customer record information only in strict compliance with applicable laws, rules, or regulations of the state in which the service is provided. BellSouth reserves the right to audit Freedom’s access to customer record information. If a BellSouth audit of Freedom’s access to customer record information reveals that Freedom is accessing customer record information without having obtained the proper End User authorization, BellSouth upon reasonable notice to Freedom may take corrective action, including but not limited to suspending or terminating Freedom’s electronic access to BellSouth’s OSS functionality. All such information obtained through an audit shall be deemed Information covered by the Proprietary and Confidential Information section in the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
Pending Orders Upon termination of this Agreement, Micrus shall have the right, at its option, to continue or terminate any order pending as of the effective date of termination.
BIDDING PROCEDURES 4.1. Bidders have to login at EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. Website using the same registered email 30 minute before Auction Time. 4.2. Bidders have to click VIEW BID SCREEN BUTTON beside the status to show the bidding screen. Once enter the bidding screen bidders will be on STANDBY MODE 30 minute before the auction started. 4.3. Bidding shall generally commence based on the sequence of the lot being shown on the EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. website. However, the Auctioneer has the right to vary this sequence without notice. 4.4. It shall be the responsibility of registered E-Bidders to log in through the EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. website to wait for their turn to bid for the property lot in which they intend to bid. 4.5. The Auctioneer has the right to set a new reserve price in the event there is more than 1 bidder. The reference to a "bidder” here includes E-Bidders as well as on-site bidders. 4.6. Auctioneer will announce the amount of incremental bid and the same will appear on the website prior to the commencement of the auction. 4.7. “Standby mode” is displayed, followed by a message stating “AUCTION STARTED”. Enter your BID by clicking “NEXT BID” button. 4.8. Each bid will be called for 3 times, “FIRST CALLING, “SECOND CALLING”, “FINAL CALL”. Registered E-Bidders may submit their bid at any of these stages of biddings by click the bid amount. 4.9. Any bid by the registered E-bidders shall not be withdrawn once entered. 4.10. In the event of any clarification, disruption or special situation, the Auctioneer may at his discretion decide to pause, postpone and/or call off the public auction. The E-bidders will be notified of this on the BIDDING SCREEN. 4.11. When system displays “NO MORE BIDS”, no further bids will be accepted by the Auctioneer, whether on-site or through the EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. website. 4.12. The bidder with the highest bid shall be declared as successful bidder upon the fall of hammer. 4.13. The decision of the Auctioneer shall be final and binding on all on-site and/or E-bidders. 4.14. A successful bidder will be directed to a page where further directions are given in order to conclude the sale of the auction property. Please also refer to Part 5 below. 4.15. Unsuccessful E-Bidders will have the deposit paid processed to be refunded to the same bank account from which the deposit transfer was made within three (3) working days. 4.16. The information shown and/or prompted on the screen handled by the EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. website regarding the public auction, particularly to the calling of bidding price during the bidding process and the declaration of successful bidder shall be final and conclusive.
Final Approval Order “Final Approval Order” means the Court order that approves this Settlement Agreement and makes such other final rulings as are contemplated by this Settlement Agreement.
Preliminary Approval Order “Preliminary Approval Order” means the order of the Court preliminarily approving this Settlement Agreement.
Transition Review Period In accordance with Article 35, Layoff and Recall, the Employer may require an employee to complete a transition review period.