Confidential Documents definition

Confidential Documents means all plans, drawings, renderings, reports, analyses, studies, records, agreements, summaries, notes and other materials and documents, whether written or conveyed orally, related to Developer, the Project, the Property or the Services, as are provided to the Recipient or its agents or employees by Developer.
Confidential Documents means any documents containing Confidential Information, including without limitation: (i) any documents, notes, memoranda, summaries, analyses, paper works, sketches, designs, charts, specifications, prints, compilations, or any other writings relating to Confidential Information, and any other materials embodied in drawings, floppy discs, tapes, CD ROM, hard drives, software or in any other possible way containing or relating to Confidential Information or any part thereof, whether or not prepared by Company or on its behalf, (ii) all documents received, used, or that shall be received or used, by me in relation with my employment with Company, and/or (iii) the contents of such Confidential Documents as stored in my memory.
Confidential Documents means documents that are not to be accessible to the public pursuant to state law, administrative or court rule, court order or case law including, but not limited to, the following:

Examples of Confidential Documents in a sentence

  • Based upon Oak Brook's Certificate, we are unaware of any legal or governmental proceedings required to be described in the Confidential Documents which are not described therein or any contracts or documents of any character required to be described in the Confidential Documents which are not described as required.

  • Upon the termination of Employee’s employment or upon the Company’s request, Employee shall immediately deliver to the Company or its designee (and shall not keep in Employee’s possession or deliver to anyone else) all Confidential Documents and all other property belonging to the Company.

  • Upon the termination of Employee’s employment relationship or association with the Company or upon the Company’s request, Employee shall immediately deliver to the Company or its designee (and shall not keep in Employee’s possession or deliver to anyone else) all Confidential Documents and all other property belonging to the Company.

  • The disclosures contained in the Confidential Documents, taken together with Oak Brook's gift to the offerees, provides access to additional information sufficient to satisfy the "information requirements" of the registration exemptions under the Act, as amended, assuming the receipt by the Investor of a copy of the Confidential Documents.

  • Furthermore, I express no opinion as to the validity of any of the assumptions, form, or content of any financial or statistical data contained in the Confidential Documents.

More Definitions of Confidential Documents

Confidential Documents means documents and other tangible materials containing or reflecting Confidential Information.
Confidential Documents means any documents containing Confidential Information, including without limitation: (i) any documents, notes, memoranda, summaries, analyses, paper works, sketches, designs, charts, specifications, prints, compilations, or any other writings relating to the Confidential Information, and any other materials embodied in drawings, floppy discs, tapes, CD ROM, software or in any other possible way containing or relating to the Confidential Information or any part thereof, whether or not prepared by the Company or on it’s behalf, (ii) all documents received, used, or that shall be received or used, by me in relation with my employment in the Company, and/or (iii) the contents of such Confidential Documents as stored in my memory.
Confidential Documents means any embodiment, in written, graphic, audio, video, electronic, or any other form or medium, which contains any Confidential Information, including any and all copies, papers, reproductions, slides and microfilms and any electronic media such as disks, tapes, other magnetic media, computer software and computer storage systems and, where this agreement calls for Confidential Documents to be destroyed, in the case of electronic media that can be permanently erased, such obligation means that such Confidential Documents shall be permanently erased. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligation to return or destroy Confidential Information shall not apply to Confidential Information that is maintained on routine computer system backup tapes, disks or other backup storage devices as long as such backed-up Confidential Information is not used, disclosed, or otherwise recovered from such backup devices;
Confidential Documents mean all drafts, preparatory information, documents and any other material, together with any information contained therein, which is indicated as confidential or, would reasonably, under the circumstances, be understood to be confidential information and to which I have access, either directly or indirectly, as a result of my participation in EUnetHTA Joint Action 3 Activities. Furthermore, any records or notes made by me relating to Confidential Information or Confidential Documents shall be treated as Confidential Documents. Confidential Information and Confidential Documents shall not include information that: (a) is now or subsequently becomes generally available to the public through no fault or breach on part of the undersigned; (b) the undersigned rightfully obtains from a third party who has the right to transfer or disclose it to the undersigned without limitation. The undersigned understands that he/she may be invited to participate either directly or indirectly in certain EUnetHTA Joint Action 3 Activities and hereby undertakes:
Confidential Documents means all of Seller’s Materials delivered or made available by Seller to Purchaser, along with any information, reports, statements, and other documents previously delivered to Purchaser by Seller, and all other documents which are the work product of Purchaser and/or Purchaser’s Representatives relating to the Property, including, without limitation, any due diligence materials produced by third parties for Purchaser in connection with the Property. Purchaser and Seller agree that each shall, at all times prior to the Closing, keep the terms and conditions of this Agreement confidential (subject to the exceptions stated in the preceding sentence). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser may (i) use or disclose information known or available generally to the public (other than such information known or available generally to the public as a result of a violation of this Agreement by Purchaser) or (ii) subject to the procedure set forth in Section 10.13.3 with respect to Required Disclosures, disclose information in order to comply with any governmental order, statute, rule, regulation, regulatory authority requirement or request, (iii) disclose information in order to enforce any rights or remedies of it under this Agreement or (iv) use information independently developed by any employee, agent or consultant of Purchaser who did not have access to the Confidential Documents.
Confidential Documents means any document or documents which contain any trade secret, sensitive or proprietary business information, or private financial information pertaining to any Party, or any customer of any Party, so designated by any undersigned Party pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Protective Order, regardless of when disclosed;
Confidential Documents as used in this Agreement shall mean any and all records or other documents, whether stored or exchanged by the parties in hard copy or electronically, that contain information that are designated by either party as Confidential Documents and qualify as “trade secrets” as defined in G.S. 66-152(3). Such documents may include, but is not limited to, business plans, business forecasts, research, financial information, customer lists, sales and merchandising efforts, marketing plans, design or engineering details and specifications Documents shall in no event qualify as Confidential Documents if: (i) their relevant contents are publicly available prior to this Agreement or becomes publicly available without a breach by the receiving party; (ii) they are subject to inspection under the public records laws of the State of North Carolina and not within an exception to disclosure, (iii) rightfully received by the receiving party from third parties without accompanying confidentiality obligations; (iv) already in the receiving party’s possession and was lawfully received from sources other than the disclosing party; (iv) independently developed by the receiving party; or (vi) approved by the disclosing party for release.