Barrier Observation Period definition

Barrier Observation Period means each Calculation Date from the First Day of the Barrier Observation Period (including) to the Last Day of the Barrier Observation Period (including).
Barrier Observation Period means the period of time as stated in the Issue Terms and includes both, the start and end date of the respective period. In cases where the Calculation Agent determines the Initial Fixing Level based on an observed intraday price at any time on the Initial Fixing Date, the barrier observation will start only after the Product has been fixed on that day. In addition, if the Product’s Final Fixing Level is to be determined at any time on the Final Fixing Date (observed price), the barrier observation will end with the Calculation Agent’s fixing on that date.
Barrier Observation Period means any Scheduled Trading Day during the Initial Valuation date to the Valuation date

Examples of Barrier Observation Period in a sentence

  • A Barrier Event shall be deemed to occur if at any time on any Exchange Business Day during the Barrier Observation Period the level of at least one of the Underlyings' prices has been traded at or below the respective Barrier Level, as reasonably determined by the Calculation Agent.

  • The occurrence of a "Barrier Event" is further described in the applicable Final Terms and occurs, for example, if a specified price of the Reference Asset (the "Barrier Observation Price") breaches the Barrier at any time during the Barrier Observation Period (if Barrier Observation Period is stated to be applicable in the applicable Final Terms) or on the Valuation Date (if Barrier Observation Period is stated to be not applicable in the applicable Final Terms).

  • Barrier Observation Period Conversion Ratio FX RateOn the respective Early Redemption Date the Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in the Settlement Currency equal to the Denomination, plus the Coupon Amount for the respective Coupon Payment Date.

  • With regard to the occurrence of a Barrier Event, one of the following options may be selected in the Final Terms: Option: Continuous Barrier Observation A Barrier Event means that any published price or rate of the Underlying, as the case may be, is either (i) lower, or (ii) equal to or lower7 than the Barrier during the Barrier Observation Period.

  • In addition to the Transaction Terms stipulated in § 4.7 above, the Customer and the Bank shall additionally agree on the following when entering into the Transaction of Sale of the Barrier Option,: 1/ Barrier Type (the Knock Up & In / Knock Down & In or Knock Up & Out / Knock Down & Out); 2/ Barrier Rate, 3/ Barrier Style (American, European or Bermuda), 4/ Barrier Observation Period (only in the case of a Bermuda Barrier Option), 5/ Barrier Reference Rate (only in the case of a Bermuda Barrier Option).

More Definitions of Barrier Observation Period

Barrier Observation Period means the period specified as such in the Issue Terms.
Barrier Observation Period. [In respect of [insert Underlying Asset],] the period from, [and including] / [but excluding], [insert Barrier Observation Period Start Date] [the date specified in the column entitled "Barrier Observation Period Start Date" in the same row as the Underlying Asset in the table above] to, [and including] / [but excluding], [insert Barrier Observation Period End Date] [the date specified in the column entitled "Barrier Observation Period End Date" in the same row as the Underlying Asset in the table above], [subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms and conditions].
Barrier Observation Period means at any time (continuous intraday observation) during the period from the Initial Valuation Date to (and including) the Valuation Date
Barrier Observation Period means the period specified as such in the Final Terms.
Barrier Observation Period. [In respect of [insert Asset],] the period from, [and including] / [but excluding], [insert Barrier Observation Period Start Date] [the date specified in the column entitled "Barrier Observation Period Start Date" in the same row as the Asset in the table above] to, [and including] / [but excluding], [insert Barrier Observation Period End Date] [the date specified in the column entitled "Barrier Obsevation Period End Date" in the same row as the Asset in the table above], [subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms and conditions]. Barrier Worst Performing Asset: the Asset with the lowest Barrier Asset Performance. (if not required, delete table) Asset Barrier Level [Trigger Level] [Barrier/Trigger Observation Period Start Date] [[Barrier/Trigger] Observation Period End Date] [insert] [insert] [insert] [insert date] [insert date] (repeat as [per cent. [per cent. necessary) of the of the Asset Asset Initial Initial Price] Price] [If Warrants Payout applies, insert: Unless the Warrants [Insert for European style Warrants: are exercised early,] are adjusted, or are purchased and cancelled, the amount payable following the exercise of each Warrant [Insert for European style Warrants: on the expiration date] shall be calculated in accordance with the formula below [, provided that such amount shall not [insert if Cap is applicable: exceed [insert amount] [or] [insert if Floor is applicable: be less than [insert amount]] [insert if Currency Conversion is applicable] [and such amount shall be converted from [insert Calculation Currency] into [insert Converted Currency] using the Currency Conversion Rate: [If Ratio Call is specified, insert: Ratio Max(0; RP (Final)- Strike) ] [If Ratio Put is specified, insert: Ratio Max(0;Strike - RP (Final)) ] [If Nominal Call is specified, insert: NA  P Max(0; Perf - Strike)  FXR ] [If Nominal Put is specified, insert: NA  P Max(0; Strike - Perf)  FXR Defined terms used above: [Delete if not applicable and insert any other relevant definitions from summary] NA: Nominal Amount, which is [insert amount]. Ratio: [insert amount].
Barrier Observation Period means each day which is a scheduled trading day for all of the Indices beginning on (and including) 30 November 2023 and ending on (but excluding) 3 June 2025, in each case subject to adjustment for disruption events related to an Index; “Determination Agent” means Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc; “Determination Date” means 2 June 2025; “Knock-in Value” means the Relevant Underlying Value at the relevant time of the worst performing Index as of the Determination Date; “Relevant Underlying Value” means the value of the relevant Index, as determined according to the Value Determination Terms specified below; “Final Redemption Barrier Value” means, in respect of an Index, 65 per cent of the Initial Reference Value of such Index; “Initial Reference Value” means, in respect of an Index, the Relevant Underlying Value of such Index as of the Strike Date; "Participation Rate” means 100 per cent.; “Calculation Amount” means EUR 1,000; “Specified Rate 1” means100.00 per cent.; “Specified Rate 2” means 0 per cent.; “Applicable Initial Reference Value” means, in respect of an Index, a value equal to the product of the Initial Reference Value of such Index and the Specified Percentage; “Specified Percentage” means 100 per cent.; “Final Reference Value” means, in respect of an Index, the Relevant Underlying Value in respect of such Index as of the Determination Date; and “Strike Date” means 30 November 2023.VALUE DETERMINATION TERMSValue Determination Terms for determining Initial Reference Value, Final Reference Value and Relevant Underlying Value in respect of a relevant day: The Determination Agent will determine the value of each Index as of (as applicable) (a) for the purposes of determining whether the Knock-in Value is greater than or equal to the Final Redemption Barrier Value, at any time during the relevant date or (b) otherwise, the time at which the official closing level of such Index is calculated and published by the Index Sponsor.Disruption Events: The following disruption events apply in relation to each Index: Change in Law, Hedging Disruption and Increased Cost of Hedging.Disruption Events can affect the Relevant Underlyings and lead to adjustments and/or early redemption of the Securities. The Determination Agent shall determine whether the Securities or any exchanges or price sources are affected by such events on a relevant date of valuation, and may make adjustments to the Securities, or take any other appropriate action, to account for rel...
Barrier Observation Period means the barrier observation period as specified in Table 1 in the Annex.]