Appropriate action definition

Appropriate action means action intended and reasonably likely to help the judge or lawyer in question address the problem and prevent harm to the justice system. Depending upon the circumstances, appropriate action may include but is not limited to speaking directly to the impaired person, notifying an individual with supervisory responsibility over the impaired person, or making a referral to an assistance program.
Appropriate action means the mailing of either an aid payment or a denial Notice Of Action. The time limit may be exceeded for CW only when circumstances beyond the control of the worker exist, such as the inability of the recipient to provide necessary clarification. If the delay is caused by the refusal of the applicant to cooperate, the application is denied. The worker will assist client in getting verifications before denying the application. CF has to be determined by the 30th day after application.
Appropriate action means that action which a reasonable rental property owner would take based upon the facts and circumstances of each case so as to prevent a reoccurrence of the disorderly use.

Examples of Appropriate action in a sentence

  • Appropriate action in response to incidents categorized in the forgoing section will be determined and administered promptly by the Board or their designee.

  • Note: Appropriate action may include providing a new Current Assessment or Exiting the Participant.

  • Appropriate action must be taken to ensure that the Government is reimbursed proportionally from such income.

More Definitions of Appropriate action

Appropriate action means action intended and reasonably likely to prevent harm to the justice system and help the judge or lawyer in question address the problem. Appropriate action may include, but is not limited to, communicating directly with the judge who may have violated this Code, communicating with a supervising judge, or reporting the suspected violation to the appropriate authority or other agency or body. Similarly, actions to be taken in response to information indicating that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct may include, but are not limited to, communicating directly with the lawyer who may have committed the violation, or reporting the suspected violation to the appropriate authority or other agency or body.
Appropriate action means action intended and reasonably likely to help the judge or lawyer in question address the problem and prevent harm to the justice system. Depending upon
Appropriate action means action intended and reasonably likely to help the
Appropriate action means any action that can be taken on the completion of / during the investigation proceedings including but not limiting to a warning, imposition of a fine, suspension from official duties or any such action as is deemed to be fit considering the gravity of the matter.
Appropriate action in clause 2.7 means training, further review, warning (verbal or written) or dismissal from employment.
Appropriate action means action intended and reasonably likely to help the judge or lawyer in question address the problem and prevent harm to the justice system. Depending upon the circumstances, appropriate action may include, but is not
Appropriate action means action which will assist the supplier to—