Student Eligibility. The LEA and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION shall qualify and advise candidates for dual credit from the pool of eligible high school students. A candidate for dual credit is eligible for consideration for fall, spring, and summer semesters if he or she:
a. is enrolled during the fall and spring in a LEA in one-half or more of the minimum course requirements approved by PED for public school students under its jurisdiction or by being in physical attendance at a bureau of Indian education-funded high school at least three documented contact hours per day pursuant to 25 CFR 39.211(c);
b. obtains permission from the LEA representative (in consultation with the student’s individualized education program team, as needed), the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years old, and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION representative prior to enrolling in a dual credit course; and
c. meets POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION requirements to enroll as a dual credit student.
Student Eligibility. A. The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires mandatory assessment for all students to determine college readiness in reading, writing and math. The xxxx authorizes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to prescribe assessment instruments with a statewide passing standard. The initiative allows an institution to determine when a student is ready to perform college‐level coursework. High School students who seek to register in a dual credit course, which will grant college credit must prove “college readiness” by achieving a college level score as outlined in Appendix A.
B. TSI rules state that students registering in a Level‐One certificates or less are exempt from the TSI Assessment requirements. A high school student is eligible to register in career and technical/workforce education dual credit courses without having to demonstrate college readiness on an approved TSI Assessment if the student has permission of the high school.
C. Students registering in career and technical/workforce education dual credit courses contained in a Level‐Two certificate or higher must meet the same dual credit eligibility criteria as students registered in academic dual credit courses.
D. Students coming from a non‐traditional program of study (i.e., a home school, private or a non‐accredited high school) and seek dual credit/concurrent courses at Hill College must satisfy paragraphs A through C of this subsection.
E. To be eligible for registration in a dual credit course, students must meet all the college’s regular prerequisite requirements designated for that course.
F. All students who participate in the dual credit/concurrent program must maintain at a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 to remain in good standing. Students who do not achieve satisfactory progress will be placed on Scholastic Probation for the next long semester and may be registered provisionally on a semester basis. Credit will be awarded according to state, local, and institutional policies in effect at the time of registration.
Student Eligibility. 1. High school students must meet all eligibility requirements set forth in the THECB Rules.
2. Eligible students may first enroll in dual credit courses in the fall semester of grade nine (9).
Student Eligibility. A. The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires mandatory assessment for all students to determine college readiness in reading, writing and math. The xxxx authorizes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to prescribe assessment instruments with a statewide passing standard. The initiative allows an institution to determine when a student is ready to perform college-level coursework. High School students who seek to register in a dual credit course, which will grant college credit must prove “college readiness” by achieving a college level score as outlined in the chart: 1 SAT *Composite=Critical Reading plus Math ACT TSI Assessment Dual Credit Only Waiver ACT PLAN, ACT-Aspire and PSAT/NMSQT (Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered after October 15 2015 is not allowed) STAAR EOC Writing Based Courses (Must be TSI Writing complete to enroll): ENGL 1301, 1302, 2311, 2322, 2323, 2327, 2328, 2331, & 2332. Taken prior to March 5, 2016: Composite score of 1070* & a minimum score on the Critical Reading of 500 Taken on or after March 5, 2016: Minimum score of 480 on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing shall be exempt from both Reading and Writing sections of TSI Composite score of 23 & English 19 Placement score of a 340-390 with a minimum Essay score of 4 OR a placement score of 310-339 and levels 4-6 on ABE Diagnostic and a minimum Essay score of 5 A composite score of 23 on the PLAN with at least a 19 or higher in English or an English score of 435 on the ACT-Aspire If administered prior to October 15, 2015 - If the student achieves a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the reading OR After October 15, 2015 – a score of 460 on the evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) on a PSAT/MSQT exam *English III EOC combined assessment in both reading and writing Level 2 TEA recommended scores (4000) OR Dual Credit Waiver Only- If a student achieves a minimum score of 4000 on the English II State of Texas Assessment of Academic readiness EOC exam Reading Based Courses (Must be TSI Reading complete to enroll): Taken prior to March 5, 2016: Composite score of 1070* & a minimum score on the Critical Reading of 500 Taken on or after March 5, 2016: Composite score of 23 & English 19 Reading 351 A composite score of 23 on the PLAN with at least a 19 or higher in English OR an English score of 435 on the ACT-Aspire *English III EOC combined assessment in both r...
Student Eligibility. Graduates of Jamestown Community College must possess a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to transfer to SUNY Canton. SUNY Canton assures acceptance into their choice of degree program as detailed below for Jamestown Community College students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.1 Students are encouraged to apply during their last semester at Jamestown Community College.
Student Eligibility. High school students enrolled in college courses for dual credit will meet the same course enrollment requirements as all other students, including any required qualifying exams as prescribed in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 4.85 (b).
Student Eligibility. A. An eligible secondary student is defined in §1007.271(2), Florida Statutes, as a student who is enrolled in a Florida public secondary school or a Florida non-public secondary school. A non-public secondary school must be in compliance with §1002.42(2), Florida Statutes and must conduct a secondary curriculum pursuant to §1003.428 or §1003.4282, Florida Statutes, in order for its students to be eligible to participate in a dual enrollment program. Confirmation of compliance must be provided to the College from the non-public institution. Evidence of compliance can be a letter attesting that the non-public school complies or the receipt of actual documentation, i.e., catalogs, etc.
B. The College limits dual enrollment to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
C. The high school guidance office is responsible for verifying that the student has earned the required scores on the proper placement test(s) in order to register for a specific course(s). The guidance counselor at the high school will sign the registration form to verify that the student is eligible to take the dual enrollment course(s).
D. No student shall be enrolled in a college credit mathematics or English course on a dual enrollment basis unless the student has demonstrated adequate pre-collegiate preparation on the basic computational and/or communications skills assessment of the entry-level placement test. Additionally, students enrolling in any college credit course must demonstrate adequate reading preparation through submission of appropriate placement test scores.
E. Students enrolling in dual enrollment courses must identify a postsecondary education objective. The College dual enrollment coordinator is responsible for appropriate student academic advisement and educational planning. The coordinator will work closely with students and high school guidance professionals in the development of student academic and education plans.
F. The high school is responsible for verifying that the student is eligible to apply for admission as a dual enrolled student. The student is responsible for applying for admission and meeting admission requirements prior to the published deadlines. Students with incomplete applications for admission will not be allowed to register. Spaces in courses and programs may fill quickly. Incomplete applications may cause delays that prevent registration into the desired course or program.
G. Part-time dual enrolled students may take up to eleven semester hou...
Student Eligibility. To apply for recognition of the articulated course, student will need to have:
Student Eligibility. Graduates of Jamestown Community College must possess a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. SUNY Canton assures acceptance for Jamestown Community College students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Students are encouraged to apply during their last semester at Jamestown Community College.
Student Eligibility. Eligibility criteria listed below predict student success in a CE course. CE eligibility is restricted to students meeting the following criteria:
A. In grade 9, 10, 11, or 12;
B. A grade point average, ACT score, or a placement score (generally considered to be a B average or 3.0 GPA or ACT score of 22 or higher or a C or 2.0 GPA for non-General Education CTE courses) or other indicators which predicts the students’ likelihood of achieving a B or better in the concurrent course;
C. For courses such as math and English, earn an appropriate placement test score or pass prerequisite course(s). To enroll in a CE mathematics course:
1. students must complete Secondary Math I, II, III with a “C” average or better course grade in all three courses; and
2. must meet additional institutional prerequisite requirements, if any.
D. Current CE participation form authorized by parent/guardian;
E. Counselor/principal and college approval to register for college credit for CE courses. College approval is not required if students do not pay for college enrollment or college credit; and
F. Current Plan for College and Career Readiness on file.
G. Home schooled students are eligible for CE courses with principal permission from the high school they would attend. They are subject to all rules and requirements that apply to student participation in the CE program. They must have a parent affidavit (Utah Code 53G-6-703) on file to participate in concurrent enrollment.