Right of the. [Commission][Agency] to object to a transfer of ownership or the licencing of results
Right of the. Instalment Seller to Assign or Transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement
Right of the. Lessor to Assign this Agreement. The Lessor shall have the right to finance the acquisition and ownership of Vehicles by selling or assigning its right, title and interest in this Agreement, including, without limitation, in moneys due from each Lessee and any third party under this Agreement; provided, however, that any such sale or assignment shall be subject to the rights and interest of each Lessee in the Vehicles leased by such Lessee hereunder, including but not limited to such Lessee's right of quiet and peaceful possession of such Vehicles as set forth in Section 9 hereof, and under this Agreement.
Right of the. Servicing Agent to Use the Servicing Agent's Name. ADS -------------------------------------------------------------- hereby authorizes the Servicing Agent to use the name of the Servicing Agent when corresponding with or talking to any Customer.
12.1 The Allottee hereby agreed to purchase the Unit and the Properties Appurtenant thereto on the specific understanding that his/her/their/its right to use of the Common Area and the Common Facilities shall be subject to timely payment of the total maintenance charges, as determined and thereafter billed by the DEVELOPER/FMC/Holding Organisation/Association of the Allottees (or the maintenance agency appointed by it) as the case may be and performance by the Allottee of his/her obligation in respect of the terms and conditions specified by the Maintenance Agency or the Association of Allottee/s from time to time.
12.2 In the event of the Allottees failing to make payment of the common area maintenance charges (hereinafter referred to as the CAM CHARGES) the Allottees shall be obligated to pay:
i) interest at the rate of 15% per annum on all amounts remaining outstanding
ii) Rs.2/- per sq.ft. per month as late charges And if such default shall continue for more than thirty days then and in that event all expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees paid and/or incurred by the Developer /FMC/Holding Organization in respect of any proceedings brought about to collect such unpaid CAM Charges or to enforce any lien in respect of such unpaid CAM Charges shall be on account of the Allottee.
12.3 The Allottee acknowledges that upkeep of the common parts and portions and rendition of common services is for the benefit of all the Unit owners in the said new building/s and nonpayment thereof by the Allottee is likely to adversely affect the services and/or interest of the other Unit owners and as such in the event of any default on the part of the Allottee in making timely payment of such common expenses the Allottees shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of 15% per annum on the amounts lying in arrears and if such default shall continue for a period of three months then and in that event the Allottees shall not be entitled to avail of any of the said facilities and/or utilities and the DEVELOPER and/or Holding Organization and/or FMC as the case may be shall be entitled to and the Allottee hereby consents:
i) to discontinue the supply of electricity to the Allottees’ Unit
ii) to disrupt the supply of water
iii) to withdraws the lift facilities to the Allottees and/or to the members of his family including the Al...
Right of the data subject to object and the restricted registry of Registers Iceland.
1. the information transmitted does not include sensitive personal data;
2. each data subject has been given the opportunity to object, prior to transmission, that his or her data be displayed in the transmitted register;
3. this does not contravene applicable rules of procedures or instruments of incorporation of the controller concerned;
4. the controller investigates whether any of the data subjects has presented his or her objections to Registers Iceland, cf. paragraph 2, and, if that is the case, deletes the data of the person concerned before it transmits the register.
Right of the. OWNER The owner reserves the right to distribute the work between more than one agency(ies). The contractor shall cooperate and afford other agencies reasonable opportunity for access to the work for the carriage and storage of material and execution their works. Wherever the work being done by any department of the owner or by other agencies employed by the owner is contingent upon work covered by this contract, the respective rights of the various interests involved shall be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge to secure completion of various portions of the work in general harmony. LANGUAGE AND MEASURES All documents pertaining to the contract including specifications, schedule, notices, correspondences operating and maintenance instructions, drawings etc shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurements shall be used in the contract unless otherwise specified.
Right of the participating Member States to re- sell,
Right of the. Lessor reserves the right during the term of this lease to Entry enter said premises at reasonable hours to show the same to other persons who may be interested in renting or buying the property-, and- for the purpose of inspecting the premises and to make such repairs as Lessor may deem necessary for the protection and preservation of the said building and premises; but Lessor is not bound to make any repairs whatever except as otherwise provided herein, nor to be held liable for any damage in consequence of leak, or for the stoppage of water, sewer, gas, or drain pipes by reason of any other cause or obstruction, not for any other defects about the building and premises, Lessee having examined the same and being satisfied therewith, but should such leaks, obstructions, freezing, stoppages or other defects about the building and premises, occur during the term of this lease or while the Lessee is occupying the premises, then the Lessee shall remedy the same promptly at the Lessee's expense unless the Lessor by written agreement undertakes to do the same.