Natural Disaster. In the event that any obligation of either party is prevented or delayed by circumstances of natural disaster, such party will be excused from any failure to perform any such obligation under this Agreement to the extent that such failure is caused by any such circumstances.
Natural Disaster. A teacher may be granted temporary leave in the event of a tornado, flood and/or fire as determined by the Human Resources Division, and after the teacher has used all personal leave.
Natural Disaster. In the event of a natural disaster, Microsoft may provide additional assistance or rights by posting them on xxxx:// at such time.
Natural Disaster. Upon request of an employee and upon approval of a Department Director or designee, leave credits (CTO, vacation, and/or holiday) may be transferred from one or more employees to another employee, in accordance with department policies, under the following conditions: Sick leave credits cannot be transferred; When the receiving employee faces financial hardship due to the effect of a natural disaster on the employee's principal residence; The receiving employee has exhausted all vacation, annual leave, or CTO credits and resides in one of the counties where a State of Emergency exists as declared by the Governor; The donations must be whole day increments and credited as vacation or annual leave; Transfer of annual leave, vacation, CTO and holiday credits shall be allowed to cross departmental lines in accordance with the policies of the receiving department; The total leave credits received by the employee shall normally not exceed three
Natural Disaster. A company will not be held responsible for failing to attain employment projections if a natural disaster such as a fire, flood, hurricanes or tornado strikes the business.
Natural Disaster. In the event of a natural disaster, BQE Software may post information or provide additional assistance or rights on xxxx://
Natural Disaster. Where a staff member is prevented from traveling from their usual place of residence to attend duty as a result of floods, cyclonic disturbances, bushfires or earthquakes, three days paid leave per year may be granted. Where a staff member is required to return home to ensure their own safety, protection of their family or property, or availability of transport facilities which may later be disrupted or discontinued because of weather conditions, paid leave for the remainder of the day may be granted.
Natural Disaster. 10 In the event of a tornado, major storm, earthquake, fire, natural disaster, or other 11 such event, the City Representative may grant CONTRACTOR a variance from regular 12 routes and schedules. As soon as practicable after such event, CONTRACTOR shall 13 advise the City Representative when it is anticipated that normal routes and schedules 14 can be resumed. The City Representative shall make an effort through the local news 15 media to inform the public when regular services may be resumed. Clean-up from 16 some events may require that CONTRACTOR hire additional equipment, employ 17 additional personnel, or work existing personnel on overtime hours to clean debris 18 resulting from the event. CONTRACTOR shall receive additional compensation, above 19 the normal compensation contained in this Agreement, to cover the costs of rental 20 equipment, additional personnel, overtime hours and other documented expenses 21 based on the rates set forth in Exhibit 1 (“Compensation”) to this Agreement, provided 22 CONTRACTOR has first secured written authorization and approval from the City 23 Representative.
Natural Disaster. The cover provided by this policy extends to cover the difference between the Earthquake Commission Cover (EQCover) and the actual cost of reinstatement for Natural Disaster Damage that occurs to Insured Property, provided:
Natural Disaster. In an emergency or natural disaster, every effort will be made to contact you or your Emergency Contact to retrieve your pet. You agree that the Boarding Facility, at its sole discretion, is authorized to transport, and/or to make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for your pet until you or your Emergency Contact can retrieve your pet. You understand it may not always be possible to safely evacuate your pet.