Genetics Sample Clauses

Genetics. Any treatment, device, drug, or supply to alter the body’s genes, genetic make-up, or the expression of the body’s genes except for the correction of congenital birth defects.
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Genetics. It might be considered as the ultimate proof of causality when subjects who are exposed to high CRP their whole life due to genetic predisposition have increased risk of CVD. No environmental factors that determine risk are expected to contribute in this analysis. Very recently, it has become firmly established that a genetic component exists for basal levels of CRP. Baseline levels of CRP show a clear heritability of 40% 55 and 39% 56 in family studies. In twin studies, XxxXxxxxx and colleagues57 observed 26% heritability in middle-aged twins; xx Xxxx et al (unpublished data, 2004) observed heritability of 20% in elderly twins. Xxxxx et al58 reported the involvement of genetics to CRP, not only with respect to baseline CRP levels, but in particular to the response to stimuli. Genetic research on CRP can add to knowledge about the mechanisms of involvement of CRP in disease processes that may affect the use of CRP as a marker. Important lessons can be learned from the genetic approach and the consequences of the results. Xxxxxx et al59 reported on a GT repeat polymorphism in intron 1 of the CRP gene. Alleles that are associated with low CRP levels differ in length by exactly 10 bp, which is sufficient for one complete turn of helical double-stranded DNA. This polymorphism disrupts a consensus sequence for the hormone response element HRE-3, suggesting that this polymorphism directly affects the regulation of CRP expression. Xxx and colleagues reported no association between CRP haplotype, consisting of the exonic 1059G/C (dbSNP rs1800947) and the intronic T/A (dbSNP rs1417938) polymorphisms, and venous thromboembolism in a nested case-control sample of the Physicians Health Study60. They had reported previously that the CRP concentrations were significantly reduced among carriers of the 1059C-allele, but the polymorphism was not associated with risk of arterial thrombosis61. A more extensive haplotype analysis in 586 UK simplex systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) families, including –286C/T/A (dbSNP rs 3091244), 188L/L (1059G/C, dbSNP rs1800947), 988C/T (dbSNP rs1130864), 1846G/A (dbSNP rs1205) and CRP(GT)n, showed that there was a strong linkage disequilibrium within the CRP gene. The rare allele of the 1846G/A polymorphism was associated with the development of SLE. The 188L/L and the 1846G/A polymorphisms made independent contributions to the basal CRP level in these subjects. For the 3’ polymorphism (dbSNP rs1205) this association may be explained by an...
Genetics. RA is a complex disease and is often heterogeneous in its clinical presentation. This heterogeneity can continue throughout the course of disease with variable disease progression, severity and response to treatment. This variability between individuals is likely secondary to genetic factors. The role of HLA DRB1 genes has been known for many years. The first clue that T cells may be an important driver of inflammation in RA came with the discovery of the link between RA and HLA-DR4/DR1 [Winchester 1981]. The only known function of DR molecules is to present antigen to T cells. Several different HLA DRB1 alleles have been shown to be associated with RA and some alleles have much stronger associations than others; HLA DRB1*0404 is a much stronger susceptibility factor than HLA DRB1*0401. [Xxxxxx et al. 1992] In contrast some HLA DRB1 alleles may actually be protective. Recent thinking suggests that the association between HLA DRB1 and RA is related to severity of disease rather than risk of development of disease. [Xxxx et al. 1994] Twin studies have shown that RA has a heritability of approximately 60%. [XxxXxxxxx et al. 2000]
Genetics. Seals are primarily rehabilitated for animal welfare reasons. No negative effects of rehabilitation on the populations have yet been documented. It is, however, sometimes argued that release of rehabilitated animals may eventually have negative consequences for the population where there are individuals with genetic weaknesses among the admitted seals. Orphanage (both seals species) and parasitic pneumonia (common seals only) are the main causes of seals being admitted to rehabilitation (Chapter 1). For orphans, disturbance and extreme weather conditions are considered to be the most probable causes of separations between mothers and their pups. These two factors are expected to affect the seals in a random manner. A number of marine mammal studies postulate a relationship between disease and heterozygosity, which is the level of genetic variation within an individual animal selected at random from the population (Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxxxxx et al. 2003; Xxxxxxxxx et al. 2004; Xxxxx et al. 2008). Disease can also be related to a specific locus rather than overall genetic variability (Xxxxx et al. 2005; Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxxxxxx et al. 2009).
Genetics. There is considerable evidence that genetic susceptibility plays a role in the pro- gression from substance use to dependence and ultimately addiction. Like for most diseases, the genetic contribution to addiction is highly complex, as heredity reflects both the variance attributable to genetic factors themselves and the variance result- ing from interactions between genes and environment 132. Thus, genetic factors not only determine individual differences in drug pharmacokinetics and vulnerability to the reinforcing properties of drugs, but also susceptibility to the effects of life events thereupon 710. Twin studies have indicated that addictions are among the most heritable of psy- chiatric disorders 254. Although most research has focused on alcohol and tobacco abuse, which have much higher prevalences that illicit drug use, several studies have indicated that there is a substantial genetic component in vulnerability to the reinforcing properties of cocaine 348,670, which is more pronounced for cocaine abuse than use 348. Interestingly, it has been proposed that the genetic component in drug addiction is not substance-specific but rather extends to all classes of abused drugs 349. In addition, there may be genes that are specific to a certain type of drug and its neurobiological and pharmacological profile. Studies in humans have identified several genes that are associated with cocaine dependence, of which the D2 receptor gene has gained most attention. There is a strong association between cocaine dependence and certain alleles of the D2 receptor gene (A1 and B1) 475 and the A1 allele has also been associated with the occurrence of severe alcoholism 121, nicotine and opioid dependence, polysub- stance abuse and obesity (for a review see: 473,476). Conflicting data have, however, also been reported 231. Carriers of the A1 allele have lower numbers of D2 receptors in the striatal complex and several additional metabolic and neurophysiological differences within dopamine rich brain regions (reviewed in: 474). Interestingly, this allele has also been associated with the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 123, which is intriguing in view of the high co-morbidity between PTSD and drug abuse (see section 5.5). This finding suggests that the D2 receptor gene might engage in gene-environment interactions, which has been supported by studies showing that cigarette craving 198 and cognitive function 41 were differentially af- fected by stress i...

Related to Genetics

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  • Science The content in the sequence of BSC 1010C and BSC 1011C is comparable to the standards for Biology 1 and therefore if both are completed may be used as preparation for the associated EOC. NFCC Course Course Title High School credit awarded AST 1002 Introduction to Astronomy 0.5 AST 1002/AST 1002L Introduction to Astronomy + Introduction to Astronomy Lab 1.0 BOT 2010C General Botany 1.0 BSC 1005C Introduction to Biology (non- majors course) 1.0 BSC 1010C Principles of Biology I 1.0 BSC 1011 Principles of Biology II 1.0 BSC 1050 Man & Environment 0.5 BSC 2084C Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 1.0 BSC 2085C Anatomy & Physiology I 1.0 BSC 2086C Anatomy & Physiology II 1.0 CHM 1033C Survey of Chemistry 1.0 CHM 1045/CHM 1045L General Chemistry I + General Chemistry I Lab 1.0 CHM 1046/CHM 1046L General Chemistry II + General Chemistry II Lab 1.0 CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I 0.5 CHM 2210/CHM2210L Organic Chemistry I + Organic Chemistry I Lab 1.0 CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II CHM 2211/CHM2211L Organic Chemistry II + Organic Chemistry I Lab 1.0 EVR 1001 Introduction to Environmental Science 0.5 MCB 2010C Microbiology 1.0 PHY 1020C Fundamentals of Physics 1.0 PHY 2048/PHY2048L Physics I with Calculus + Physics I with Calculus Lab 1.0 PHY 2049/PHY2049L Physics II with Calculus + Physics II with Calculus Lab 1.0 PHY 1053/PHY 1053L General Physics I + General Physics I Lab 1.0 PHY 1054/PHY 1054L General Physics II + General Physics II Lab 1.0 PSC 1341C Physical Science I 1.0 ZOO 2010C General Zoology 1.0 SOCIAL STUDIES The content of the sequence of AMH 2010 and AMH 2020 is comparable to the standard for United States History and therefore if both are completed may be used as preparation for the EOC assessment. NFCC Course Course Title High School credit awarded AMH 2010 American History I 0.5 AMH 2020 American History II 0.5 POS 2041 American National Government 0.5 WOH 1012 World History to 1600 0.5 WOH 1022 World History Since 1600 0.5 ECO 2013 Macroeconomics 0.5 ECO 2023 Microeconomics 0.5 ELECTIVES Three credit hour (or equivalent) postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment offered at NFCC not listed in previous subject area lists shall be awarded at least 0.5 high school elective credits. For those listed below that are part of a postsecondary career/technical program of study at NFCC (Technical Certificate (CCC), AS, or ATD) the designated HS credit is at least 0.5 elective credit for those courses that are 3 or more credit hours. Only NFCC programs have been listed for courses that are either AA General Education options or where that course is a program requirement. Courses that are fewer than 3 credit hours are not listed. NFCC course NFCC program (s) Course Title High School credit awarded XXX 0000 XX General Education/Social Science History of Florida 0.5 XXX 0000 XX General Education/Social Science African-American History & Culture 0.5 ACG 2021 AA Business Emphasis, AS Business Administration, AS Accounting TechnologyManagement, CCC Business Operations, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist Introduction to Financial Accounting 0.5 ACG 2071 AA Business Emphasis; AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations: Accounting/Budgeting Operations; CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Management Introduction to Managerial Accounting 0.5 ACG 2104 AS Accounting Technology Management Intermediate Accounting I 0.5 ACG 2114 AS Accounting Technology Management Intermediate Accounting II 0.5 ACG 2450 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator; CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist Microcomputers in Accounting 0.5 APA 2501 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Payroll accounting 0.5 TAX 2000 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Individual Income Tax 0.5 BUL 2241 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations; CCC Human Resource Administrator Legal Environment of Business 0.5 CCJ 1020 AA General Education/Social Sciences; AS Criminal Justice Technology Introduction to Criminal Justice 0.5 CCJ 2010 CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Nature of Crime 0.5 CCJ 2022 AS Criminal Justice Technology; CCJ Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Concepts & Issues in Criminal Justice 0.5 CCJ 2350 Correctional Facility Organization/Operations 0.5 CCJ 2053 AS Criminal Justice Technology Criminal Justice Ethics 0.5 CET 1171C CCC Network Security IT Essentials 0.5 CET 1600C CCC Network Security Cisco Introduction to Networks 0.5 CET 1610C CCC Network Security Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 0.5 CET 2615C CCC Network Security Cisco Scaling Networks 0.5 CET 2620C CCC Network Security Cisco Connecting Networks 0.5 CGS 1100C AA Business Emphasis; AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations, CCC Human Resources Administrator, AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Computer Applications I 0.5 CGS 1520 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Multimedia Programming 0.5 CGS 1930C CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Computer Science Special Topics 0.5 CGS 2515 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Spreadsheet Applications for Business 0.5 CGS 2571C AS Business Administration Computer Applications II 0.5 CHD 2220 Child Growth and Development 0.5 CIS 2381C CCC Network Security Computer Forensics and Investigations 0.5 CIS 2352C CCC Network Security Ethical Hacking I 0.5 CJE 1301 Police Patrol Operations 0.5 CJE 2300 Police Administration and Operations 0.5 CJL 1100 AS Criminal Justice Technology Criminal Law 0.5 CJL 2062 AS Criminal Justice Technology Constitutional Law 0.5 CJL 2500 AS Criminal Justice Technology America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System 0.5 CJE 1600 ; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Criminal Investigations 0.5 CTS 1120C CCC Network Security Security+ 0.5 CTS 1387C CCC Network Security Linux/Unix Fundamentals 0.5 CTS 2664C CCC Network Security CCNA Security 0.5 CLP 1140 Abnormal Psychology 0.5 DEP 2004 AA General Education/Social Science Human Development 0.5 ECO 2013 AA General Education Business Emphasis, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Macroeconomics 0.5 ECO 2023 AA General Education Business Emphasis; AS Accounting Technology Management; AS Business Administration; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Microeconomics 0.5 EDF 2005 AA Education Emphasis Introduction to the Teaching Profession 0.5 EDF 2085 AA Education Emphasis Introduction to Diversity for Educators 0.5 EDP 2002 Educational Psychology 0.5 EME 2040 AA Education Emphasis, CCC Digital Media/Multimedia Instructional Technology Specialization Introduction to Technology for Educators 0.5 EMS 1119 ATD Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician I 1.0 EMS 1119L ATD Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician I Lab 0.5 ENT 1000 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship; AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Introduction to Entrepreneurship 0.5 FIN 1100 Personal Finance 0.5 FIN 2000 AS Accounting Technology Management, AS Business Administration Principles of Finance 0.5 GEB 1011 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations, AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology; CCC Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Operations; CCC Accounting Technology Specialist; Introduction to Business 0.5 GEB 1136 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Introduction to e-Business 0.5 GEB 2430 Business Ethics GEB 2930 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Business Administration Capstone 0.5 GRA1213 Basic Electronic Imaging 0.5 GRA 1952 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Portfolio Review 0.5 GRA 2117C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC’s Authoring, Production, and Web Specializations Computer Assisted Graphic Design 0.5 GRA 2121C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Publication Design 0.5 GRA 2131C AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s Electronic Imaging 0.5 GRA 2140C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Interactive Media 0.5 GRA 2143C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC Web Production Specialization Advanced Web Design 0.5 GRA 2144C AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s Fundamentals of Web Design 0.5 GRA 2160C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC’s Production and Web Production Specializations Computer Animation 0.5 GRA 2207C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Advanced Electronic Imaging HSC 1531 Medical Terminology for Allied Health 0.5 HUM 1020 AA General Education Introduction to Humanities 0.5 HUM 2210 AA General Education Humanities General Humanities I 0.5 HUM 2230 AA General Education Humanities General Humanities II 0.5 HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 0.5 LIT 2020 AA General Education Humanities/Literature Short Story 0.5 MAN 2021 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations Management Specialization Principles of Management 0.5 MAR 2011 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Principles of Marketing 0.5 MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra 0.5 MNA 2100 AS Business Administration, CCC Human Resources Administrator; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Human Resources Relations in Management 0.5 OST 2335 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations, CCC Human Resources Administrator, AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Business Communication 0.5 PGY 2401 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Introduction to Photography 0.5 PHI 2010 AA General Education Humanities Introduction to Philosophy 0.5 PSY 2012 AA General Education /Social Sciences/Education/Business emphasis AA Nursing Emphasis, AS Criminal Justice Technology, AS Digital Media/Multimedia General Psychology 0.5 REL 2300 AA General Education Humanities Introduction to World Religion 0.5 SBM 2000 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Operations Small Business Management; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Small Business Management 0.5 SYG 1000 AA General Education /Social Sciences; AS Criminal Justice Technology Introductory Sociology 0.5 SYG 2010 AA General Education /Social Sciences, Social Problems 0.5 SYG 2322 AS Criminal Justice Technology; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Juvenile Delinquency 0.5 SYG 2323 AS Criminal Justice Technology Introduction to Criminology 0.5 SYG 2430 Marriage and the Family 0.5 WOH 2040 AA General Education History/Social Sciences World History in the 20th Century 0.5 SLS 1103 Strategies for Academic Success 0.5 Appendix D 2016 – 2017 Academic Calendar TRADITIONAL TERM 2016 Term I Comments August 22 & 23 Faculty Planning Days August 24 Classes Begin Sept. 5 LABOR DAY Holiday Nov. 11 VETERANS DAY Holiday Nov. 24 & 25 THANKSGIVING Holidays Dec. 2 Classes End Dec. 5 – 8 Final Exams Dec. 12 Grades Due Dec. 9, 12, 13 Faculty Planning Days Dec. 13 Term Ends. Commencement, 7 pm 2017 Term II Comments Jan. 2 & 3 Faculty Planning Days Jan. 4 Classes Begin Jan. 16 XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX Holiday Feb. 20 PRESIDENTS DAY Holiday March 13 – 17 SPRING BREAK Apr. 20 Classes End Apr. 21 – 26 Final Exams Apr 28 Grades Due Apr. 27, 28, May 1, 2 Faculty Planning Days May 2 Term Ends. Commencement, 7 pm 2017 Term III Comments May 8 Classes Begin May 29 MEMORIAL DAY Holiday July 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Holiday July 18 Classes End July 19 & 20 Final Exams July 25 Grades Due. Term Ends NON-TRADITIONAL TERMS (e.g. Weekend College, Mini-mesters) NONE APPENDIX E 2016 -2017 Academic Year North Florida Community College Dual Enrolled Cost per Credit Hour Taught on NFCC Campus by NFCC Instructor $71.98/credit hour/vocational credit hour Video Conference Delivery from NFCC Campus to High School Campus Instructional Cost Less Public School Instructional Cost for Facilitator 71.98 - (($17.04 * 15 weeks)/13)*$1.0765) $21.16 Total Cost $50.82 Consumable Materials for EMT Background check and fingerprinting $60.00 Materials $215.41 Total $275.41 Consumable Materials for ECPC Background check and fingerprinting $60.00 Course pack $24.00 Total $84.00

  • Technology Research Analyst Job# 1810 General Characteristics Maintains a strong understanding of the enterprise’s IT systems and architectures. Assists in the analysis of the requirements for the enterprise and applying emerging technologies to support long-term business objectives. Responsible for researching, collecting, and disseminating information on emerging technologies and key learnings throughout the enterprise. Researches and recommends changes to foundation architecture. Supports research projects to identify and evaluate emerging technologies. Interfaces with users and staff to evaluate possible implementation of the new technology in the enterprise, consistent with the goal of improving existing systems and technologies and in meeting the needs of the business. Analyzes and researches process of deployment and assists in this process.

  • Science and Technology 1. Member States shall:

  • Technology Discoveries, innovations, Know-How and inventions, whether patentable or not, including computer software, recognized under U.S. law as intellectual creations to which rights of ownership accrue, including, but not limited to, patents, trade secrets, maskworks and copyrights developed under this Agreement.

  • Nepotism No employee shall be awarded a position where he/she is to be directly supervised by a member of his/her immediate family. “

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