Disclosures Required by Applicable Law Sample Clauses

Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. In addition to the foregoing exceptions, in the event the Receiving Party is requested or required (by oral or written request for information or documents in any legal proceeding, interrogatory, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process or by Applicable Law) to disclose any Proprietary Information, then the Receiving Party shall notify the Originating Party promptly of the request or requirement so that the Originating Party, at its expense, may seek an appropriate protective order or waive compliance with this Section 6. If, in the absence of a protective order or receipt of a waiver hereunder, the Receiving Party is, on the advice of counsel, required to disclose such Proprietary Information, the Receiving Party may so disclose the information; provided that the Receiving Party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment shall be accorded to such information.
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Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. Either Party may disclose Confidential Information which is required to be disclosed by Applicable Laws or order of any Government Authority to be disclosed; provided, however, that the Party so disclosing shall give the other Party advance written notice to permit it to seek a protective order or other similar order with respect to the Confidential Information and, thereafter, shall disclose only the minimum Confidential Information required to be disclosed in order to comply, whether or not the other Party seeks or obtains any such protective or other similar order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, information disclosed as set forth in this Section 8.3 shall not be disclosed to any other third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party.
Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Agreement shall impair either Party’s compliance with any requirements of: (a) governmental agencies to the extent required or desirable to secure government approval for the development, manufacture or sale of Product in the Territory; (b) the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the national securities exchange or other stock market on which such Party’s securities are traded; (c) or any other applicable law. In connection with any filing by either Party of a copy of this Agreement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (or the national securities exchange or other stock market on which such Party’s securities are traded), the filing Party shall endeavor to obtain confidential treatment of economic and trade secret information. Reasonably in advance of any filing under this Section (whether or not this Agreement is included in the filing), the filing Party shall provide to the other Party a copy of the proposed filing and the Parties shall work cooperatively in good faith, taking into consideration the other Party’s suggestions, regarding the information for which the filing Party will seek to obtain confidential treatment. However, in the event of any disagreements that cannot be amicably resolved, the Party which is making the filing shall, together with input from their own legal counsel, have the ultimate authority to make the filing in the fashion in which it feels the filing must be made.
Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. If the Center is required by Applicable Law to zákonů vyžadováno, aby Centrum zpřístupnilo státnímu orgánu jakékoli Osobní údaje, bude oprávněno tak učinit za předpokladu, že: (i) v rozsahu povoleném Platnými zákony Centrum předem písemně oznámí toto zpřístupnění Zadavateli a/nebo CRO, a to do dvaceti čtyř (24) hodin od obdržení žádosti s kopií žádosti a veškerých souvisejících dokumentů; (ii) Centrum přijme veškerá přiměřená a zákonná opatření, aby se vyhnulo tomuto zpřístupnění a minimalizoval se jeho rozsah; (iii) Centrum obdrží formální slib důvěrnosti v možném rozsahu ve formě schválené Zadavatelem a/nebo CRO od subjektu, jemuž jsou osobní údaje zpřístupňovány; a (iv) před zpřístupněním Osobních údajů státnímu orgánu bude Centrum přiměřeně spolupracovat se Zadavatelem, aby se mohl vůči tomuto zpřístupnění bránit, pokud se tak Zadavatel rozhodne. Pokud bude Centru ze zákona zakázáno o tomto zpřístupnění Zadavatele a/nebo CRO informovat, vynaloží přiměřené úsilí na to, aby požádalo státní orgán, aby žádost směroval přímo na Zadavatele a/nebo CRO. disclose any Personal Data to a governmental authority then it shall be entitled to do so provided that: (i) to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, the Center provides prior written notice of such disclosure to Sponsor and/or CRO within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the request with a copy of the request and any related documents; (ii) the Center takes all reasonable and lawful actions to avoid and minimize the extent of that disclosure; (iii) to the extent possible, the Center receives confidentiality undertakings in a form approved by Sponsor and/or CRO from the entity to whom Personal Data is disclosed; and (iv) before disclosing Personal Data to the governmental authority the Center reasonably cooperates with Sponsor to resist that disclosure if Sponsor chooses to do so. Where the Center is legally prohibited from notifying Sponsor and/or CRO of the disclosure, it shall use reasonable efforts to request the governmental authority to direct the request directly to Sponsor and/or CRO.
Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. The terms of this Section shall not be construed to prevent either Party from disclosing Confidential Information to any Governmental Authority to the extent required by Applicable Law provided that the Party required to make such disclosure first gives the other Party written notice of the required disclosure and cooperates fully with the other Party in preventing such disclosure (consistent with Applicable Law) or seeking such protective order or other means for limiting the extent of the disclosure as the other Party may deem desirable.
Disclosures Required by Applicable Law. If a Party is required by Applicable Law or judicial or administrative process to disclose Confidential Information that is subject to the non-disclosure provisions of Section 9.1, such Party may disclose such Confidential Information as so required; provided that such Party shall promptly inform the other Party of the disclosure that is being sought in order to provide such other Party an opportunity to challenge or limit the disclosure obligations, and, if requested by the other Party, cooperate in all reasonable respects with the other Party’s efforts to obtain confidential treatment or a protective order with respect to any such disclosure. Confidential Information that is disclosed as required by Applicable Law or by judicial or administrative process shall remain otherwise subject to the confidentiality and non-use provisions of Section 9.1, and the Party so disclosing Confidential Information shall (a) take all steps reasonably necessary, including seeking to obtain an order of confidentiality, to endeavor to ensure the continued confidential treatment of such Confidential Information and (b) disclose such -97- [ * ] = CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY BRACKETS, HAS BEEN OMITTED BECAUSE IT IS BOTH (I) NOT MATERIAL AND (II) WOULD LIKELY CAUSE COMPETITIVE HARM IF PUBLICLY DISCLOSED

Related to Disclosures Required by Applicable Law

  • Disclosures Required by Law If you or any NRSRO Representative is requested or required (orally or in writing, by interrogatory, subpoena, civil investigatory demand, request for information or documents, deposition or similar process relating to any legal proceeding, investigation, hearing or otherwise) to disclose any Confidential Information, you agree to provide the relevant Furnishing Entity with notice as soon as practicable (except in the case of regulatory or other governmental inquiry, examination or investigation, and otherwise to the extent practical and permitted by law, regulation or regulatory or other governmental authority) that a request to disclose the Confidential Information has been made so that the relevant Furnishing Entity may seek an appropriate protective order or other reasonable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded the Confidential Information if it so chooses. Unless otherwise required by a court or other governmental or regulatory authority to do so, and provided that you been informed by written notice that the related Furnishing Entity is seeking a protective order or other reasonable assurance for confidential treatment with respect to the requested Confidential Information, you agree not to disclose the Confidential Information while the Furnishing Entity’s effort to obtain such a protective order or other reasonable assurance for confidential treatment is pending. You agree to reasonably cooperate with each Furnishing Entity in its efforts to obtain a protective order or other reasonable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded to the portion of the Confidential Information that is being disclosed, at the sole expense of such Furnishing Entity; provided, however, that in no event shall the NRSRO be required to take a position that such information should be entitled to receive such a protective order or reasonable assurance as to confidential treatment. If a Furnishing Entity succeeds in obtaining a protective order or other remedy, you agree to comply with its terms with respect to the disclosure of the Confidential Information, at the sole expense of such Furnishing Entity. If a protective order or other remedy is not obtained or if the relevant Furnishing Entity waives compliance with the provisions of this Confidentiality Agreement in writing, you agree to furnish only such information as you are legally required to disclose, at the sole expense of the relevant Furnishing Entity.

  • Disclosure Required by Law The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to the extent required by court or administrative order or law, provided that the Receiving Party provides advance notice thereof (to the extent practicable) and reasonable assistance, at the Disclosing Party’s cost, to enable the Disclosing Party to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or limit such disclosure.

  • Purchase Permitted By Applicable Law, Etc On the date of the Closing such Purchaser’s purchase of Notes shall (a) be permitted by the laws and regulations of each jurisdiction to which such Purchaser is subject, without recourse to provisions (such as section 1405(a)(8) of the New York Insurance Law) permitting limited investments by insurance companies without restriction as to the character of the particular investment, (b) not violate any applicable law or regulation (including, without limitation, Regulation T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and (c) not subject such Purchaser to any tax, penalty or liability under or pursuant to any applicable law or regulation, which law or regulation was not in effect on the date hereof. If requested by such Purchaser, such Purchaser shall have received an Officer’s Certificate certifying as to such matters of fact as such Purchaser may reasonably specify to enable such Purchaser to determine whether such purchase is so permitted.

  • Purchase Permitted by Applicable Laws The purchase of and payment for the Notes to be purchased by such Purchaser on the terms and conditions herein provided (including the use of the proceeds of such Notes by the Company) shall not violate any applicable law or governmental regulation (including, without limitation, Section 5 of the Securities Act or Regulation T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and shall not subject such Purchaser to any tax, penalty, liability or other onerous condition under or pursuant to any applicable law or governmental regulation, and such Purchaser shall have received such certificates or other evidence as it may request to establish compliance with this condition.

  • Conformity with Applicable Law The Manager, in the performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement, shall act in conformity with the Registration Statement of the Trust and with the instructions and directions of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and will conform to, and comply with, the requirements of the 1940 Act and all other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

  • State Law Disclosures Such disclosures and reports as are required by applicable state and local law in connection with the conveyance of real property;

  • Disclosure Requirement In connection with an Assumption of an assumable Mortgage Loan, the Servicer shall make all disclosures required by applicable law.

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