Developer’s Attachment Facilities. (“DAF”). Developer shall, at its expense, design, procure, construct, own and install the DAF, as set forth in Appendix A hereto.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. Developer shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Developer’s Attachment Facilities described in Appendix A hereto, at its sole expense.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities (“DAFs”) include all of the facilities between the Developer’s side of the Point of Change of Ownership (“PCO”) and the Large Generating Facility. As depicted in Figure A-1 to this Appendix A, the DAFs consist of the following major electrical and physical equipment: Three (3) 345 kV feeder cables.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. (“DAF”). Developer shall, at its expense, design, procure, construct, own and install the DAF, as set forth in Appendix A hereto. Developer shall submit initial specifications for the DAF, including System Protection Facilities, to Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO at least one hundred eighty (180) Calendar Days prior to the Initial Synchronization Date; and final specifications for review and comment at least ninety (90) Calendar Days prior to the Initial Synchronization Date. Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO shall review such specifications to ensure that the DAF are compatible with the technical specifications, operational control, and safety requirements of the Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO and comment on such specifications within thirty (30) Calendar Days of Developer’s submission. All specifications provided hereunder shall be deemed to be Confidential Information.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. Interconnection of the Large Generating Facility is achieved by means of the project substation named 9WU-BNL. The 9WU-BNL substation contains switching equipment to consolidate the field’s four (4) 13.8kV circuits, a 33MVA transformer to step the voltage to 69kV, and the required control and protection. Interconnection between 9WU- BNL and the LIPA 8ER Brookhaven Substation is achieved via a 69kV line which is direct buried and trenched approximately 3000ft. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities for the Large Generating Facility Project described in Appendix C of this Agreement are diagrammed in Figure A-1, of this Appendix A, and include: Eight (8) 3-phase, 1200A (continuous), 25kA (interrupting), electrically operated, drawout type, vacuum 13.8kV circuit breakers including six (6) in ring bus configurations, one (1) spare, and one (1) at the switchgear output One (1) 3-phase GOAB, 1200 A, 13.8kV switch
(1) 33MVA collector transformer. Transformer is a step-up, 3-phase 13.8kV; 69kV buried ground tertiary winding, 19.8/26.4/33.0 MVA, XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, 0 xxxxx, 00 Xx, 00 Degree C rise, 67.65kV, Grd Wye to 13.8kV Wye with high voltage de-energized taps, buried grounded tertiary winding, 9% impedance at 19.8 MVA Two (2) 3-phase GOAB, 1200A, 69kV switches 3000ft 69kV armored cable, 1-500MCM/phase One (1) ION 8600 project meter One (1) Shark meter for utility spare One (1) 69kV circuit breaker, 2000A cont., 40kA int All required protection One (1) Control house One (1) Battery room
Developer’s Attachment Facilities i) General Description: Developer’s Attachment Facilities consist of three (3) 18/355kV Generator Step-Up transformers (“GSU”) that feed from each GSU primary side underground Nexans type, XLPE Solid Dielectric Cable feeders to a collecting ABB type Gas Insulated Switchgear (“GIS”). The GIS has one set of motor operated disconnect switches and motor operated grounding switches for each incoming GSU feeder cable. The GIS has one main outlet feeder (“G13”), which also contains one set of motor operated disconnect switches and motor operated grounding switches. G13 is one three (3) phase feeder, made up of parallel 1,192kcmil Xxxxxxx aerial cable, with a total circuit length of 2,000 feet.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. The Large Generating Facility is connected via three 34.5kV collector lines from the turbine fields to the Xxxx substation (“Xxxx Substation”), each line consists of a combination of underground and overhead 34.5 kV circuits. Underground circuits are solid dielectric 34.5 kV power cables direct buried in cable trenches 4 feet deep along newly created turbine access roads. Overhead circuits are jacketed Xxxxxxx type cable of compact design supported from wood structures and mounted on insulated brackets suspended from messenger wire. The overhead circuits are located along established county roads. Fiber optic cables are routed along power with certain physical separation. The Xxxx Substation is an outdoor air insulated low profile design, single bus configuration. The Xxxx Substation will include Developer’s Attachment Facilities, Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities, and, ultimately, some System Upgrade Facilities. The Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and System Upgrade Facilities are described in Sections I.B. and II, respectively, of this Appendix A. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities in the Xxxx Substation consist of three 1200A circuit breakers for the collector lines and one 3000A main breaker for connecting the 34.5 kV collector bus to the 34.5/230kV step-up transformer. This breaker is SF6 type, rated 72 kV, 40 kA. The substation circuit breakers, disconnect switches, PTs, CTs, and surge arresters are interconnected together by a combination of strain buses and rigid buses mounted on porcelain insulators, supported on steel structures. The Xxxx Substation 34.5kV system includes circuit breaker current transformers and bus connected voltage transformers for metering and relaying. A 34.5 kV-120/208V station service transformer will supply power for the station service. All equipment, including fences, is grounded to a sub-grade grounding system designed to IEEE 80 requirements. The switchyard area shall be covered with a 6 inch layer of 0.75” crushed stone and will extend for a distance equal to 5 feet beyond the fence line. Grounding Transformer – Each collector line is connected with a grounding transformer at the substation end of the line to prevent line voltage rise between the time when the breaker is tripped and the turbines coast down. The Main Step-up Transformer is an outdoor mineral oil filled, forced air cooled, two winding 34.5/230 kV three phase transformer, rated at 75/92/120 MVA OA/FA/FAA. The transformer shall be c...
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities (“DAFs”) include all of the facilities between the Developer’s side of the Point of Change of Ownership (“PCO”) and the Large Generating Facility. The DAFs will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained by the Developer. Developer shall design and construct the DAFs in accordance with applicable requirements of the Connecting Transmission Owner, as set out in the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Bulletin 86-01, dated October 3, 2011, and the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Bulk Power POI Guide, to the extent they are not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement or the NYISO OATT. As depicted in Figure A-1 to this Appendix A, the DAFs will consist of the following major electrical and physical equipment: • Two (2) two-winding 84/112/135 MVA (ONAN/ONAF/ONAF), YnD1, 230/34.5 kV (Grounded Wye-Delta) transformers with an impedance of 11.0% on 135 MVA base; • Two (2) 230 kV breakers; • Phasor Measurement Unit (“PMU”); • Approximately 800 ft, 230 kV, cable to Canandaigua Substation; and • Structures.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities (“DAFs”) include all of the facilities between the Developer’s side of the Point of Change of Ownership (“PCO”) and the Large Generating Facility. The DAFs will be located on property owned or leased by the Developer, and, as depicted in Figure A-1 to this Appendix A, will consist of a collector substation (“East Point Solar Collector Substation”), a Generator Tie Line, system protection, and telecommunications circuits. The DAFs shall be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained by the Developer in accordance with the following requirements, to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, the ISO OATT, or applicable NYISO procedures: the NYISO’s requirements, industry standards and specifications, regulatory requirements, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s applicable Electric System Bulletins (“ESBs”), provided at the following website: xxxxx://; the Connecting Transmission Owner’s System Protection and Developer Attachment Facilities Electric Installation Specification for the East Point Solar Farm Facility (“Project Specific Specifications”) provided as Appendix C to the Part 1 Facilities Study for the Large Generating Facility; and Good Utility Practice. The Developer shall submit all engineering design and electrical specifications associated with DAFs to the Connecting Transmission Owner for its review and acceptance in accordance with the ESBs and Project Specific Specifications. Specifically, the DAFs include the following major electrical and physical equipment:
i. East Point Solar Collector Substation
Developer’s Attachment Facilities. The Developer’s Attachment Facilities (“DAFs”) include all of the facilities between the Developer’s side of the Point of Change of Ownership (“PCO”) and the Large Generating Facility. The DAFs will be located on property owned or leased by the Developer, and, as depicted in Figure A-1 to this Appendix A, will consist of a collector substation (“Cassadaga Collector Substation”), a Generator Tie Line, and a fiber optic telecommunications circuit. The DAFs shall be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained by the Developer in accordance with the following requirements, to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, the NYISO OATT, or applicable NYISO procedures: the NYISO’s requirements, industry standards and specifications, regulatory requirements, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s applicable Electric System Bulletins (“ESBs”), provided at the following website: xxxxx://, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s System Protection and Developer Attachment Facilities Electric Installation Specification for the Cassadaga Wind Farm Facility (“Project Specific Specifications”) provided as Appendix C to the Part 1 Facilities Study for the Large Generating Facility, and Good Utility Practice. The Developer shall submit all engineering design and electrical specifications associated with DAFs to the Connecting Transmission Owner for its review and acceptance in accordance with the ESBs and Project Specific Specifications. Specifically, the DAFs will consist of the following major electrical and physical equipment: Cassadaga Collector Substation The Cassadaga Collector Substation will be located approximately 5.5 miles east of the Moon Road Station, described below, and will be comprised of the following major electrical and physical equipment: • One (1) two winding, 115-34.5 kV, 112/140 MVA YNd5 transformer with an on- load tap changer (“OLTC”) with impedance 11%@140 MVA; • Six (6) 96 kV, 76 kV maximum continuous operating voltage (“MCOV”) station class surge arresters;
(1) 115 kV, 1200 A, group operated air break switch;
(1) 115 kV, 1200 A, 550 kV basic insulation level (“BIL”), 40 kA circuit breaker; • One (1) 34.5 kV, 3000 A group operated air break switch; • Ten (10) 34.5 kV, 1200 A group operated air break switches; • Five (5) 34.5 kV 1200 A, 150 kV BIL, 25 kA circuit breakers; A-1 SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2475 • Eighteen (18) 24.4 kV MCOV station class surge arresters;...