Advancement on the Salary Schedule a. STEP ADVANCEMENT For each year of experience in the District, bargaining unit members will advance one step on the salary schedule. A year is defined as 75% of the total number of school days established annually by the Governing Board of Education as the work year for classroom teachers.
b. CLASSIFICATION ADVANCEMENT Advancement to the next highest classification on the salary schedule will be granted when sufficient acceptable semester units have been earned to qualify for such advancement.
(1) Those who qualify for placement on a new column each fall must have completed their additional units and have a verification of unit work completed on file with the Certificated Human Resources Department by October 1st. If the bargaining unit member is unable to obtain transcripts by that date, a letter from the instructor of the class certifying that the bargaining unit member was enrolled and has completed the course or courses, giving the number of units, and the title of the course, will suffice to allow a tentative placement. Final verification of completion of the work must be filed by November 1st, and should be in the form of an official transcript or grade report. Failure to file this official verification will automatically result in reclassification to the column and step that had been officially verified.
(2) Units must be earned through an accredited institution as recognized by the United States Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement and/or the California State Department of Education and must be in education or subjects taught in public schools. It is the responsibility of the bargaining unit member to make sure the college or university is accredited as described above. The District takes no responsibility for any information given to a bargaining unit member by the State Department of Education, the college or university, or any individual employed by the District.
(3) Units must be rated upper division or graduate by the institution granting the unit.
(4) Lower division semester units are acceptable for classification advancement only when requested in writing by the bargaining unit member through their building principal to the Certificated Human Resources Department Administrator prior to enrollment in the course. The course must bear a positive relationship to the teaching assignment of the bargaining unit member.
(5) In-Service training that is necessary to maintain and enhance professional knowledge and sk...
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. 5.8.1 When a regular or term employee obtains an academic, professional, trades or technical credential, or equivalent, appropriate to their subject area, and the degree, credential or equivalent has not been credited for initial step placement pursuant to Article 5.6 Initial Placement, the employee may apply to Human Resources to have their step placement reviewed.
5.8.2 An employee will advance 1 step on the salary schedule, in addition to their annual increment provided pursuant to Article 5.7 Increments, provided the employee meets the hiring criteria of their area(s) and subject to the following: It is recommended that employees obtain approval from Human Resources prior to commencing work on a degree or credential to ensure the credential is appropriate to their subject area and will be considered for advancement on the salary scale. Based on relevant academic, professional, trades or technical credentials from a recognized institution, credential equivalency will be based on at least one year or more of full time equivalent study resulting in a Diploma or Certificate(s), a Journeyman Certificate, or a Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree. Employees who obtain the Instructor's Diploma or equivalent will be eligible for either:
a) advancement of one step pursuant to this Article, provided the employee obtains their Instructor's Diploma or equivalent prior to having their increment level frozen pursuant to Article 9.5, or b) their next increment level pursuant to Article 5.7.7 Increments and Instructor’s Diploma and Article 9.5, but not both (a) and (b). The appropriate Vice President will determine equivalencies and approve advancement on the salary schedule upon receiving proof of completion of an additional degree or advanced credential by the employee. Documentation of an additional degree or advanced credential must be provided to Human Resources.
5.8.3 Salary step advancement shall be effective on the first day of the month following the appropriate Vice President’s approval of an employee’s advanced step placement.
5.8.4 The appropriate Vice President may grant advancement on the salary schedule, on an individual basis, upon consideration of special situations not covered by any of the above.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. 22.3.1 In order to move a step on the salary schedule, classified personnel must have been employed by the District at least six (6) months prior to July 1 of the contract year. Half-time personnel must meet this same criteria. Leave beyond protected limits or unpaid leave where employees are not performing their primary duties for at least 135 days in a year are not eligible for salary/step advancement for the next year.
22.3.2 Step increases are also contingent upon satisfactory job performance and merit review conducted annually by the administration. An employee not recommended for step advancement shall be notified at least thirty (30) days prior to such action and may appeal that decision through the grievance procedure.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule a. Horizontal Advancement Each Bargaining Unit Member desiring to advance to a higher column on the salary schedule shall file an official transcript with a letter of request with the Superintendent no later than September 15 of the school year in which the advancement is desired.
b. Vertical Advancement A Bargaining Unit Member shall advance vertically one step on the salary schedule for each year in the District consisting of at least 120 days of service.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. 13.5.1 A unit member in permanent status will continue to get a step increment on his/her anniversary date, but in no event advance more than one (1) step increment per year. A unit member hired on or before July 1, 1991, as a “temporary exempt employee” shall become a permanent employee on July 1, 1992, with a seniority date of the original date of hire in the District and shall advance one step on the salary schedule on his/he 1992-93 anniversary date and each year thereafter until reaching the maximum step on the schedule. A unit member hired after July 1, 1991, as a “temporary exempt employee” shall be considered to be in probationary status as of July 1, 1992, and shall become a permanent employee and advance one (1) step on the salary schedule on his/her 1992/93 anniversary date after one (1) year of service (seventy-five percent [75%] of the work calendar to which assigned) and each year thereafter until reaching the maximum step on the schedule. A unit member hired after July 1, 1992, shall be classified as a probationary employee as of the date of his/her hire and shall advance one (1) step after each year of service (seventy-five percent [75%] of the work calendar to which assigned).
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. Vertical Movement: A teacher may move no more than one step vertically per year.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. A. Salaries for any certificated unit member shall be based upon training and experience as of September 1 of the year of employment. The certificated unit member shall notify the district of their intent to advance from class to class by August 1st. He/she must file proof of completion of work to the Superintendent’s office by September 10.
1. During the first week of September, unit members who notified the district of their intent to advance will receive a final notification. If the certificated unit member fails to provide proof of completion of work to the Superintendent’s office by September 10th, the unit member’s salary will be adjusted accordingly.
B. Unit Members employed on a provisional or partial fulfillment credential must acquire six (6) units/credits per year toward a regular California credential to merit the annual salary increment.
C. No certificated unit member may, on the basis of units/credits earned, advance horizontally more than one class in any one year period no more than two classes in any three year period. Any exception to this provision shall be subject to review by the Professional Ethics and Evaluation committee of the Association in joint meeting with three (3) principals and the Superintendent.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. A certificated employee that has not met the requirements, as outlined in Idaho Code 33- 1001 (14), to earn an Idaho Professional Endorsement (IPE) will remain in the third cell of the residency rung until they earn an IPE.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. A certificated employee shall be granted one (1) step increment for each year of satisfactory service until the maximum salary in the pertinent classification has been reached.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule. Academic employees shall receive advancement on the salary schedule (see Appendix A) with any of the following provisions:
a. The granting of tenure or permanent status shall be deemed a promotion resulting in a one step advancement within the salary schedule, which shall be effective at the beginning of the next academic year following the granting of tenure or permanent status.
b. Employees who receive a doctorate degree from an accredited college or university will be recognized with a one step increase within the salary schedule, effective at the beginning of the next academic year following receipt of the degree.
c. Every second academic year (after tenure/permanent placement) employees will be given a one step increase within the salary schedule.