Salaries wages and other similar remuneration, other than a pension, paid by a Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to an individual in respect of services rendered to that State or subdivision or authority shall be taxable only in that State.
Salaries. The salaries of all Officers shall be fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time, and no officer shall be prevented from receiving such salary by reason of the fact that he or she is also a Director of the Company.
37.01 The Basic Rate of Pay as set out in the Salary Schedule shall be applicable to all Employees covered by this Collective Agreement, effective on the dates specified therein.
37.02 An Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay shall be advanced to the next higher rate following:
(a) in the case of a Full-time Employee, one (1) year of service;
(b) in the case of a Part-time Employee, the completion of the applicable yearly equivalent regular hours of work of a Full-time Employee [two thousand twenty-two point seven five (2,022.75) or two thousand eighty-eight (2,088) regular hours paid]. Unless otherwise changed by the operations of the terms of this Collective Agreement, a Regular Part-time Employee who has had a change in status to a Regular Full-time Employee within the same classification shall have their anniversary date established based on hours worked with the Employer at the salary increment level such Employee was entitled to receive immediately prior to their change in status.
37.03 Upon verification of a new Employee having job specific and relevant experience within the preceding twelve (12) months, the Employee’s starting salary may be adjusted one (1) salary increment for each full year of experience, up to the top increment of the pay range.
37.04 The salary of an Employee reclassified, promoted, or transferred to a higher classification shall be advanced to the start rate of the higher classification. Where the start rate of the higher classification does not provide at least a three percent (3%) increase to their current rate, the Employee's salary shall be advanced to the next step of the higher classification that provides an increase of at least three percent (3%) provided this does not exceed the top step of the classification. When the Employee's salary is advanced to the higher classification, it shall be advanced to the next step after a period of time has elapsed equal to the agreed time period between pay steps for the higher classification.
37.05 When an Employee is reclassified, promoted, or transferred to a classification with the same end rate as their present classification, such Employee shall move to the pay step which is equal to their present Basic Rate of Pay, or if there is no such pay step, they shall move to the pay step that has a Basic Rate of Pay that is next higher to their present Basic Rate of Pay. The Employees' anniversary date for the purpose of increments will not change.
37.06 When an Employee is transferred or tr...
Salaries. Officers of the corporation shall be entitled to such salaries, compensation or reimbursement as shall be fixed or allowed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Salaries. Effective June 21, 2009, salaries shall be increased based on the average percent of year-to-year change in the Consumer Price Index (U.S. City Average, Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers) reported for each of the twelve
Salaries. A payroll register or similar documentation should be submitted. The payroll register should show gross salary charges, fringe benefits, other deductions and net pay. If an individual for whom reimbursement is being claimed is paid by the hour, a document reflecting the hours worked times the rate of pay will be acceptable.
Salaries. The salaries of all officers and agents of the Corporation shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.
Salaries. A. Salary Agreement
1. Longevity pay will only be in Classes IV and V.
2. An Internship/Emergency column is established for those teachers who are not yet credentialed.
3. The following salary schedule modifications will occur during the term of this contract:
a. For the 2016-2017 year, 2.00% added to the 2014-2015 salary schedule
b. The first step of the salary schedule in each column shall be increased to be $1 less than the second step in the same column.
c. For the 2017-18 year, the 2016-17 salary schedule will be increased by 2.5%, effective July 1, 2017.
d. For the 2016-17 year, the District shall pay the equivalent of 1.00% of the bargaining unit member’s annual salary upon completion of twelve (12) hours of District-approved professional development that aligns with Common Core State Standards, Culturally Responsive Instruction, differentiated instruction and social emotional training commencing July 1, 2016. The District will provide the appropriate form that will require principal and School Leadership and Support approval. All hours must be completed and submitted by June 30, 2017.
4. Teachers will be able to substitute a conference, workshop, or in-service day for one (1) of their three (3) staff development days with prior approval from the principal and if the substitute conference falls on the same day as the scheduled in-service.
B. Initial Placement
1. At the time of initial placement on the Certificated Salary Schedule, a teacher shall be given salary schedule credit for previous teaching experience on a year for year basis up to a maximum of fifteen years. Teaching experience, for salary schedule purposes, shall include only full time paid experience in positions requiring certificated qualifications.
2. Outside teaching experience must be verified in writing by previous employers, giving dates of service by school year (e.g. July 1 - June 30). The teacher shall have been required to hold a valid teacher credential in order to receive the credit for outside experience.
3. To receive a year's credit on the salary schedule, a new employee must have served under contract for seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the school year. To calculate the percent of the year: (percent of days worked) x (percent of the day worked) = percent of the year This fact must be verified in writing by the previous employer.
4. At the time of initial placement on the Certificated Nurse Salary Schedule, a school nurse shall be given salary schedule credit for pr...
Salaries. 8.01 Classifications and salary rates are attached as Schedule "A" and forms part of this Collective Agreement.
8.02 Should an Agreement not be reached by the expiry date of the contract, the existing salaries and increments shall continue to be implemented. When a final agreement is reached there shall be retroactivity of salary adjustments.
(a) Where a new or changed classification is initiated by the Employer, the work, position title and salary rate shall be established by the Employer and further implemented. The Employer shall, within six (6) work days, notify the Union by registered mail, or hand delivered, of the action taken. If no formal protest is lodged in writing by the Union within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of such notice, the new or changed classification shall become a modification of Schedule "A". If a formal protest is made, the parties shall meet to resolve any differences. Failing settlement the dispute may be submitted to arbitration in the same manner as a grievance.
(b) The Employer shall advise the Bargaining Unit President of new or changed job descriptions by sending a copy of the job description to the Union at least one week prior to advising the affected nurses.
(a) The following is the method used to determine service credit, since the last date of hire, for purposes of positioning on the salary range:
i) all continuous service shall be retained and transferred with the nurse if she changes her status from full-time to part-time and vice versa.
ii) a part-time nurse who changes status either temporary or permanent full-time will be given credit on the basis of fourteen hundred (1400) paid hours of part-time being equivalent to one (1) year of full-time service and vice versa.
iii) in addition, a nurse who is so transferred will be given credit for paid hours accumulated since the date of last advancement.
(b) Nurses who are continuously absent unpaid for more than thirty (30) continuous calendar days, excluding those nurses on pregnancy or parental leave, shall have their next anniversary increase postponed by the period in excess of thirty (30) continuous calendar days.
(c) Annual increments for full-time nurses shall be paid on their anniversary date.
(d) Annual increments for part-time nurses shall be paid on the completion of each 1400 hours paid. For clarity, hours worked at overtime premium rates will be credited as straight time hours.