2010 definition

2010 means the Corporation Tax Xxx 0000;
2010. Plan means the Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc. 2010 Equity Incentive Plan.
2010. How is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? Xxxx.xxx. The Edge, 2010. Web. 20 Jan. 2017. 12 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx. "Plagiarism in the Internet Age." Educational Leadership 6th ser. 66 (2009): 64-67. Web. to plagiarism by any means, but does however question several writing techniques that precipitate similar concerns, such as authorship, authenticity, idea formulation, and responsibilities of and relationships between writers and readers. The collaboration and manipulation that the internet facilitates, as well as the many experimental forms of writing that I will discuss, also force us to reconsider how we conceive of authorship. Many of the scholarly sources in this thesis define authorship as contingent upon authenticity, where an authentic representation of identity is a measure of the author. However, this particular discussion of the importance of the author is not a new one, and while a multitude of theorists and philosophers have pondered the significance of authorship, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is a particularly relevant addition to this thesis. The literary critic and essayist criticized our necessity of an identifiable author, and suggested that writing is entirely independent of its creator. He rightly recognized our “prestige of the individual…of the human person…[and] the greatest importance [of] the author’s person.”13 Indeed, the countless biographies and analyses dedicated to authors of famous works reveal that “the explanation of the work is always sought in the man who has produced it”14 However, Xxxxxxx argues that to “give an Author to a text is to impose upon that text a stop clause, to furnish it with a final signification, to close the writing”, and that literature should be “the trap where all identity is lost, beginning with the very identity of the body that writes.”15 While Xxxxxxx was certainly not foreseeing the advent of digital literature, and would most likely not even categorize many of these subgenres

More Definitions of 2010

2010. Award" means the Local Government Employees Award 1998 as applicable at the time of certification of this Agreement
2010. Plan means the Company’s 2010 Equity Incentive Plan.
2010. On the Determination of Detailed Rules for the Safety of Personal Data", Guideline no. 2, dated 25.02.2010 "On the obligations of controllers and processors". The data of a financial / legal or general nature of the applicants are mainly the voluntary information they themselves declare on their application form for car rentals, as well as the data obtained from other documents submitted by them. "Sicily By Car-Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. has taken the necessary organizational and technical measures in order to guarantee the security of the personal data that it processes and ensures the confidentiality of the applicant's information. Only authorized personnel have access to the personal data they process. "Sicily By Car-Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. and its personnel is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive data. "Sicily By Car-Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. is obliged to provide such information only with the authorization of the applicant, or at the request of the bodies that have this right by law. Legal / Physical Persons Applicant "Sicily By Car-Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. accept and are aware that their personal data will be processed as described above. Applicants have the right to request the correction or deletion of their personal data. In order to exercise this right, they must appear at the offices of "Sicily By Car- Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. The Renter declare under his personal and legal responsibility, by signing me that all the above information / declarations / documents are correctly true and declare and authorize the authorized personnel of "Sicily By Car-Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. or a third party to process the information stated above, based on Law No.9887, dated 10.3.2008, "On Protection of personal data "and sub-legal acts issued for its implementation for the realization of the purpose of this application for vehicle lease. The Renter is aware that for any change in the conditions set forth in this application will be notified by "Sicily By Car- Autoeuropa" sh.p.k. via its official web site / by phone / e-mail (mail electronic) or to the postal address stated in this application In accordance with Article 686 of Law no. 7850, dated 29.07.1994 "Civil Code of the Republic of Albania" declare that we have read, understood and accepted the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT ARE PART OF THE RENTAL CONTRACT. The Renter agree and declare that have read specifically the disposals included of the General Terms and Conditions Annexes and specifically approves them.

Related to 2010

  • Incentive Plan means any plan providing compensation that depends on achieving certain performance goals or similar conditions within a specified period;

  • Stock Plan means any stock incentive, stock option, stock ownership or employee benefits plan of the General Partner.

  • Equity Incentive Plan means an incentive plan, or portion of an incentive plan, under which awards are granted and that falls within the scope of IFRS 2 Share-based Payment;

  • Option Plan has the meaning ascribed to it in section "4.7" hereinbelow;

  • Long-Term Incentive Plan or “LTIP” means a plan providing compensation intended to motivate performance over a period greater than one financial year. LTIPs do not include option or SAR plans or plans for compensation through shares or units that are subject to restrictions on resale;

  • Equity Plan means any stock or equity purchase plan, restricted stock or equity plan or other similar equity compensation plan now or hereafter adopted by the Partnership or the General Partner, including the Plan.

  • non-equity incentive plan means an incentive plan or portion of an incentive plan that is not an equity incentive plan;

  • Amended and Restated Bylaws means the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Fund in effect at the time the Registration Statement relating to the Preferred Shares is declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifying the powers, preferences and rights of the Preferred Shares.

  • Omnibus Plan means the Hanesbrands Inc. Omnibus Incentive Plan of 2006, as amended from time to time, and any successor plan or plans. The long-term incentive described in this section (“Long-Term Cash Incentive Plan”) includes cash long-term incentives, but does not include stock options, RSUs, or other equity awards. Such amounts shall be payable as provided in section 2(c). Treatment of stock options, RSUs, or other equity awards shall be determined pursuant to the Executive’s award agreement(s). Executive shall not be eligible for any new Annual Incentive Plan grants, Long-Term Cash Incentive Plan grants, or any other grants of stock options, RSUs, or other equity awards under the Omnibus Plan during the Severance Period.

  • Company Incentive Plan shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 1.7 hereof.

  • Incentive Plans means any incentive, bonus, deferred compensation or similar plan or arrangement currently or hereafter made available by Employer in which Executive is eligible to participate.

  • Stock Incentive Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3(b) of the Agreement.

  • Annual Incentive Plan means the Cinergy Corp. Annual Incentive Plan or any similar plan or successor to the Annual Incentive Plan.

  • Stock Acquisition Date means the first date of public announcement (which, for purposes of this definition, shall include, without limitation, a report filed pursuant to Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act) by the Company or an Acquiring Person that an Acquiring Person has become such, or such earlier date as a majority of the Board of Directors shall become aware of the existence of an Acquiring Person.

  • Stock Acquisition means the purchase or other acquisition by a Person or its Subsidiaries of all or substantially all of the Stock of any other Person.

  • alternative plan means a group RRSP, including the BCTF Plan, which was entered into prior to the coming into force of this Article, and which is still in effect as of that date.

  • Bonus Plan means the Company’s management incentive plan or such other annual bonus plan in existence at the applicable time.

  • Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Management Incentive Plan means the Company’s bonus program, as implemented by the Company’s board of directors from time to time and pursuant to which the Executive may receive incentive-based compensation at fiscal year end.

  • Approved Stock Plan means any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company.

  • Stock Purchase Agreement means the agreement between the Company and a Purchaser who acquires Shares under the Plan that contains the terms, conditions and restrictions pertaining to the acquisition of such Shares.