wet season definition

wet season means the time of year, covering one or more months, when most of the average annual rainfall in a region occurs. For the purposes of DSA determination this time of year is deemed to extend from 1 November in one year to 31 May in the following year inclusive.
wet season means the calendar period beginning October 1 through April 15.
wet season means the period generally between November 1st and March 30th of most years when soils are wet and prone to instability. The specific beginning and end of the wet season can vary from year to year depending on weather conditions.

Examples of wet season in a sentence

  • Please also comply with the City of Fort Lauderdale Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance C-08-18), Objective 4.1 under Infrastructure Elements, and be advised that effective 7/1/2017, all projects must comply with the Broward County ‘Future Conditions Average Wet Season Groundwater Level’ map.

  • Wet Season Operations: Clearing on an erosion hazard area shall be limited to the period between May 1 – October 15.

  • Comparison of Dry and Wet Season Antecedent Dry Periods at the Regional Monitoring Sites.

  • Wet Season means the calendar period beginning October 1 through April 15.

  • Table 10 - Lake Elsinore Nitrogen and Phosphorus Waste Load and Load Allocationsa 37 Resolution No. R8-2004-0037 requires initiation of the Phase 2 watershed-wide Wet Season monitoring upon completion of the Phase 1 in-lake monitoring program.

More Definitions of wet season

wet season means the period from December 1 of one Calendar Year
wet season means the period commencing on1 November each year and ending on 30 April of the following year.
wet season means October 1st through April 30th.
wet season means the period of the year between October first and April thirtieth.
wet season means that period of time beginning upon November 1 and ending on March 31 of each year. General Groundwater Withdrawal and Discharge There are many concerns surrounding groundwater withdrawal and discharge to public conveyance systems. These concerns include: • The potential environmental harm caused by groundwater withdrawal.• Potential damage to real property or impacts to the ROW due to ground subsidence.• Increased risk of Combined Sewer Overflow events.• Increased capacity concerns for public pipes that were not designed with capacity to convey groundwater.• Risk of untreated contamination discharged to water bodies of the State. • Risk of discharge that may cause or contribute to a prohibited discharge, a known or likely violation of state water quality standards in the receiving water, or a known or likely violation of the City’s municipal NPDES permit.Due to these concerns, the City encourages construction practices that eliminate groundwater discharge to the public conveyance system.‌ Permanent Groundwater Discharge The public drainage system and public combined sewer are designed with capacity to convey only stormwater, and stormwater combined with wastewater, respectively; neither was designed with capacity to convey perched, static, tidally influenced or hydraulically connected groundwater. In this regard, the City has determined the public drainage system to be capacity constrained when groundwater is discharged. Projects which propose to permanently discharge groundwater shall comply with Minimum Requirements for Flow ControlPeak Flow Control Standard, SMC Section 22.805.080{B}4.Contaminated groundwater, which is a prohibited discharge, shall not be discharged to Receiving Waters, either directly or indirectly via the public drainage system.‌ Temporary Groundwater Withdrawal and DischargeWhenever groundwater withdrawal is proposed, the plan for groundwater management shall be documented and meet all applicable City standards. For construction projects, all projects that are required to submit a Construction Stormwater Control Plan must address the temporary groundwater withdrawal and discharge for the project with the submittal requirements below. This Plan and plan narrative must adequately represent groundwater management for the project described in Element 12, Control Dewatering in the Stormwater Manual Volume 2 Construction Stormwater Control Technical Requirements (DR 2009-004). Construction related temporary discharges may be requi...
wet season means the seven-month period beginning October 1st of any given year and
wet season or “rainy season” means the period from October 1st through April 30th. (Ord. 2008-03)