Supplemental Agency Agreement definition

Supplemental Agency Agreement means an agreement in or substantially in the form of Schedule 3 attached hereto (or in such other form as the parties thereto may agree) which shall be supplemental to this Agreement.
Supplemental Agency Agreement means the agreement between one or more Swiss paying agents, Citibank, N.A., London Branch and the Relevant Issuer and, as the case may be, the Guarantor made substantially in the form set out in Schedule 11
Supplemental Agency Agreement means, with respect to any Series of SIS Notes, the relevant supplemental issuing and paying agency agreement to the Agency Agreement executed by, amongst others, the Issuer, the Agent, and the Principal Swiss Paying Agent.

Examples of Supplemental Agency Agreement in a sentence

  • For Swiss Franc Notes, the Relevant Issuer and, as the case may be, the Guarantor shall appoint one or more Swiss paying agents, as the case may be, and as indicated in the applicable Final Terms, by the execution of a Supplemental Agency Agreement, substantially in the form set out in Schedule 11.

More Definitions of Supplemental Agency Agreement

Supplemental Agency Agreement. The Agents shall act as agents of any Substitute (as defined in Condition 14) on the execution by them and by it and, if appropriate, by the Issuer and the Guarantor of an agreement supplemental to this Agreement making the Substitute a party to this Agreement as if it had been an original party to it and making any appropriate consequential amendments. A memorandum of any such supplemental agreement shall be endorsed on each executed copy of this Agreement.
Supplemental Agency Agreement means in relation to a Series of Swiss Franc Notes, a supplemental agency agreement substantially in the form set out in Schedule 5 to the Paying Agency Agreement;
Supplemental Agency Agreement means an agreement in or substantially in the form of Schedule 3 attached hereto (or in such other form as the parties thereto may agree) which shall be supplemental to this Agreement. Terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as in the Master Conditions. Any reference herein to "FRANKFURT" shall be a reference to Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany ("GERMANY") and any reference herein to "NEW YORK" shall be a reference to New York City in the State of New York, United States of America ("USA").
Supplemental Agency Agreement means the Supplemental Agency Agreement dated 29 November 2000 made between the Issuer, the Guarantor, the Trustee and the Paying Agents.
Supplemental Agency Agreement means the agency agreement to be dated on or about the date hereof between the Issuer, The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. and Citicorp International Limited as CNY Issuing and Paying Agent, CMU Lodging Agent and CNY Registrar and the other agents named in it relating to the issue of the Notes. For so long as the Global Certificate is lodged with the CMU, the Terms and Conditions of the Notes shall be further modified as set forth below: Condition 6 (Payment): Condition 6(b), (d), (e) and (h) shall apply to the Notes subject to the following modification: Condition 6(b)(ii) shall be amended to the effect that (i) payments of principal and interest in respect of Registered Notes shall be only by transfer to the registered account of the Noteholder(s); (ii) if a Global Certificate representing the Notes is registered in the name of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, payments of principal and interest will be made only to the registered account of the person(s) for whose account(s)interests in the relevant Registered Notes are credited as being held with the CMU in accordance with the CMU Rules (as defined in the Supplemental Agency Agreement) at the relevant time as notified to the CMU Lodging Agent by the CMU Operator in a relevant CMU instrument position report or any other relevant notification by the CMU Operator, which notification shall be conclusive evidence of the records of the CMU Operator (save in the case of manifest error) and payment made in accordance thereof shall discharge the obligations of the Issuer in respect of that payment; and (iii) the “Record Date” shall mean the close of business (Hong Kong time) 15 business days prior to the due date of the respective interest payment. All payments in respect of the Global Certificate by the Issuer will be made through the CMU Lodging Agent for the persons and accounts so required. A Noteholder’s registered account means the Renminbi account maintained by or on behalf of it with a bank in Hong Kong, details of which appear on the Register at the close of business on the Record Date. Condition 15 (Notices): For the purposes of the Notes, Condition 15 shall be replaced with the following: Global Certificates So long as the Global Certificate is registered in the name of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, any notice to the holders of the Notes shall be validly given by the delivery of the relevant notice to the account holder shown in a CMU instrument position report issued by the CMU Operator on the ...
Supplemental Agency Agreement means the supplemental agency agreement dated 13 October 2004 between the Issuer, the Trustee and the Paying Agents relating to the Additional Securities which supplements the Agency Agreement dated 15 July 2004 between the Issuer, the Trustee and the Paying Agents relating to the Original Securities;
Supplemental Agency Agreement means the supplemental agency agreement dated 21 May 2007.