CMU Rules definition

CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU Service for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes (a) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU Service and the CMU Manual; (b) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (c) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the HKMA through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership agreement with the HKMA or the CMU Manual;
CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes: (i) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU and the CMU Reference Manual; (ii) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Reference Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (iii) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership agreement with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or the CMU Reference Manual; and

Examples of CMU Rules in a sentence

  • Payments on Global Notes held in CMU shall be made in accordance with the CMU Rules and, on withdrawal of such Global Note from CMU, a record of all payments made in respect of such Note until the date of withdrawal shall be endorsed in the appropriate schedule to such Global Note, which endorsement shall be prima facie evidence that such payments have been made.

  • Payments of principal and interest in respect of Registered Notes held in the CMU will be made to the CMU for their distribution, on the order of the holder of the Registered Notes, to the person(s) for whose account(s) interests in the relevant Registered Note are credited as being held with the CMU in accordance with the CMU Rules at the relevant time and payment made in accordance thereof shall discharge the obligations of the Issuer in respect of that payment.

  • Payments of principal and interest in respect of Bearer Notes held in the CMU will be made to the CMU for their distribution, on the order of the holder of the Bearer Notes, to the person(s) for whose account(s) interests in the relevant Bearer Note are credited as being held with the CMU in accordance with the CMU Rules (as defined in the Agency Agreement) at the relevant time and payment made in accordance thereof shall discharge the obligations of the Issuer in respect of that payment.

  • Payments in the relation to Registered Notes held in the CMU: In relation to Registered Notes held in the CMU, payments of principal and interest in respect of Registered Notes held in the CMU will be made to the person(s) for whose account(s) interests in the relevant Registered Note are credited as being held with the CMU in accordance with the CMU Rules (as defined in the Agency Agreement) at the relevant time.

  • A copy of those comments can be found in the policy consultation page on the OEB’s website.All responses and comments were thoroughly considered by the OEB in shaping this draft policy.

More Definitions of CMU Rules

CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes: (a) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU and the CMU Manual; (b) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (c) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership agreement with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or the CMU Manual; commencement means, in relation to the winding up of the Issuer, the date on which such winding up commences, or is deemed to commence, determined in accordance with sections 86 or 129 of the Insolvency Act 1986; Conditions means, in respect of the Notes of any Series, the terms and conditions endorsed on, or incorporated by reference in, such Notes, such terms and conditions being in the form or substantially in the form set out in Schedule 1 or in such other form, having regard to the terms of the relevant Series, as may be agreed between the Issuer, the Trustee, the relevant Dealer(s) and (in the case of Notes other than CMU Notes) the Agent or (in the case of CMU Notes) the CMU Lodging and Paying Agent as completed (and/or, in the case of Exempt Notes only, modified and/or supplemented) by Part A of the Final Terms or the Pricing Supplement, as the case may be, applicable to the Notes of the relevant Series; Coupon means an interest coupon appertaining to a Definitive Note and for the time being outstanding (other than a Zero Coupon Note) or, as the context may require, a specific number thereof, such coupon being:
CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes:
CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes: (a) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU and the CMU Reference Manual; (b) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Reference Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (c) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the HKMA through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership agreement with the HKMA or the CMU Reference Manual.
CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU Service for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes (a) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU Service and the CMU Manual; (b) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (c) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the HKMA through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership agreement with the HKMA or the CMU Manual; Conditions means the terms and conditions applicable thereto which shall be substantially in the form set out in Schedule 2 as modified, with respect to any Bonds represented by a Global Certificate, by the provisions of such Global Certificate and shall be endorsed on the relevant Certificate and any reference to a particularly numbered Condition shall be construed accordingly; Extraordinary Resolution has the meaning set out in Schedule 3;
CMU Rules means all requirements of the CMU for the time being applicable to a CMU Member and includes (a) all the obligations for the time being applicable to a CMU Member under or by virtue of its membership agreement with the CMU and the CMU Reference Manual; (b) all the operating procedures as set out in the CMU Reference Manual for the time being in force in so far as such procedures are applicable to a CMU Member; and (c) any directions for the time being in force and applicable to a CMU Member given by the HKMA through any operational circulars or pursuant to any provision of its membership;