Restricted use definition

Restricted use means that a limit or control has been placed on future use of the facility and the facility is no longer under the control of the licensee, registrant, of holder of the record of possession. See also “unrestricted use”.
Restricted use means any use other than residential.
Restricted use means a use with imposed restrictions, such as a declaration of covenants and restrictions. The imposed restrictions are part of the remedy selected for the site and are stipulated in a site management plan. The imposed restrictions rely on institutional controls or engineering controls to manage remaining exposure to contamination at a site. Restricted uses include:

Examples of Restricted use in a sentence

  • Any use of the RMS IP outside the scope of the Restricted Use License shall require Client to immediately purchase upon notification by RMS a full-use license to the applicable RMS IP at RMS’s then current list price.

  • Neither Client nor Client Affiliates shall use the RMS IP licensed under the Agreement outside the scope of the Restricted Use License.

More Definitions of Restricted use

Restricted use means the use of a pesticide which is
Restricted use means any of the prohibited uses described in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of this Agreement.
Restricted use means the use or distribution of biosolids for use on land with high potential for public exposure.
Restricted use means the operation of a restaurant thatoffers for sale (i) hamburgers, (ii) hot dogs and corn dogs, (iii) French fries, or (iv) frozen custard(which such term shall not mean any type of ice cream, frozen yogurt and/or gelato) if such sales, inthe aggregate or individually, are likely to compromise forty percent (40%) of such tenant's annualsales (including but not limited to 5 Napkin Burger, BLT Burger, Bobby's Burger Palace, BurgerJoint, The Habit, Umami Burger, Five Guys, In-N-Out, Xxxxxx Rockets, Hopdaddy, Burger Fi,Smashburger and The Stand). "Competing Business" shall mean a business not affiliated withTenant which uses its premises in the village portion of the Shopping Center primarily for theRestricted Use, excluding:any business occupying its premises directly or (as an assignee, sublessee, licensee orconcessionaire) indirectly under a lease that was executed prior to the execution of this Lease but isin effect as of the date of this Lease (a "Prior Lease"), a renewal or extension of a Prior Lease, or anew lease that is executed by a business which leased or occupied premises in the Shopping Centerdirectly or indirectly nnder a Prior Lease (Landlord agrees not to modify any Prior Lease to allowsuch tenant's use to violate the Restricted Use);any anchor, theatre, drug or grocery store or any portion of the Shopping Center not controlledby Landlord; orany business which engages in the Restricted Use, but is not specifically permitted to do so in itslease as long as Landlord is using commercially reasonable efforts to cause snch tenant to ceaseengaging in the Restricted Use.This Reference Provision 1.28 shall automatically become null and void if:Tenant is in default under this Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period;Tenant assigns its rights under this Lease in whole or in part or snblets all or any portion of theLeased Premises other than pursuant to a Permitted Transfer;the Leased Premises cease to be used primarily for the Restricted Use by Tenant; orTenant or permitted transferee is not occupying the Leased Premises.If the Competing Business is operating for the Restricted Use in the village portion of the ShoppingCenter and Tenant has qualified to pay Co-Tenancy Alternate Rent for 18 months ("18 MonthPeriod"), then Tenant has the right to terminate this Lease with 180 days notice to Landlord withinthirty (30) days after the 18 Month Period and if Tenant does not exercise snch right to terminatethis Lease, then Tenant shall resume pa...
Restricted use. CCC's Component Products may produce a reduction or loss of data and therefore are not sold for use in medical equipment, avionics, nuclear application, or any other high risk applications where malfunctions or loss of data could directly or indirectly result in personal injury. HHH agrees not to allow the use of CCC's Component Products in such applications and HHH agrees to indemnify CCC and to hold CCC harmless against any liability to CCC arising out of HHH's breach of such agreement.
Restricted use. Each copy of Seller Software provided under this license may be used only on the Equipment on which the Seller Software is delivered and installed or on other equipment approved by Seller in writing. Use of the Seller Software in a network environment is authorized under the license only to the extent reasonably necessary for the Purchaser's or its Affiliates internal purposes with respect to the Equipment or as otherwise specified in this Sales Agreement. No other use of the Seller software is authorized unless specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller.
Restricted use. Prescribing to remain with the hospital or specialist service. No prescribing in primary care NICE has not issued any guidance. Hospital Etelcalcetide (aka Velcalcetide) (Parsabiv®) NHSE Secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease on haemodialysis Restricted use – Prescribing to remain with the hospital or specialist service. No prescribing in primary care NICE has not issued any guidance.