Form of Notes definition

Form of Notes. Global certificate registered in the name of the nominee, which currently is CEDE & Co., of the depository of the Notes, which is DTC. The beneficial owners of the Notes ("Beneficial Owners") are not entitled to receive definitive certificates representing their Notes, except under limited circumstances. A Beneficial Owner's ownership of a Note currently is recorded on or through the records of the brokerage firm or other entity that is a participant in DTC and that maintains such Beneficial Owner's account.
Form of Notes. The Notes may be issued in certificated bearer form only (“Bearer Notes”), in certificated bearer form exchangeable for Registered Notes (“Exchangeable Bearer Notes”) or in certificated registered form only (“Registered Notes”). Each Tranche of Bearer Notes and Exchangeable Bearer Notes will be represented on issue by a temporary Global Note if (i) definitive Notes are to be made available to Noteholders following the expiry of 40 days after their Issue Date or (ii) such Notes are being issued in compliance with the D Rules (as defined under “Selling Restrictions" below), otherwise such Tranche will be represented by a permanent Global Note. Registered Notes will be represented by Certificates, one Certificate being issued in respect of each Noteholder's entire holding of Registered Notes of one Series. Certificates representing Registered Notes that are registered in the name of a nominee for one or more clearing systems are referred to as “Global Certificates”. Noteholders may hold interests in the Notes through CDIs, issued, held, settled and transferred through Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited (formerly known as CRESTCo Limited) (“CREST”), representing interests in the Notes underlying the CDIs. CDIs are independent securities constituted under English law and transferred through CREST and will be issued by CREST Depository Limited pursuant to the global deed poll dated 25 June 2001 (as subsequently modified, supplemented and/or restated). Neither the Notes nor any rights attached thereto will be issued, held, transferred or settled within the CREST system other than through the issue, holding, transfer and settlement of CDIs. Holders of CDIs will not be entitled to deal directly in the Notes and, accordingly, all dealings in the Notes will be effected through CREST in relation to the holding of CDIs.
Form of Notes. [Bearer Notes: Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for a Permanent Bearer Global Note which is exchangeable for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]****** [Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Notes on and after the Exchange Date]****** [Permanent Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]]****** [Registered Notes: Regulation S Global Note (U.S.$[●] nominal amount) registered in the name of a nominee for DTC/a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg/held through the CMU service/Rule 144A Global Note (U.S.$[●] nominal amount) registered in the name of a nominee for DTC/a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg/Definitive IAI Registered Notes (specify nominal amounts)]

Examples of Form of Notes in a sentence

  • Form of Notes............................................................

  • The exchange upon notice option described in paragraphs (i) and (ii) above should not be expressed to be applicable under Form of Notes in the relevant Final Terms, or Pricing Supplement, as the case may be, if the relevant Notes have denominations consisting of a minimum Specified Denomination plus one or more higher integral multiples of another smaller amount.

  • Form of Notes: VP Systems Notes issued in uncertificated and dematerialised book entry form.

  • Form of Notes: Bearer Notes: Temporary Global Note exchangeable for a Permanent Global Note which is exchangeable for Definitive Notes only upon an Exchange Event.

  • In relation to any Tranche, prior to the expiry of the period that ends 40 days after the later of the date of issue of such Tranche and the completion of the distribution of such Tranche, beneficial interests in an Unrestricted Registered Global Note will only be exchangeable for interests in a Restricted Registered Global Note in accordance with the certification requirements described in the Agency Agreement (see "Form of Notes; Summary of Provisions Relating to the Notes while in Global Form").

More Definitions of Form of Notes

Form of Notes. The Notes comprised in one series will be represented by a global security in bearer form governed by German law (the "Global Note"), which will be issued in Classical Global Note form. The right of holders to demand the printing and delivery of definitive Notes shall be excluded for the entire life-time of the Notes.
Form of Notes. The Notes of each tranche will be issued in the form of one or more global Notes in book-entry form and will be delivered to investors through the facilities of The Depository Trust Company for the accounts of its participants, which may include Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, and Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V., against payment. Currency: The Notes will be denominated and payable in U.S. dollars.
Form of Notes. Temporary Global Note exchangeable for a Permanent Global Note which is exchangeable for Definitive Notes [on 60 days notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event] [n.b. the latter option is not available to Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation or where proceeds are to be on-lent to a United States entity]. [Temporary Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Notes on and after the Exchange Date.]
Form of Notes. [Bearer Notes: Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for a Permanent Bearer Global Note which is exchangeable for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]10 [Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Notes on and after the Exchange Date]9 [Permanent Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]]]9 [Registered Notes: Registered Global Note (U.S.$[●] nominal amount) registered in the name of a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg/held through the CMU Service (specify nominal amounts)]
Form of Notes. [Temporary global Note exchangeable for a permanent global Note which is exchangeable for definitive Notes [only if (as described more fully in the Conditions) (a) there should be an Event of Default; (b) Euroclear, Clearstream, Xxxxx-xxxxx and any other relevant clearance system are all no longer willing or able to properly discharge their responsibilities and the Agent and TMCC are unable to locate a qualified successor; (c) upon the election of TMCC; or (d) upon 90 days written notice of any Noteholder, all as set forth more fully in the Conditions/ Other (give details)] [Temporary Global Note exchangeable for definitive notes on and after the Exchange Date.]
Form of Notes. The definitive form of the Notes originally issued under this Supplemental Indenture is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, which is incorporated herein and made part hereof. The terms of this Supplemental Indenture, as amended, shall be deemed to amend the terms set forth in such definitive form of Notes. The Stated Maturity of the principal amount at maturity of the Notes or, in the event of conversion of the Notes to semiannual coupon Notes, the Restated Principal Amount, shall be February 15, 2021."
Form of Notes. [Bearer Notes: [Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for a Permanent Bearer Global Note which is exchangeable for Definitive Bearer Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]] [Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Bearer Notes on and after the Exchange Date] [Permanent Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Bearer Notes [on 60 days’ notice given at any time/only upon an Exchange Event]] (N.B. The exchange upon notice option should not be expressed to be applicable if the Specified Denomination of the Notes in paragraph 5 includes language substantially to the following effect: “[€100,000] and integral multiples of [€1,000] in excess thereof up to and including [€199,000].” Furthermore, such Specified Denomination construction is not permitted in relation to any issue of Notes which is to be represented on issue by a Temporary Bearer Global Note exchangeable for Definitive Bearer Notes.) [Registered Notes: Registered Global Note registered in the name of a nominee for a [common depositary/common safekeeper] for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg] (Notes shall not be physically delivered in Belgium, except to a clearing system, a depository or other institution for the purpose of their immobilisation in accordance with article 4 of the Belgian Law of 14th December 2005) [Swiss Notes: [Bearer Notes represented on issue by a Swiss Global Note, as more particularly described in Condition 1.3 of the Terms and Conditions. Definitive [Bearer]/[Registered] Swiss Certificates applicable.] [Uncertificated Notes, as more particularly described in Condition 1.4 of the Terms and Conditions]]