Sexual and Racial Harassment. The Union and the Employer recognize that sexual and racial harassment are unlawful employment practices in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code, as amended from time to time. The Code defines sexual harassment as follows: A course of vexatious comment or conduct or a sexual advance or solicitation that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, perpetrated by a person’s employer, someone acting for the employer or a co-worker.
Sexual and Racial Harassment. The Employer does not tolerate or condone sexual or racial harassment in any form and will take whatever disciplinary action is appropriate in the circumstances, up to and including dismissal, against any Employee who is found to have sexually or racially harassed any other person. The Employee shall be familiar with and abide by the Employer’s written sexual and racial harassment policy as promulgated from time to time.
Sexual and Racial Harassment. Employees are encouraged to report to the Employer all cases of persistent sexual and racial harassment which are initiated by individuals who are not identified in Article 27 - Sexual and Personal Harassment.
Sexual and Racial Harassment. 31.1. The parties to this agreement acknowledge that sexual and racial harassment in the work place are totally unacceptable.
Sexual and Racial Harassment. The Union and the Employer recognise that sexual and racial harassment are unlawful employment practices in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Code defines sexual harassment as follows: A course of vexatious comment or conduct or a sexual advance or solicitation that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, perpetrated by a person's employer, someone acting for the employer or a co-worker. Complaints of alleged harassment involving a member of the bargaining unit will be handled with all possible confidentiality by the Unit Chairperson and the Administrator, or their designates. Personal Harassment Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment can be either psychological or physical or it can be a combination of both. It is any behaviour, whether deliberate or negligent which denies individuals their dignity and respect, is offensive, embarrassing or humiliating to the individual, and adversely affects the working environment. Where the alleged harasser is the person who would normally deal with any of the steps of the grievance, the grievance shall automatically be sent forward to the next step.
Sexual and Racial Harassment. Sexual Harassment The Company, the Employees and the Union will take all reasonable steps to maintain a working environment, which is free from sexual and/or racial harassment. For the purposes of this Article, "Sexual Harassment" includes:
Sexual and Racial Harassment. The Union and the Employer recognize that sexual and racial harassment are unlawful employment practices in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code, as amended from time to time. The Code defines sexual harassment as follows: