Projects. There shall be a thirty (30) km free zone around the projects excluding the Metro Vancouver Area. For local residents, kilometers shall be paid from the boundary of the free zone around the project. Workers employed by any contractor within an identified free zone who resides outside of that same free zone will be paid according to the Kilometer Chart from the project to their residence less thirty
Projects. The Annexes attached hereto describe the specific projects and the policy reforms and other activities related thereto (each, a “Project”) that the Government will carry out, or cause to be carried out, in furtherance of this Compact to achieve the Objectives and the Compact Goal.
Projects. There shall be a thirty kilometre (30 km) free zone around any project not located within the free zone or the travel zone. For Local Residents, mileage shall be paid at fifty-eight cents ($0.58) per kilometre (adjusted annually to the maximum tax-free amount allowable under CRA guidelines) to an employee who uses their personal vehicle from the boundary of the free zone around the project. An employee who is a passenger in a personal vehicle will be paid one-half (½) of the amount payable to the driver in the same vehicle. The project must be within the one hundred and twenty (120) kilometres zone as outlined in the definition of a Local Resident.
Projects. All capital outlay projects, to be funded in whole or in part from SPLOST proceeds, are listed in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. The Notice of Election calling for the imposition of the tax is also herein specifically referenced and made a part of this agreement.
Projects. Projects to be financed by the Cultural Fund shall meet the requirements contained in the attached Annex.
Projects. The terms of this agreement apply to each "Project" that Company and Developer write up and cosign in a "Project Summary". Each Project Summary must refer to this agreement, say that it's a Project Summary, and set out what Developer agrees to do for Company and what Company agrees to pay Developer for the work.
Projects. The Seller acknowledges that the Projects identified by the Buyer in Attachment 1 hereto are the Buyer’s good faith prediction of projects that the Buyer believes will be developed during the term of this Contract and the Buyer makes no guarantee that any particular Project will be successfully developed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Buyer shall purchase a minimum aggregate of *** Units from the Seller.
Projects. The Client may from time to time request Exult Supplier by written notice to undertake a Project in accordance with the Change Control Management process and the procedures set out in Schedule H (Projects). Projects included within the scope of this Agreement at the Commencement Date, if any, are set out in Schedule H. Unless otherwise agreed, Projects will be charged at the Standard Rates.
Projects. Provisions will be negotiated on an individual project basis, as needed, with the Union. (Amended 1-1-91)
Projects. The Parties may from time to time during the Term of this Agreement mutually agree to define and enter into one or more Statement(s) of Work (“SOW(s)”) for Projects in accordance with Exhibit D.