Construction and Maintenance. There are on-going maintenance, renovation and construction projects taking place in and around the residences. The work typically takes place during regular business hours, but may begin earlier or extend into evenings or weekends. On-going construction or renovation projects will continue through midterm and final exam periods. The University will take measures to ensure that prudent construction practices are followed, but there may be noise, dust and temporary interruption of some services. Residents may be required to temporarily or permanently relocate to facilitate construction or renovation to their residence area. There will be no compensation or reduction to your residence fees due to disruption and/or relocation.
Construction and Maintenance. 7 Performance Security 7.1 Performance Security 7.2 Extension of Performance Security and Additional Performance Security 7.3 Appropriation of Performance Security 7.4 Release of Performance Security 7.5
Construction and Maintenance. 7 Performance Security
Construction and Maintenance. The Owners agree that the development of the Lands shall be constructed and forever maintained in accordance with the Site Plan and site Services Plan;
Construction and Maintenance. Wherever under this Agreement the Owner relocates, restores, rehabilitates, replicates, repairs, replaces, maintains or in any way alters improvements on, or features of the Lands identified in the Conservation Plan as having heritage value and heritage character or constructs or maintains other works to protect or conserve such improvements or features, all such work shall be done at the Owner's sole expense strictly in accordance with the Conservation Plan and as agreed by the City and all improvements or features shall be diligently and continuously maintained in good repair and efficient operating condition by the Owner at the Owner's sole expense in accordance with good engineering, design, heritage and conservation practice.
Construction and Maintenance. There are on-going maintenance, renovation and construction projects taking place in and around the residences. This may include interior work, including work inside units. The work typically takes place during UBC’s regular approved hours for such work: between the hours of 7:30 a.m. (0730 hours) to 7:00 p.m. (1900 hours) on any week day that is not a statutory holiday; and, between 9:00 a.m. (0900 hours) to 5:00 p.m. (1700 hours) on any Saturday that is not a statutory holiday. Note that maintenance, renovation and construction projects do sometimes occur outside of these hours. On-going maintenance, renovation, and construction projects will continue throughout the year, including midterm and final exam periods. The University will take measures to ensure that prudent construction practices are followed, but there may be noise, dust and temporary interruption of some services. Residents may be required to temporarily or permanently relocate to facilitate construction or renovations to their residence area. There will be no compensation or reduction to your residence fees due to disruption and/or relocation.
Construction and Maintenance. 1. The location, construction and maintenance of the utility installation covered by this application shall be in accordance with the current Department's Utility Accommodation Policy. xxxx://
2. Before beginning any work in the highway right-of-way, it is the responsibility of the Permit Holder to obtain an easement from the drainage district if necessary. The Department assumes no responsibility for advising the Permit Holder of each location of a drainage district crossing. It is the Permit Holder's responsibility to locate these crossings and obtain any necessary easements or permission from the drainage district. See Code of Iowa, Chapter 468 for additional information.
3. A copy of the approved permit shall be available on the job site at all times for examination by Department personnel.
4. Operations in the construction and maintenance of this utility installation shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause minimum interference to or distraction of traffic on said highway.
5. Traffic protection shall minimally be in accordance with Part VI of the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. The applicant shall be responsible for correctly using traffic control devices including signs, warning lights, and channelizing devices as needed while work is in progress or the clear zone is impacted. Flagging operations are the responsibility of the applicant. The Department's TC XXX Series Standards are the preferred traffic control specification plans. xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.
Construction and Maintenance. Subpart A—Contract Procedures Subpart B—Force Account Construction Subpart C—Physical Construction Authorization Subpart D—General Material Requirements Subpart E—Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Contracting
Construction and Maintenance. ARTICLE-7
Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear the entire cost and expense of any construction, repair, alteration, replacement or removal activities performed within the Easement Property. Grantee shall also, at Grantee’s cost and expense, restore the Easement Property to the condition which existed prior to any such construction, repair, alteration, replacement or removal activities, including but not limited to, revegetation, resodding, repaving, or removal of debris or dirt caused by or resulting from such activities.