Arrival and Departure Times. Standard check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and check out time 12:00 nn unless other arrangements have been made and agreed upon by the Owner. Early arrivals or late departure times are subject to the availability of the Property and extra fees will be imposed. Please refer below for the applicable corresponding fees: From 10:00 a.m. and onwards - 50% of the regular daily rate Before 10:00 a.m. - 100% of the regular daily rate Until 6:00 p.m. - 50% of the regular daily rate After 6:00 p.m. - 100% of the regular daily rate
Arrival and Departure Times i. You may arrive anytime after 3pm on the day of your booking.
ii. You must vacate the property by 10am on the day of departure.
Arrival and Departure Times. The rental starts from 16.00 on the day of arrival and terminates at departure by 10.00 on the day of leaving. The premises must be clean, tidy and vacated by this time. Changes to these times can be requested prior to arrival but are subject to confirmation from the Owner and may incur a charge.
Arrival and Departure Times. Standard check in for overnight rentals is 4:00 pm unless pre-arranged at the time of booking. Check out for overnight rentals is 1:00 pm unless pre-arranged at the time of booking. Pre-arranged arrival time 04:00 pm Pre-arranged departure time 02:00 pm All garbage and recycling must be brought to the designated waste disposal site before departure.
Arrival and Departure Times. Check-in will be open from 1pm. If you believe you may arrive after 6pm on your date of arrival then you must inform us. Units arriving after dark will not be permitted onto the park and will need to park in the designated late arrival bays. If you do not inform us and/or your intended pitch is not occupied by 9am on the day after your arrival date we will treat your booking as cancelled and re-let the pitch to another customer. No refund will be paid in such instance. You are required to depart your Touring Pitch by 11am unless arranged otherwise. Late check in and early arrival times may be arranged subject to availability and may incur an extra charge. Noisy, offensive or inappropriate behaviour or actions likely to cause harm to any other guest, members of our staff or anyone’s property at the park will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to refuse entry to and/or eject any person who, in the reasonable opinion of the management of the park, does not comply with these standards of behaviour. No refunds will be issued in these circumstances. If, in the reasonable opinion of the management of the park, we believe that you or a member of your party may not comply with the above, on entry to the park, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any person or groups of persons at our discretion. In such cases a full refund will be issued to the lead name on the booking.
Arrival and Departure Times. The Visitor and his or her party must arrive after the arrival time (4pm on the first day of the holiday period) and depart before the departure time (10:00am on the last day of the holiday period). Any stay that extends over this period will be subject to a charge being made for additional days. The Visitor will be issued with a set of keys to the Accommodation on the first day of the holiday period and the Visitor must return them on the last day of the holiday period or the date of departure, if earlier. Failure to do so will incur the cost of a replacement set.
Arrival and Departure Times. It is suggested that you arrive 15 to 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the scheduled party to allow time for set up. The Birthday Party Attendant will give you access to the party area. If needed, a museum cart is available to unload supplies from your vehicle. The Birthday Party Attendant is not responsible for unloading or loading your vehicle after the party. The party space is only accessible for the scheduled time of the party. Due to the possibility of multiple parties being scheduled on the same day, you are asked to arrive and vacate the party area as scheduled. • Additional time is $50.00 for every 30 minutes.
Arrival and Departure Times. ● The USD 407 Board of Education defines the designated workday for licensed staff as fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the school day and fifteen (15) minutes after the end of the school day, not to exceed eight (8) hours, as stated on the district’s calendar. ● On Fridays and on school days immediately preceding the first day of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter holidays, the principal of each attendance center will dismiss school upon completion of the regular school day. Licensed members will be dismissed by the principal as soon as all students have cleared the school grounds. ● Early departure will be permitted only on an individual basis. A teacher wishing to be dismissed early must make the request to the building principal. The principal has final authority to grant or deny the request. (06/10/2024)
Arrival and Departure Times. The daily arrival time for guidance counselors shall be the same as the arrival time for teachers and the daily departure time for counselors shall be no more than fifteen minutes later than the departure time for teachers in the same building.
Arrival and Departure Times. Your accommodation will be available from 3pm on the day of your arrival. If you think you may arrive after 5pm please let us know as soon as possible. If your accommodation is not occupied by 10am on the day after your expected arrival date, and you have not informed us you will be arriving late, we will treat your booking as cancelled with no refunds given and re-let the accommodation. Please ensure you leave your accommodation by 10am on the day of your departure.