Large tree definition

Large tree means a living tree of any species that has a diameter at breast height over bark (DBHOB) equal to or greater than 2.5 metres.
Large tree means a tree of a species which normally reaches a height of twenty-five feet or more upon maturity, and usually has a single stem.
Large tree means a tree of a species which normally reaches a height of at least thirty (30) feet or more upon maturity.

Examples of Large tree in a sentence

  • Large tree means a tree, under normal growth conditions, that reaches a mature height at or above 40 feet.

  • Large tree roots shall be trimmed flush with the sides to prevent puncturing or tearing of filter fabric during installation.

  • Large tree tops must be left on site to protect reproduction from extreme weather and from excessive deer browse.

  • Large tree (rootballs around 36 inches tall that would sit on about 4 inches of compacted S3) (for smaller trees see ‘e’ below) planting shall follow these procedures for handling the planting soils in and around the rootballs.

  • Large tree seeds (thousand seed weight > 200 grams) and tree seeds with very hard seed coats, such as those of Fabaceae (Leguminosae), and/or species with high oil contents, should be cut into small pieces of less than 7 mm instead of being ground.

More Definitions of Large tree

Large tree means a living tree of any species that has a diameter at breast height over bark (DBHOB) equal to or greater than 2.5 metres. ‘management area’ means any area of land which the Code or the Management Standards and Procedures identifies as subject to a management action or mandatory action to apply a management area, and includes any area of land delineated or identified on the Forest Coupe Plan as a management area. A reference to a management areapreceded by a value is a reference to a management area required to be applied by a provision that protects that value.
Large tree means any tree species which normally attains a full grown height in excess of fifty feet. (7) “Medium tree” means any tree species which normally attains a full grown height of between twenty-five feet and fifty feet. (8) “O.F.T.” means or fraction thereof. (9) “Opacity” means an imaginary vertical plane extending from the established grade to a required height of which a required percentage of the vertical plane shall be visually screened from adjacent property use. (10) “Park trees” means those trees, shrubs, bushes and all other woody vegetation in public parks which have individual names, and all areas owned by the City or to which the public has free access to as a park. (11) “Parking area or structure” means an off-street area or structure, for required parking or loading spaces, including driveways, accessways, aisles, parking or loading spaces, including driveways, accessways, aisles, parking and maneuvering space, but excluding required front yard or public right-of-way. (12) “Parking lot or structure” means an off-street area or structure, other than the parking or loading spaces or areas required or permitted under the Zoning Ordinance, for the parking of automobiles, and available to thepublic customarily for a fee. (13) “Perimeter landscaping” means the use of landscape materials within the landscape buffer zone to achieve the required opacity. (14) “Person” means any person, corporation, partnership, company, contracting firm or other entity. (15) “Pruning” means to cut branches, stems, etc. from a plant to improveshape and growth. (16) “Small tree” means any tree species which normally attains a full grown height under twenty-five feet. (17) “Street trees” means those trees, shrubs, bushes, and all other woody vegetation on land lying between property lines on either side of all streets, avenues or ways within the City. (18) “Topping” means the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree’s crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree. (19) “Treelawn” means that part of a street not covered by sidewalk or other paving, lying between the property line and that portion of the street right- of-way that is paved and usually used for vehicular traffic. (20) “Vehicular use area” means any area used by vehicles. (Ord. 0107-2011. Passed 6-20-11.)
Large tree. A woody plant with an expected mature height of thirty (30) feet or more. Lot: A bounded area of land undivided by a public way intended for the purpose of sale, legacy, or development at any time. Lot, Corner: A lot fronting two (2) or more thoroughfares at their intersection. Lot, Flag: A lot in the approximate configuration of a flag pole or sign post, with the pole or post functioning primarily as an access way to the main area of the lot from the thoroughfare providing access. Lot, Interior: A lot fronting one thoroughfare and abutting other lots at both sides. Lot, Key: A lot with a side lot line abutting the rear lot line of another lot. Lot, Landlocked: A bounded area of land with no frontage. Lot, Pork Chop: See Lot, Flag. Lot, Through: A lot fronting on two (2) or more thoroughfares, including parallel thoroughfares and thoroughfares that do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot. Lot Line: The boundary that legally and geometrically demarcates a lot, civic space, or other parcel of land. Lot Line, Hypothetical A lot line superimposed over an official plot plan indicating the boundaries of a lot for the purpose of development review, but not officially recorded with the Registry of Deeds or Land Court. Lot Line Adjustment: Reconfiguration of the boundary line between two Abutting lots or parcels of land, whether they are commonly owned or not and whether the resulting shift of ground from one parcel to another is minor or substantial. Lot Line, Front: Any lot line abutting a thoroughfare, other than an Alley, or civic space. Lot Line, Party: A side lot line shared between two attached or semi-detached Building Types. Lot Line, Rear: Any lot line that is parallel to or within forty-five (45) degrees of being parallel to a front lot line. Lot Line, Side: Any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. Lot Merger: The consolidation of two (2) or more Abutting lots or parcels of land and resulting elimination of the lot lines that previously separated them. Lot Split: The division of a lot or parcel of land into two (2) smaller lots or parcels of land. Lot Width: The length of the front lot line of a lot. Master Plan: A document providing a basis for decision making regarding the long- term community development of the City of Somerville, as approved by the Planning Board per MGL 41, 81D. Main Body: The primary massing of a Principal Building Type, excluding building components. Mezzanine: An intermediate floor level between the floor and ceili...
Large tree means a tree with a typical height at maturity of 25 feet or more.
Large tree means any tree which has or likely will attain a height of twenty (20) feet or more.
Large tree means any tree species which normally attains a full grown height in excess of fifty feet.
Large tree means a tree which, when mature, is expected to grow to a height of greater than 40 feet.