Health Care Expense definition

Health Care Expense means, for purposes of sub. (16), expense of health maintenance organizations associated with the delivery of health care services that are analogous to incurred losses of insurers.
Health Care Expense means an expense incurred for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease, or for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the body. A health care expense is not one that is merely beneficial to the general health of an individual.
Health Care Expense means expenses of health mainte- nance organizations associated with the delivery of health care services which expenses are analogous to incurred losses of issu- ers. Such expenses shall not include:

Examples of Health Care Expense in a sentence

  • The Union will allow the Employer to offer a pre-tax cafeteria plan that includes Health Care Expense Account-Premium Option, Health Care Reimbursement Account, and the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account to members of the bargaining unit.

  • Home Health Care Expense - We will pay the charges incurred for Home Health Care for an Insured Person when, otherwise, Hospitalization or confinement in a skilled nursing facility would have been necessary.Hospice Care Coverage - When, as the result of a Covered Injury or Covered Sickness, an Insured Person requires hospice care under a Hospice Care Program, We will pay the Usual and Reasonable expenses incurred for such care.

  • The Participant shall submit with the application relevant bills, receipts, or other statements with respect to the Qualifying Health Care Expense, together with any additional documentation that the Plan Administrator or its designated representative may request.

  • However, a Participant who chooses to use an authorized Medical FSA debit card to attempt to purchase a Qualifying Health Care Expense is required to submit relevant bills, receipts, or other statements to verify the expense is a Qualifying Health Care Expense only upon request by the Plan Administrator.

  • The claim for reimbursement may be made before or after the Participant has paid the Qualifying Health Care Expense, but not before the Participant has Incurred the Qualifying Health Care Expense.

More Definitions of Health Care Expense

Health Care Expense means as defined in the Adoption Agreement, provided it is defined no more broadly than the description in IRS Revenue Ruling 2002-41 and IRS Notice 2002-45. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Adopting Employer sponsors a cafeteria plan, Health Care Expense shall not include premiums that may be paid on a pre-tax basis in accordance with the terms of such cafeteria plan, which may include premiums for major medical coverage provided by the Employer and premiums for coverage under an insurance contract, health maintenance organization agreement, or other benefit agreement providing coverage issued on a non-group, individual basis. To the extent Health Care Expense is defined in the Adoption Agreement to include premiums for qualified long-term care insurance, the amount of such premium that will qualify as a Health Care Expense shall be limited to the portion that constitutes “eligible long-term care premiums” as defined in Section 213(d)(10) of the Code. “Health Care Expense” may include over- the-counter drugs and medicine (other than insulin) only if such drug or medicine has been prescribed, as required by Section 106(f) of the Code.
Health Care Expense means an expense incurred for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease, or for the purpose of affecting any structure of function of the body.
Health Care Expense means an expense incurred by a Participant or by a Dependent in the Participant’s family, for medical care as defined in Code Section 213(d) and the rules, regulations and Internal Revenue Service interpretations thereunder, including premiums for health care insurance coverage and premiums for long-term care insurance coverage. Health Care Expenses shall not include expenses reimbursed or reimburseable under any private, employer-provided, or public health care reimbursement or insurance arrangement or any amount claimed as a deduction on the federal income tax return of the Participant or the Participant’s Dependent. “Health Care Expenses” are incurred when the medical care is provided, not when the Participant is formally billed, charged for, or pays the expenses.
Health Care Expense means an expense related to the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease consisting of expenses for medical care within the meaning of Section 213(d) of the Code, including, but not limited to, payments for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the body, or for any hospital or nursing charges, optometric, ophthalmological or auditory care, routine physical examinations, well-baby care, dental and orthodontic care, psychiatric care, prescription drugs, over- the-counter drugs which qualify as medical expenses under Section 213(d) of the Code and the regulations thereunder, insulin, eyeglasses or contact lenses, hearing-aid appliances, similar prosthetic devices, medical-related transportation or medical or dental insurance out-of-pocket expenses. The term “Health Care Expense” does not include cosmetic surgery or other similar procedures, unless the surgery or procedure is necessary to ameliorate a deformity arising from, or directly related to, a congenital abnormality, a personal injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or disfiguring disease. The term cosmetic surgery means any procedure, which is directed at improving the patient's appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease. The term “Health Care Expense” shall also include expenses for orthodontia services paid by a Participant before the services are provided but only to the extent that the employee has actually paid such expenses in advance of the orthodontia services in order to receive the services. These orthodontia services are deemed to be incurred when the employee makes the advance payment. Orthodontia services shall not be deemed to be cosmetic procedures for purposes of the preceding paragraph.
Health Care Expense means an expense incurred by an Employee for unreimbursed medical expenses (as defined in Code Section 213(d)). Health Care Expenses shall not include expenses reimbursed or reimbursable under any other arrangement (including the Health Care Flexible Spending Account Benefit Program) or any amount claimed as a deduction on the federal income tax return of the Employee.
Health Care Expense means an expense incurred by a Participant for medical care as defined in Code Section 213(d) and the rules, regulations and Internal Revenue Service interpretations thereunder. Health Care Expenses are incurred when the medical care is provided, not when the Participant is formally billed, charged for, or pays the expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Health Care Expenses shall not include:
Health Care Expense for purposes of the Plan means premiums for Individual Medicare Policies obtained through the Third Party Administrator, premiums for prescription drug coverage, premiums for dental coverage, premiums for