Physical Examinations. Where the Employer requires an employee to take a physical examination, doctor's fees for such examination shall be paid by the Employer. Except prior to commencement of employment and the first four (4) weeks of employment, such examinations shall be taken during the employee's working hours without loss of pay to the employee.
Physical Examinations. The District shall provide the full cost of any medical examination required as a condition of employment or continued employment.
Physical Examinations. The Insurer, at its own expense, shall have the right and opportunity to examine any Insured whose illness or injury is the basis of a claim, when and as often as considered necessary by the Insurer during the pendency of the claim. In the case of death, the Insurer has the right to request an autopsy at a facility of its choice.
Physical Examinations. The Company and/or Insurer reserves the right to require periodic physical examinations throughout the duration of the employee’s absence due to disability. Such examinations shall be conducted by a medical practitioner, designated by the Company and/or Insurer. Cost of the physical examinations, transportation, and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses related thereto will be paid by the Insurer.
Physical Examinations. The insurer shall have the right and opportunity to request a physical examination at its own expense, of any insured whose illness or injury is the basis of a claim, when and as often as considered necessary by the insurer before the claim is agreed.
Physical Examinations. Where the Co-operative requires an employee to take a physical examination, doctor's fees for such examination shall be paid by the Co-operative. Except prior to commencement of employment and the first four (4) weeks of employment, such examinations shall be taken during the employee's working hours without loss of pay to the employee.
Physical Examinations. All employees, upon initial employment, may be required to present evidence of physical ability to perform duties assigned and of being free from communicable diseases. Such evidence, if required, shall be obtained from a licensed physician of the employee's choice. The cost of such examination shall rest with the employee. The Board may require a subsequent physical or psychological examination by a physician, or clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, respectively, licensed in Florida, when in its judgment such an examination is relevant to teaching performance or employment status.
1. The affected employee's immediate supervisor shall submit a request for the examination to the applicable employee and/or department as determined by the Superintendent. If the affected employee requests, he/she shall be provided a copy of the note written by the supervisor which indicates the apparent difficulties the employee is encountering.
2. The employee has the right to attach a rebuttal statement and to have a pre-examination meeting with the Superintendent's designee to discuss the perceived problems. However, the employee must submit this request in writing to the applicable employee and/or department as determined by the Superintendent within five (5) calendar days of written notification that an examination will be or has been scheduled.
3. The employee may be represented by a person of their choice. This meeting shall not in any way infringe on the Superintendent's right to require an employee to take an examination called for in this section.
4. The appointment of the physicians and/or clinical psychologists or psychiatrist to the list shall be made by the local or county respective professional association and the Board shall pay costs incurred for the examination. Under unusual circumstances as determined by the Superintendent, an additional examination can be scheduled.
5. If a determination is made that no examination is necessary, the parties agree to petition the Department of Library & Information Services for permission to destroy all documents related to the incident.
Physical Examinations. Section 1. The City may require any of its employees to submit at any time to a physical examination by a physician duly licensed to practice as such.
Section 2. The examining physician shall be selected by the City and the cost of such examinations shall be paid by the City. An employee may opt to use his own personal doctor for his physical.
Section 3. As a condition of continued employment with the City, any physical examination above provided for must reveal the physical and mental fitness of the employee involved to perform his duties.
Section 4. Should any required physical examination above provided for reveal the physical or mental unfitness of the employee involved to perform his duties, he may, at his option, have a review of his case in the following manner:
A. He may employ a licensed physician of his own choosing and at his own expense for the purpose of conducting a further physical examination for the same purpose as the physical examination made by the physician employed by the City. A copy of the findings of the physician chosen by the employee involved shall be furnished to the City, and in the event that such findings verify the findings of the physician employed by the City, no further medical review of the case shall be afforded.
B. In the event that the findings of the physician chosen by the employee involved shall disagree with the findings of the physician employed by the City, the City, at the written request of the employee involved, will ask that the two physicians agree upon and appoint a third qualified, licensed and disinterested physician for the purpose of making a further physical examination of the employee involved, and the findings of a majority of the three examining physicians shall determine the disposition of the case and be final and binding upon the parties hereto. The expense of the employment of such third medical examiner shall be shared equally by the City and the Transit Union.
Section 5. Should any physical examination above provided for reveal physical or mental unfitness caused by disease, defects or disabilities of a temporary and curable nature, and the employee involved is willing to have the cause or causes of such unfitness treated and rectified, then, and in that event, depending upon the particular circumstances in each case:
A. The employee involved may continue working while undergoing medical treatment if the examining physician shall certify to his ability to safely do so.
B. The employee involv...
Physical Examinations. 28.1 Where the Employer requires the employee to take a physical examination, the doctor’s fee shall be paid by the Employer, and the examination shall be on Company time. Where subsequent examination proves an employee unfit to work in a food store, examinations shall be paid by the employee.
28.2 Where the Employer requires an employee to have a Modified Work Form completed specific to a WCB claim, the Company will reimburse the employee, to a maximum of sixty dollars ($60.00), provided a valid, paid receipt is presented and the form is returned in a timely manner as determined by the Company. Employees will cooperate with the Employer in this regard.
28.3 Employees applying for Short Term Disability (STD) or WCB Benefits must cooperate with the Employer specific to the timely return of modified duties work forms and where medically permitted, cooperatively participating in a modified return to work program.
Physical Examinations. The Company and/or insurer reserve the right to require periodical physical examinations throughout the duration of the employee's absence due to disability. Such examinations shall be conducted by a physician or physician designated by the Company and/or insurer. All cost of medical report or doctor certificate requested by the Company or the Insurance Carrier will be paid in full by the Company. Cost of physical examinations, transportation and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses related thereto will be paid by the insurer.