Deferral Percentage definition

Deferral Percentage means the percentage (which, unless the Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, determines otherwise, shall be in whole percentage increments and not more than 90%) specified by the Participant to be the percentage of each payment of Compensation he or she wishes to defer under the Plan.
Deferral Percentage means the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of an employee's elective deferrals for a year to the employee's compensation for that year. The deferral percentage of an employee who is eligible to make an elective deferral, but who does not make a deferral during the year, is zero. B. "Affiliated employer" shall mean any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations (as described in section 414(b) of the Code) that includes the employer; any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) that is under common control (as defined in section 414(c)) with the employer; any organization (whether or not incorporated) which is a member of an affiliated service group (as defined in section 414(m)) that includes the employer; and any other entity required to be aggregated with the employer pursuant to regulations under section 414(o). C. "Family member" shall mean an individual who is related to a highly compensated employee as a spouse, or as a lineal ascendant (such as a parent or grandparent) or descendant (such as a child or grandchild) or spouse of either of those, in accordance with section 414(q) of the Code and the regulations thereunder. D. "Highly compensated individual" shall mean an individual described in section 414(q) of the Code who, during the current or preceding year: 1. Was a 5% owner as defined in section 416(i)(1)(B)(i) of the Code; 2. Received compensation in excess of $50,000, as indexed according to the cost of living in accordance with section 414(q)(1), and was in the top-paid group (the top 20% of employees, by compensation); 3. Received compensation in excess of $75,000, as indexed according to the cost of living in accordance with section 414(q)(1); or 4. Was an officer and received compensation in excess of 50% of the dollar limit under section 415 of the Code for defined benefit plans. (No more than three employees need be taken into account under this rule. At least one officer, the highest-paid officer if no one else meets this test, however, must be taken into account.) IX.
Deferral Percentage means the percentage of a Participant’s Compensation for the Election Year to be deferred in accordance with an Election pursuant to Article II of this Plan.

Examples of Deferral Percentage in a sentence

  • Each election submitted must specify a Maximum Deferral and a Deferral Percentage with respect to each category of Compensation to be deferred.

  • The Automatic Deferral Percentage will or will not increase in Plan Years following the Plan Year containing the Automatic Deferral Effective Date (or, if later, the Plan Year or partial Plan Year in which the Automatic Deferral first applies to a Participant) as follows (Choose e., f.

  • With regard to Elective Deferrals withdrawn pursuant to this Subsection, (A) the Administrator will disregard such Elective Deferrals in the Actual Deferral Percentage Test (if applicable); (B) the Administrator will disregard such Elective Deferrals for purposes of the limitation on Elective Deferrals under Code§402(g); (C) such Elective Deferrals are not subject to the consent requirements of Code §401(a)(11) or 417.

  • Compensation for purposes of determining the "Automatic Deferral Percentage" has the same meaning as Compensation with regard to Elective Deferrals.

  • Plans that satisfy the Actual Deferral Percentage requirements of Code section 401(k)(3)(A)(ii) by adopting the ‘‘SIMPLE’’ provisions of section 401(k)(11).See What To File for more information about what must be completed for pension plans.Do Not File a Form 5500 for a Pension Benefit Plan That Is Any of the Following:1.

More Definitions of Deferral Percentage

Deferral Percentage means the total amount of 401(k) Contributions (excluding Catch-Up Contributions) allocated to an Active Participant with respect to a Plan Year expressed as a percentage of such Active Participant’s 415 Compensation for such Plan Year and calculated to the nearest one-hundredth of a percentage point. The Deferral Percentage of an Active Participant who receives no such Contributions shall be zero. If an Active Participant is eligible to receive any such contributions under any other plan maintained by an Employer or Affiliate (other than a plan which cannot be aggregated with the Plan under Section 410(b) of the Code), his Deferral Percentage shall include the contributions and compensation as determined under such other plan.
Deferral Percentage means for a participant for any plan year a fraction:
Deferral Percentage means the ratio (expressed as a percentage) determined by dividing the Deferral Contributions made to the Plan on behalf of a Participant who is eligible to make Deferral Contributions for all or any portion of a Plan Year by the Participant’s Compensation for the Plan Year.
Deferral Percentage means the ratio (expressed as a percentage) determined by dividing the Deferral Contributions made to the Plan on behalf of a Participant who is eligible to make Deferral Contributions for all or any portion of a Plan Year by the Participant's Compensation for the Plan Year. In addition, if the Matching Contributions to the Plan for any Plan Year satisfy the requirements of Code section 401(k)(2)(B) and (C), a Participant's Deferral Percentage will be determined by aggregating the Deferral Contributions and the Matching Contributions made to the Plan on his behalf for such Plan Year, unless such aggregation is prohibited in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. A Participant is eligible to make Deferral Contributions for purposes of determining his Deferral Percentage even though he does not make Deferral Contributions because of the suspension of his Deferral Contributions under the terms of the Plan, because of an election not to participate, or because of the limitations contained in Sections 10.3 through 10.5 of the Plan. A Deferral Contribution will be taken into account for a Plan Year only if (i) the allocation of such contribution is not contingent on participation in the Plan or the performance of services after the Plan Year, (ii) such contribution is paid to the Trustee within 12 months after the end of the Plan Year, and (iii) such contribution relates to Compensation that either would have been received by the Participant in the Plan Year, or that is attributable to services performed during the Plan Year and that would have been received within two and one-half months after the Plan Year, but for the election to defer.
Deferral Percentage for each Participant means the amount of the Participant’s Salary Redirection Contributions for the relevant Plan Year divided by the Participant’s Gross Annual Pay for the relevant Plan Year. The deferral percentage for both the group of Highly Compensated Participants and the group of all other Participants shall be the average of the individual deferral percentages calculated for each of the individual Participants in the group. In calculating the Deferral Percentage of each individual Participant, the Deferral Percentage shall be rounded to the nearest one hundredth of one percent. Similarly, in calculating the average Deferral Percentage for a group, such average Deferral Percentage shall be rounded to the nearest one hundredth of one percent. For purposes of this calculation, all employees of the Employers who sponsor this Plan shall be treated as though they were employed by a single Employer.
Deferral Percentage means for any Eligible Employee the ratio of the amount of Pre-Tax Contributions under the Plan allocated to each Eligible Employee for such Plan Year to such Employee's "Compensation" for such Plan Year. An Eligible Employee's Pre-Tax Contributions may be taken into account for purposes of determining his Deferral Percentage for a particular Plan Year only if such Pre-Tax Contributions are allocated to the Eligible Employee as of a date within that Plan Year. For purposes of this rule, an Eligible Employee's Pre-Tax Contributions shall be considered allocated as of a date within a Plan Year only if (A) the allocation is not contingent upon the Eligible Employee's participation in the Plan or performance of services on any date subsequent to that date, and (B) the Pre-Tax Contribution is actually paid to the Trust no later than the end of the twelve month period immediately following the Plan Year to which the contribution relates. In accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, Employer contributions on behalf of an Active Participant that satisfy the requirements of Code Section 401(k)(3)(D)(ii) may also be taken into account for the purpose of determining the Deferral Percentage of such Active Participant.
Deferral Percentage means the ratio of a Participant's Deferrals for the Plan Year to the Participant's Compensation for such Plan Year.