This rule definition

This rule means the present exempt legislative rule that is designated in the caption here as title 85, series 5.
This rule means Admission and Discipline Rule 23, including all of its Sections.
This rule means all sections of C.R.C.P. 232.

Examples of This rule in a sentence

  • This rule has not been designated a ‘‘significant regulatory action,’’ under Executive Order 12866.

  • This rule will not call for a new collection of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44U.S.C. 3501–3520).

  • This rule is a list of applicable definitions used in this chapter, unless indicated otherwise in a specific subchapter.

  • This rule also requires that the permit must contain any conditions necessary to assure compliance with the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA), the Clean Air Act of Montana, and rules adopted under those acts.

  • This rule is a list of applicable definitions used in this subchapter.

More Definitions of This rule

This rule means all of series 1, title 121 of the state code of rules.
This rule means all sections of the broader rule in which the reference is found, for example C.R.C.P. 242 or C.R.C.P. 243.
This rule means the present procedural rule which is designated in the caption hereof as title 85, series 7.
This rule. “This Rule” shall mean Rule A6.
This rule means all sections of the broader rule in which the reference is found, for example
This rule means the rule designated as W. Va. 85CSR26 entitled, “Health Care Advisory Panel.”
This rule means 17.1.3 NMAC;