Company Executive definition

Company Executive means any person who at the time of, or within three months immediately prior to, the solicitation, hiring, recruitment, or inducement, was employed by the Company at a Director-level or more senior position. The types of communication prohibited by this provision explicitly include all forms of oral, written, or electronic communication, including, but not limited to, communications by email, regular mail, express mail, telephone, fax, instant message, and social media, where the purpose of or reasonably anticipated impact or consequence of the communication would be to solicit, hire or recruit such person. For the avoidance of doubt, this restriction applies regardless of whether the Grantee or the Company Executive initiated the first communication.
Company Executive means any person who (i) is employed by the Company at the time the Executive’s employment with the Company ends, (ii) was employed by the Company during the last year of the Executive’s employment with the Company (or during the Executive’s employment if employed less than a year), or (iii) is employed by the Company during the Restricted Period.
Company Executive has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(a).

Examples of Company Executive in a sentence

  • In the event that Executive leaves the employ of the Company, Executive agrees to notify her new employer about Executive’s rights and obligations under this Agreement and the Confidential Information Agreement.

  • In connection with Executive’s employment with the Company, Executive has and will continue to receive and have access to Company confidential information and trade secrets.

  • In connection with the Merger and promptly following the closing of the Merger, the Board agrees to issue to the Executive an option award to purchase shares of Common Stock of the Company, such that when combined with Executive’s prior securities holdings or rights to acquire securities in the Company, Executive will hold or have the right to acquire shares representing at least 4.34% of the Company’s post-Merger outstanding shares of common stock.

More Definitions of Company Executive

Company Executive means any person who (i) is employed by the Company at the time Executive's employment with the Company ends, (ii) was employed by the Company during the last year of Executive's employment with the Company (or during Executive's employment if employed less than a year), or (iii) is employed by the Company during the Restricted Period.
Company Executive means an individual listed on Section 8.3 of the Company Disclosure Letter and who hold outstanding Company Stock Options and/or Company RSU Awards as of immediately prior to the Closing.
Company Executive means each Person listed on Section 1.1(b) of the Company Disclosure Letter.
Company Executive means Craig Ruch, Brent Zimmerman, Chris Welker or any of their successors or designees.
Company Executive means Craig Ruch, Brent Zimmerman, Chris Welker or any of their successors or designees. III. PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT As a general matter, no employee shall seek or accept favors, preferential treatment or any other personal benefit because of his or her association with the Company, except those usual and normal benefits directly provided by the Company.No employee shall accept any entertainment, gift or other personal benefit that may create or appears to create a conflict between the interests of such person and the Company. In addition, employees are prohibited from receiving any gift or other thing of more than de minimis value from any person or entity that does business with or on behalf of the Company. For purposes of this Code, de minimis is defined as reasonable and customary business entertainment, such as an occasional meal, a ticket to a sporting event or the theater, or comparable entertainment which is neither so frequent nor so extensive as to raise any question of propriety. For more details, see the Company’s Gift and Entertainment Policy set forth in the Company’s Compliance Manual. Any questions regarding the receipt of any gift or other personal benefit should be directed to the Compliance Officer.Annex C-210IV. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST If any employee is aware of a personal interest that is, or might be, in conflict with the interest of the Company, such employee should disclose the situation or transaction and the nature of the conflict to the Compliance Officer for appropriate consideration. Without limiting the foregoing, Investment Personnel who are planning to invest in or make a recommendation to invest in a security for the Company, and who have a material interest in the security or a related security, must first disclose such interest to the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer shall conduct an independent review of the recommendation to purchase the security for Clients and written evidence of such review shall be maintained by the Compliance Officer. Investment Personnel may not fail to timely recommend a suitable security to, or purchase or sell of suitable security for, the Company in order to avoid an actual or apparent conflict with a personal transaction in a security.V. SERVICE AS A DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR COMPENSATION Investment Personnel are prohibited from accepting any new appointment to the board of director of any unaffiliated company, absent prior authorization of a Company Executive. I...
Company Executive means any Person who is or was an executive of the Company or its Affiliates at the time of, or during the 12-month period prior to, the Termination Date.
Company Executive means [*]. The types of communication prohibited by this provision explicitly include all forms of oral, written, or electronic communication, including, but not limited to, communications by email, regular mail, express mail, telephone, fax, instant message, and social media, where the purpose of or reasonably anticipated impact or consequence of the communication would be to solicit, hire or recruit such person. For the avoidance of doubt, this restriction applies regardless of whether the Employee or the applicable Company Executive initiated the first communication;