Rubbish. Please note that the blue top bin is for recycling and all other rubbish should be placed in black bin liners in the other bin for collection. Bins should be put out on Sunday evenings for an early Monday morning collection. Any bin that has not been put out will be the responsibility of the Guest to dispose of the rubbish. The Council will not collect any loose rubbish that is not inside a black bin liner. See above note re dog mess and nappies.
Rubbish. All refuse, accumulation of paper, excelsior, rags, wooden boxes and containers, sweep-ups and all other accumulations of a nature other than Garbage and Yard Trimmings, resulting from the normal activities of a Service Unit. Rubbish must be generated at the Service Unit from which the Rubbish is collected. Rubbish does not include items defined as Exempt Waste.
Rubbish a) To be removed from you room.
Rubbish. In the general interests of the Fair, Exhibitors must ensure that their pitches are at all times kept clean and free from rubbish to the satisfaction of the Organiser. Should stock or rubbish be left behind by any Exhibitor the Organiser reserves the right to pass on any costs incurred for removal of that stock or rubbish, or refuse to admit the Exhibitor at any future event.
Rubbish. All waste wood, wood chips, shavings, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, used and discarded clothing, used and discarded shoes and boots, combustible waste pulp and other products such as are used for packaging, or wrapping crockery and glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, glass, mineral or metallic substances, and any and all other waste materials not included in the definition of Excluded Waste.
Rubbish. You or any member of your household or visitors must dispose of rubbish correctly in containers/bin areas provided by the Council. You or any member of your household or visitors must not leave refuse bags, sacks, containers of recycling or any other items outside your front door or in the communal areas.
Rubbish. There is no rubbish collection to the Property. All rubbish must removed from the Property on departure and placed in the kerb side bins outside the front gate. If these bins are full, Guest, Suppliers and members of the Rental Party must remove all excess rubbish.
Rubbish. Tenant shall be responsible for placement of all trash in the proper receptacles on the designated day for pick-up by the city.
Rubbish. You must dispose of all rubbish and refuse promptly and properly and not allow rubbish or other waste to accumulate in or around your home.
Rubbish. No rubbish, soil or other material shall be allowed to accumulate or be placed on the Land. In the event of rubbish accumulating on the Land or there being excess growth of grass or vegetation or if such grass or vegetation becomes unsightly or in need of the cutting or slashing, then the Seller and its agents and workmen shall generally clean and tidy the Land and remove rubbish and other unnecessary materials from the Land and surrounding areas of the Land at the expense of the Buyer. The Buyer further agrees that any costs incurred by the Seller in exercising its rights under this clause shall be a liquidated debt due and payable by the Buyer to the Seller forthwith upon the delivery by the Seller to the Buyer of a written statement of such costs incurred.