Notice of Hearing. At least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled hearing, the claimant and his representative designated in writing by him, if any, shall receive written notice of the date, time, and place of such scheduled hearing. The claimant or his representative, if any, may request that the hearing be rescheduled, for his convenience, on another reasonable date or at another reasonable time or place.
Notice of Hearing. The President shall notify in writing the Committee and the affected Faculty Member of the time, place and nature of the hearing. The hearing may be held no fewer than ten (10) days after written notice that such hearing is scheduled.
Notice of Hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing and the names of the Committee on Service shall be mailed to the employee charged at least twenty (20) days prior to its scheduled date. The notice shall contain the dates, times, places, and persons involved in the acts or omissions upon which the charges are based; a concise statement of the relevant facts which will be placed in evidence; the names of any persons who will testify and the substance of their testimony; and copies of any documents which will be submitted in support of the charges alleged.
Notice of Hearing. The Chair of the Appeals Committee shall notify each appellant in writing of the date, time and place for the appeal to be heard. In addition, the Chair shall inform the appellant in writing of the general procedures to be followed by the Committee. The Chair shall provide the University and the Faculty Association with copies of the information provided to the appellant.
Notice of Hearing. Once a Member submits a request for hearing, the Agency will designate a hearing examiner. Within 14 days of the request, the Agency will serve the parties with a Notice of Hearing. The Notice of Hearing must specify the following: • the date, time and location of the hearing; • the deadline for submitting supporting documentation. This can take the form of any documents and/or written statement the party wishes the hearing examiner to consider; • the address where the documentation must be submitted. Documents are deemed delivered on the date they are actually received by the Agency.
Notice of Hearing. In any appeal under subsection (1), the Appeal Board shall, within seven days after the notice of appeal referred to in subsection (1) is received, serve notice upon the person making the appeal of the date, time and place at which the appeal will be heard.
Notice of Hearing. The notice of the hearing (in accordance with Administrative Procedures Act RCW 34.05.434) includes a statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing (the hearing must be held on not less than ten (10) days written notice, or in the case of corrections sites faculty not less than three (3) days when the action is pursuant to Section 1, B; a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held; and a reference to the particular rules of the College that are involved.
Notice of Hearing. The District shall set the matter for hearing and shall give the Officer at least five work days notice in writing of the date, time and the place of such hearing.
Notice of Hearing. The Hearing Officer shall set the matter for hearing and shall give the employee at least twenty (20) calendar days' notice in writing of the date and place of the hearing. The hearing and the Board's consideration of the Hearing Officer's proposed decision shall be conducted in closed session unless the employee requests an open hearing in the employee's written request for a hearing.
Notice of Hearing. The Board or its designee shall set the matter for hearing and shall give the unit member at least five (5) business days’ notice in writing of the date and place of such hearing.