International Law. This ASTD Framework represents political commitments of the Arctic States. The Participants do not intend this ASTD Framework to be binding under international law.
International Law. Cases and Xxxx- xxxxx, (3rd ed., 1993) Hobe, S., Die rechtlichen Rahmenbegingungen der wirtschaftlichen Nutzung des Wel- traums, (1995) Xxxxxxx, N.L.J.T., Liability Versus Responsibility Under International Law, (1996) Xxxxxxx, B., State Liability for Outer Space Activities in Accordance with the 1972 Con- vention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, (1992) Ikl´e, F.C., How Nations Negotiate (1964) International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Arbitration in Air, Space and Telecommunications Law: Enforcing Regulatory Measures, The Permanent Court of Arbitration / Peace Palace Papers, PCA International Law Seminar, February 23, 2001, (2001) International Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission, 28th Session, [1976], ILC YB 1 International Law Association, XXX Booklet, Space Law Committee, Section B: Sugges- tions for the Future (64th Conference, London, 1990), (1990) International Law Commission, Report of International Law Commission, (1991) International Law Association, XXX Committee on Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: XXX Re- port (1994) International Telecommunication Satellite Organisation (INTELSAT), Bridging the Gap : A Guide to Telecommunications and Development, (1985) Xxxxxxx, X.X., The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations, 2nd ed., (1997) Xxxxx, X.X. (ed.), International Courts for the Twenty-First Century (1992) Xxxxx, M.W., An Introduction to International Law, (2nd ed., 1993) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, N., International Space Law and the United Nations, A publication on the occasion of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III), July 1999, Vienna, Austria, (1999) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, N., (ed.), Maintaining Outer Space for Peaceful Uses, (1984) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, N. and Xxx, R.S.K., Manual on Space Law, Volume III, (1979) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, N., (ed.), Space Law: Development and Scope, (1992) Xxxxxxxx X. and Xxxxx X., (eds.), Xxxxxxxxx’x International Law Volume I, 9th ed., (1992) Xxxxxx, X., A Modern Law of Nations (1986) Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxx, X. and Xxxxxxx X. (eds.), The Antarctic Treaty System in World Politics (1991) Xxxxxx, X.X.X., Handbook of Satellite Telecommunications and Broadcasting, (1987) Xxxxxxx, S., (ed.), National Symposium on Court Connected Dispute Resolution Research
International Law. The Collected Papers of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. Volume 1 (Cambridge University Press 1970) Xxxxxx XX, ‘Introduction: Why Does Customary International Law Need Reexamining?’ in Xxxxx X Xxxxxx (ed), Reexamining Customary International Law (Cambridge University Press 2017). Xxxxxx XX, ‘Toward a New Theory of Customary International Human Rights Law’ in Xxxxx X Xxxxxx (ed), Reexamining Customary International Law (Cambridge University Press 2017). Xxxxx X, ‘How to Select and Develop International Law Case Studies: Lessons from Comparative Law and Comparative Politics’ (2015) 109 The American Journal of International Law 475. Lister C, ‘Profiling the Islamic State’ (Brookings Doha Center 2014) <xxxxx://> accessed 12 October 2020. Lister C, ‘Profiling Xxxxxx Xx-Nusra’ (2016) <xxxxx:// content/uploads/2016/07/iwr_20160728_profiling_nusra.pdf> accessed 22 May 2020. Xxxxx XX, ‘Rebel Justice during Armed Conflict’ [2020] Journal of Conflict Resolution 1. Xxxxx XX and Xxxxxxxxxx HM, ‘Justice during Armed Conflict: A New Dataset on Government and Rebel Strategies’ (2018) 62 Journal of Conflict Resolution 442. Xxxxx X, ‘No Legal Basis under IHL for Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts? A Comment on Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx x. Ministry of Defence’ (Ejil: Talk!, 5 May 2014) <xxxxx:// conflicts-a-comment-on-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-v-ministry-of-defence/> accessed 22 May 2020. Xxxxx K, ‘A Needle in a Haystack: Locating the Legal Basis for Detention in Non- International Armed Conflict’ (2015) 45 Isr YB Hum Rts 87. Xxxxxxxx XX, Rebel Rulers: Insurgent Governance and Civilian Life During War (Cornell University Press 2011). Xxxxxxxx X, ‘Insurgent Governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’ in Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (ed), Inducing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press 2015). Xxxxx X and Xxxxxx X, Inside Al-Shabaab: The Secret History of Al-Qaeda’s Most Powerful Ally (Indiana University Press 2018). Xxxxxxxxxxxx X, Armed Non-State Actors in International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law: Foundation and Framework of Obligations and Rules on Accountability (Routledge 2017). Matas D, ‘Armed Opposition Groups’ (1997) 3 Manitoba Law Journal. Xx Xxxx X and Xxxxxxx M, ‘Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups. A Manual for Practitioners’ (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanita...
International Law. The determination of what is and what is not customary international law is, of course, contentious, and it is beyond the scope of this Article to attempt a comprehensive analysis of the question in this context. 51 It is enough to note that we do not witness a consistent pattern of reparations being paid between states when international obligations are violated. Furthermore, the draft articles are only relevant when states have chosen to enter into a hard law agreement and include a dispute resolution mechanism. The hard law form is necessary because if there is rule of customary international law it only appear s to bind states in the event of a violation of hard law obligations. Even the Draft Article of State Responsibility do not claim that the reparations obligation applies to soft law. 52 States, therefore, could only consider the reparations obligation rele vant in instances in which they select the hard law form. If anything this depends the puzzle addressed in the Article since a customary international law requiring reparation would make hard law even more powerful and effective relative to soft law.
International Law. The Parties confirm their mutual understanding that customary international law in general and as is specifically mentioned in article 10.5 of is a general practice and bottleoperative States, followed by them in the context of a legal obligation.
International Law. The Parties confirm their mutual understanding that "" customary international law referred to in article 9.4 is of a general practice and bottleoperative States, followed by them in the context of a legal obligation. with respect to article 9.4, the minimum standard of treatment of aliens by customary international law refers to all customary international law principles that protect the economic rights and interests of aliens. Annex 9-B Payments and transfers With respect to the obligations contained in article 9.9, each Party shall reserve the functions and powers of the central banks, to maintain or adopt measures in accordance with its applicable legislation, in the case of Chile, Act No. 18.840 constitutional organic, of the Central Bank of Chile, or other legal; and in the case of Colombia, Act No. 31, 1992 or other legal; to ensure the stability of the currency and the normal functioning of the internal and external payment costing US $500,000 as powers for this purpose, the regulation of the amount of money and credit in circulation, the execution of credit transactions and international changes, as also make rules in the field of monetary, financial and credit of international changes. As part of these measures, including the establishment of requirements which restrict or limit transfers (current payments and capital movements) to or from each party and operations which relate to them, e.g. establish that deposits or investments from loans, or intended to be subject to the obligation to maintain a reserve requirement or deposit. in applying measures under this annex in accordance with its domestic law, the Parties shall not discriminate between the other party and a non- party in respect of transactions of the same nature. Annex 9-C Expropriation The Parties confirm their mutual understanding that:
1. An action or a series of actions by a party cannot constitute an expropriation unless it interferes with a tangible or intangible property right or with the essential attributes or powers of the domain of an investment.
2. Article 9.10.1 addresses two situations. the first is where an expropriation, direct investment is expropriated or nationalized otherwise directly through formal transfer of title or the right of ownership.
International Law. In the IH&RA-UFTAA Code, the hotel-keeper's liability in the allotment contract for proprietary and non- proprietary damage due to breach of the obligation to make available certain facilities to the agency from the allotment contract arises from the duties determined by the provisions of articles 25-28. The hotel-keeper shall comply with all contractual requirements for each accepted reservation and put at the disposal of travel agency contracted accommodation for the allotment group of guests (article 25.a1.). If the hotel-keeper does not fulfill this obligation (article 25.a2.), the travel agency will reimburse him for the ''loss actually suffered''. Nevertheless, the hotel-keeper will not be liable for breach of these obligations in four cases: 1) if he provides, at his own expense, adequate accommodation for guests at the nearest ''equivalent'' hotel (article 25.b1), 2) if he, at his own expense, before the arrival of the allotment guests, notifies them or the travel agency about the change of the original hotel with the new "substitute" hotel (article 25.b2.), 3) if he, at his own cost, after the conditions for return to the original booked hotel are met and guests want to come back, pays such transfer (article 25.b3.), and 4) if, in recognizing the impossibility of fulfilling the obligation due to force majeure, the hotel-keeper immediately notifies the agency (articles 26-27.). According to article 26 of the Code, exclusion of the hotel-keeper's liability exists in case of force majeure, even when it is a reason for the ''multiple booking'' (article 26.). The disadvantages of provisions of the IH&RA-UFTAA Code, in relation to the hotel-keeper's obligation to make available certain facilities to the agency are: 1) not defining the type of accommodation facilities which will be made available and 2) non-content of the exculpation provisions of the hotel-keeper's contractual liability in case of unjustified transfer of allotment guests to another facility.
International Law. Angola has a monist international law system. The country entered into bilateral transport agreements with Namibia, Zambia, DRC and Congo. These agreements cover land transport, maritime transport and aviation. All the agreements have been submitted to the Council of Ministers for ratification at the National Assembly, having been formed Technical Committees for implementation of the agreements. International agreements form part of the national law of Angola (Article 161 of the Constitution of Angola) According to the legal officers of Angola, once an agreement has been ratified the legislation affected by it is usually ratified and amended. The VLM MOU and the MCBRTA will have to be ratified in the same manner. Ratification is done by the National Assembly and is initiated by the Council of Ministers through the Minister of Construction and Transport. In the case of the VLM MOU, the Instituto Nacional Das Estradas Da Angola (INEA) [Roads Authority] will have to initiate the ratification, while the Instituto Nacional Das Transportes (ITNR) [Land Transport Authority] will have to do so for the MCBRTA. The agreements together with explanatory memorandums must be submitted to the management of the INEA and the ITNR respectively, who in turn submit it to their responsible Ministers (Transport and Construction) for submission to the Council of Ministers and eventually the National Assembly.
International Law. The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, which entered into force in 1994, is not prescriptive about the basis for delimitation. Article 83 (1) reads: The delimitation of the continental shelf between States with opposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement on the basis of international law, as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution.210
International Law. 26.1 To the extent that TOML’s obligations under this Agreement conflict with TOML’s ISA Obligations, the latter shall take precedence, and the Parties agree that TOML shall be relieved of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent and for the period that those obligations conflict with TOML’s ISA Obligations or other obligations at International Law.
26.2 Any relief provided to TOML under this Section 26 does not invalidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor affect the validity of that provision at a future date if it ceases to cause TOML to be in breach of TOML’s ISA Obligations.