Gross Revenues Defined Sample Clauses

Gross Revenues Defined. The term "
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Gross Revenues Defined. Gross Revenues" shall include all
Gross Revenues Defined. Gross Revenues" shall include all revenues, whether by coin or currency, on account, by check, credit or debit card, collected or uncollected, whether conducted on or off Airport, derived by or on behalf of Concessionaire as a result of its operation of the concession rights herein granted, without any exclusion whatever, except those exclusions expressly permitted under Sections 4.1.4(1) through 4.1,4(9) below. "Gross Revenues" shall include (a) the sales prices received or billed by or on behalf of Concessionaire from the sale of retail products, merchandise or services ("Products and Services"); (b) the full amount of any deposits, 09-11-14 Retail Is1 Amended Concession Agr K:RT/CDG/Concessions/T4578 Rev/FB/ Concessionaire, LAA-8552
Gross Revenues Defined. Gross Revenues” means the aggregate total of all revenues derived from charges and/or fees imposed upon users of the Luggage Carts, and including without limitation, any compensation due to Concessionaire or Concessionaire’s subcontractors derived from the operation of the Luggage Cart Concession at ONT, and shall 2016-07-1 l-Smarte Carte-Luggage Cart-ONT-Contract-v5 (RT)
Gross Revenues Defined. The term "Gross Revenues" shall mean all revenues, receipts and income of any kind derived directly or indirectly by the Lessee in the form of cash, property or services (i.e., barter, "contra," accounts, and such alternatives to cash payments, which together with property and services, shall be valued at their fair market value) from or in connection with the Hotel or the Tennis Center (including any loss of income insurance proceeds paid to the Lessee or the Lessor in the event of casualty to the Hotel, or as a result of the occurrence of any other event making use of all or a portion of the Hotel impossible or impractical), and rentals or other payments under the Amendment and Restatement of Tennis Operating Agreement and/or the Golf Course Use Agreement, and from any condominium units managed by the Lessee in the Kapalua Resort Area, and from Concessionaires (but not including their gross receipts), whether on a cash basis or credit, paid or collected, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and Uniform System; excluding, however: (i) funds furnished by the Owner under the Hotel Operating Agreement, (ii) interest accrued on amounts in the reserve under the Hotel Operating Agreement, (iii) federal, state and municipal excise, sales, use and room taxes collected directly from patrons and guests or as part of the sales price of any foods, services or displays, such as gross receipts, admissions, cabaret or similar or equivalent taxes and paid over to federal, state or municipal governments, (iv) gratuities, (v) proceeds of insurance (excluding loss of income insurance proceeds which shall be included as a part of Gross Revenues) and condemnation, (vi) value of free or any discounted portion of rooms or services under the Amendment and Restatement of Tennis Operating Agreement and/or the Golf Course Use Agreement or complimentary policies of the Hotel approved by the Lessor, (vii) any loan proceeds, and (viii) proceeds from the sale of the Hotel or the improvements and furniture, fixtures and equipment owned by the Lessee. When there are Affiliated Concessionaires operating at the Hotel, if the rental rate to any Affiliated Concessionaire is lower than the rental rate which is being charged another third party, non-Affiliated Concessionaires operating a business similar to those of the Affiliated Concessionaires in a location at the Hotel similar to that of the Affiliated Concessionaire, the Gross Revenues from such Affiliate...
Gross Revenues Defined. Gross revenues shall mean the total amount of money or the value of other considerations received from the performance of the Operator’s services anticipated under this Permit, whether for cash or credit, whether collected or not. Gross Revenues include but are not limited to the following:
Gross Revenues Defined. Gross Revenues" shall include all revenues, whether by coin or currency, on account, by check, credit or debit card, collected or uncollected, whether conducted on or off Airport, derived by or on behalf of Concessionaire as a result of its operation of the concession rights herein granted, without any exclusion whatever, except those exclusions expressly permitted under Sections 4.1.4(1) through 4.1.4(91 below. "Gross Revenues" shall include (a) the sales prices received or billed by or on behalf of Concessionaire from the sale_of retail products, merchandise or services ("Products and Services"); (b) the full amount of any deposits, 09-11-14 Retail Is1 Amended Concession Agr K:RT/CDG/Concessions/T4578 Rev/FB/ Concessionaire, LAA-8551 prepayments or credits forfeited by customers in connection with any business by Concessionaire in, on, about or from the Premises; (c) the full amount of all orders for Products and Services accepted by or on behalf of Concessionaire in, on, about or from the Premises, whether or not to be filled or performed at any other place, and the full amount of all orders accepted by or on behalf of Concessionaire elsewhere, but to be filled or performed in, on, about or from the Premises; (d) the retail price of all orders for Products and Services placed from the Premises from Concessionaire's catalog, internet or otherwise; (e) the full amount of any charge Concessionaire customarily makes for Products and Services even though Concessionaire fails to actually collect such a charge (except to the extent expressly excluded pursuant to Sections 4.1.4(11 through 4.1.4(9) below); and (f) any amounts paid or payable to Concessionaire in exchange for coupons or vouchers which are redeemed at the Premises. "Gross Revenues" shall also include any payments made to Concessionaire for advertising or promoting products and services from the Premises. Goods, work or services furnished by any person or firm in lieu of payment in exchange for value received shall be deemed to be "Gross Revenues." "Gross Revenues" shall exclude revenues from the following:
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Gross Revenues Defined. The definition ofGross Revenues” set forth in Section 4.06 of the Lease is hereby amended to add the following language: “Gross Revenues shall also not include moneys collected by Tenant for Community Sail Training or Race programs, moneys collected by tenant as offsets to entertainment costs, moneys raised by Tenant on initiation fees levied on its members toraise funds for capital improvement on and to the Premises.”
Gross Revenues Defined. For purposes of the calculation of the service provider fee, “gross revenue” shall mean consideration of any kind or nature, including, without limitation, cash, credits, property, and in-kind contributions received by Mediacom Illinois, LLC for the operation of its cable system to provide cable or video service within the Village, including the following:

Related to Gross Revenues Defined

  • Gross Revenues All revenues, receipts, and income of any kind derived directly or indirectly by Lessee from or in connection with the Hotel (including rentals or other payments from tenants, lessees, licensees or concessionaires but not including their gross receipts receipts and not including rentals or other payments under Space Leases) whether on a cash basis or credit, paid or collected, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, excluding, however: (i) funds furnished by Lessor, (ii) federal, state and municipal excise, sales, and use taxes collected directly from patrons and guests or as a part of the sales price of any goods, services or displays, such as gross receipts, admissions, cabaret or similar or equivalent taxes and paid over to federal, state or municipal governments, (iii) the amount of all credits, rebates or refunds to customers, guests or patrons, and all service charges, finance charges, interest and discounts attributable to charge accounts and credit cards, to the extent the same are paid to Lessee by its customers, guests or patrons, or to the extent the same are paid for by Lessee to, or charged to Lessee by, credit card companies, (iv) gratuities or service charges actually paid to employees, (v) proceeds of insurance and condemnation, (vi) proceeds from sales other than sales in the ordinary course of business, (vii) all loan proceeds from financing or refinancings of the Hotel or interests therein or components thereof, (viii) judgments and awards, except any portion thereof arising from normal business operations of the Hotel, and (ix) items constituting “allowances” under the Uniform System.

  • Gross Sales Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary the definition of Gross Sales shall be as follows:

  • Limit on Operating Expenses The Advisor hereby agrees to limit the Fund’s current Operating Expenses to an annual rate, expressed as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets for the month, to the amounts listed in Appendix A (the “Annual Limit”). In the event that the current Operating Expenses of the Fund, as accrued each month, exceed its Annual Limit, the Advisor will pay to the Fund, on a monthly basis, the excess expense within the first ten days of the month following the month in which such Operating Expenses were incurred (each payment, a “Fund Reimbursement Payment”).

  • Operating Expense Payments Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a written estimate of Operating Expenses for each calendar year during the Term (the “Annual Estimate”), which may be revised by Landlord from time to time during such calendar year. During each month of the Term, on the same date that Base Rent is due, Tenant shall pay Landlord an amount equal to 1/12th of Tenant’s Share of the Annual Estimate. Payments for any fractional calendar month shall be prorated.

  • Exclusions from Operating Expenses Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall Operating Expenses include any of the following: (1) costs for which Landlord is reimbursed, receives a credit or is otherwise compensated (other than tenant reimbursements for Operating Expenses); (2) rent or other amounts payable under any ground lease or master lease, or interest, amortization or other repayment of indebtedness or costs, fees, points or other expenses in connection with any financing or refinancing of all or any part of the Real Property; (3) costs of correcting defects in the initial design or construction of the Building or any expansion thereof or any expenses resulting from inferior or deficient workmanship; (4) costs of repair or restoration required due to casualty damage or condemnation (except for commercially reasonable deductibles); (5) non-refundable reserves for anticipated or unanticipated future expenses; (6) interest or penalties incurred as a result of Landlord’s failure to pay any bill as it shall become due; (7) costs resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord, its employees, and/or agents; (8) leasing commissions, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements, and other expenses (including, without limitation, advertising and marketing costs) incurred in connection with leasing, renovating, or improving space for tenants or other occupants or prospective tenants or occupants of the Building, or costs (including, without limitation, permit, license, and inspection fees) incurred in renovating or otherwise improving or decorating, painting or redecorating space for tenants or other occupants or vacant space; (9) costs of any services sold to tenants or other occupants for which Landlord is entitled to be reimbursed by such tenants or other occupants as an additional charge or rental over and above the basic rent and escalations payable under the lease with such tenant or other occupant; (10) allowances for depreciation of improvements in the Common Areas; and (11) so called “capital items” or “capital expenditures” which, pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, are not fully chargeable to current expenses in the year the expenditure is incurred, except to the extent such capital expenditures are amortized over their useful life (with commercially reasonable interest) in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and only with respect to those that (A) are intended to effect economies in the operation or maintenance of the Real Property, or any portion thereof, or (B) are installed with a reasonable and good faith expectation by Landlord that the same will reduce current or future Operating Expenses, or (C) are intended to enhance the safety or security of the Real Property or its occupants, or (D) are required to comply with present or anticipated conservation programs, or (E) are otherwise includable in Operating Expenses pursuant to the application of sound real estate management principles (including but not limited to, parking lot repair and resurfacing).

  • Collect Revenues, Apply Accounts Lender, either itself or through a receiver, may collect the payments, rents, income, and revenues from the Collateral. Lender may at any time in Lender’s discretion transfer any Collateral into Lender’s own name or that of Lender’s nominee and receive the payments, rents, income, and revenues therefrom and hold the same as security for the Indebtedness or apply it to payment of the Indebtedness in such order of preference as Lender may determine. Insofar as the Collateral consists of accounts, general intangibles, insurance policies, instruments, chattel paper, choses in action, or similar property, Lender may demand, collect, receipt for, settle, compromise, adjust, xxx for, foreclose, or realize on the Collateral as Lender may determine, whether or not Indebtedness or Collateral is then due. For these purposes, Lender may, on behalf of and in the name of Grantor, receive, open and dispose of mail addressed to Grantor; change any address to which mail and payments are to be sent; and endorse notes, checks, drafts, money orders, documents of title, instruments and items pertaining to payment, shipment, or storage of any Collateral. To facilitate collection, Lender may notify account debtors and obligors on any Collateral to make payments directly to Lender.

  • Total Operating Expenses All costs and expenses paid or incurred by the Company, as determined under GAAP, that are in any way related to the operation of the Company or its business, including the Advisory Fee, but excluding (i) the expenses of raising capital such as Organization and Offering Expenses, legal, audit, accounting, underwriting, brokerage, listing, registration, and other fees, printing and other such expenses and taxes incurred in connection with the issuance, distribution, transfer and registration of securities, (ii) interest payments, (iii) taxes, (iv) non-cash expenditures such as depreciation, amortization and bad debt reserves, (v) incentive fees paid in compliance with the NASAA REIT Guidelines; (vi) acquisition fees and Acquisition Expenses, (vii) real estate commissions on the sale of Real Property, and (viii) other fees and expenses connected with the acquisition, disposition, management and ownership of real estate interests, mortgages or other property (including the costs of foreclosure, insurance premiums, legal services, maintenance, repair, and improvement of property). The definition of “Total Operating Expenses” set forth above is intended to encompass only those expenses which are required to be treated as Total Operating Expenses under the NASAA REIT Guidelines. As a result, and notwithstanding the definition set forth above, any expense of the Company which is not part of Total Operating Expenses under the NASAA REIT Guidelines shall not be treated as part of Total Operating Expenses for purposes hereof. 2%/25% Guidelines. 2%/25% Guidelines shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.

  • Net Sales Proceeds In the case of a transaction described in clause (A) of the definition of Sale, the proceeds of any such transaction less the amount of selling expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Company, including all real estate commissions, closing costs and legal fees and expenses. In the case of a transaction described in clause (B) of such definition, Net Sales Proceeds means the proceeds of any such transaction less the amount of selling expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Company, including any legal fees and expenses and other selling expenses incurred in connection with such transaction. In the case of a transaction described in clause (C) of such definition, Net Sales Proceeds means the proceeds of any such transaction actually distributed to the Company from the Joint Venture less the amount of any selling expenses, including legal fees and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Company (other than those paid by the Joint Venture). In the case of a transaction or series of transactions described in clause (D) of the definition of Sale, Net Sales Proceeds means the proceeds of any such transaction (including the aggregate of all payments under a Mortgage or in satisfaction thereof other than regularly scheduled interest payments) less the amount of selling expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Company, including all commissions, closing costs and legal fees and expenses. In the case of a transaction described in clause (E) of such definition, Net Sales Proceeds means the proceeds of any such transaction less the amount of selling expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Company, including any legal fees and expenses and other selling expenses incurred in connection with such transaction. In the case of a transaction described in the last sentence of the definition of Sale, Net Sales Proceeds means the proceeds of such transaction or series of transactions less all amounts generated thereby which are reinvested in one or more Assets within 180 days thereafter and less the amount of any real estate commissions, closing costs, and legal fees and expenses and other selling expenses incurred by or allocated to the Company in connection with such transaction or series of transactions. Net Sales Proceeds shall also include any consideration (including non-cash consideration such as stock, notes, or other property or securities) that the Company determines, in its discretion, to be economically equivalent to proceeds of a Sale, valued in the reasonable determination of the Company. Net Sales Proceeds shall not include any reserves established by the Company in its sole discretion.

  • Operating Expenses Unless modified in accordance with Exhibit D, Landlord maintenance addendum, attached hereto, it is the intention of the parties and they hereby agree that this shall be a triple net Lease, and the Landlord shall have no obligation to provide any services, perform any acts or pay any expenses, charges, obligations or costs of any kind whatsoever with respect to the Premises, and Tenant hereby agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of any and all Operating Expenses as hereafter defined for the entire term of the Lease and any extensions thereof in accordance with specific provisions hereinafter set forth. The term Operating expenses shall include all costs to Landlord of operating and maintaining the Building and related parking areas, and shall include, without limitation, real estate and personal property taxes and assessments, management fee, heating, electricity, water, waste disposal, sewage, operating materials and supplies, service agreements and charges, lawn care, snow removal, restriping, repairs, repaving, cleaning and custodial, security, insurance, the cost of contesting the validity or applicability of any governmental acts which may affect operating expenses, and all other direct operating costs of operating and maintaining the Building and related parking areas, unless expressly excluded from operating expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, operating costs (and Tenant's obligations in relation thereto) shall not include (i) any expense chargeable to a capital account or capital improvement, ground leases; principal or interest payments on any mortgage or deed of trust on the premises; (ii) any amount for which Landlord is reimbursed through insurance, by third persons, or directly by other tenants of the premises, (iii) repair costs occasioned by fire, windstorm or other casualty, (iv) any construction, repair or maintenance expenses or obligations that are the sole responsibility of Landlord (not to be reimbursed by Tenant), (v) leasing commissions and other expenses incurred in connection with leasing any other area located on the premises to any other party, (vi) any expense representing an amount paid to an affiliate or subsidiary of Landlord which is in excess of the amount which would be paid in the absence of such relationship, and (vii) costs of items and services for which Tenant reimburses Landlord or pays third persons directly.

  • Minimum Revenue Borrower and its Subsidiaries shall have annual Revenue from sales of the Product (for each respective calendar year, the “Minimum Required Revenue”):

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