Examples of Video service in a sentence
Video service prices are subject to change at any time with prior written notice to you.
Where permanent facilities are used to provision the Video service and the service is jointly provided, the rates for the service are the entire nonrecurring charge and the entire hourly charge.
Nonrecurring charges are per each rate element for Commercial Quality Video (a.k.a. BellSouth SPA Commercial Quality Video) service.
Where a combination of permanent and nonpermanent facilities are used in the joint provisioning of the service, the rates for the Video service will be one half the nonrecurring charge for the permanent and nonpermanent facilities and one half the hourly charge for the nonpermanent facilities and the entire hourly charge for the permanent facilities.
A project affects a historic property when it alters the resource’s characteristics, including relevant features of its environment or features that qualify it for inclusion on the NRHP.