Focus Area. (You can keep, define, add and delete the appropriate issue of MoU) e.g.
Focus Area. 4.1 Student Internship
4.2 Expert lectures 4.3 Court Visits
4.4 Consultancy/ADR exposure Cost of all such activities to be borne by the First party from the respective college fund.
Focus Area. 1) OUTCOME 1.1 National policies, xxxxxx- xxxx and programmes reduce disparities be- tween regions and spe- cific vulnerable groups. Ind.1: % decrease in the Gini coefficient B: Gini coefficient of income concentration, % - 0,37 in 2008 T: Gini coefficient de- crease up to 0,31%. Ind.2: Unemployment rates at national and regional levels (disag- gregated by sex and region). OUTPUT
Focus Area. 2 Applicants Only plan to meet Veteran-specific SMR within 180 days of award
Section E: Area Linkages and Relations (Maximum 10 points) Applicants must provide the following descriptions related to area linkages and relations:
1. Activities the applicant will engage in to convene and connect multi-sector organizations
2. How the applicant will identify populations disproportionately affected with increased risk of suicide, including Veterans
3. How the applicant will identify current gaps in existing programs.
4. How the applicant will identify opportunities to strengthen existing collaborations
5. How the applicant will collaborate with the Governor’s / Mayor’s Challenge Team to assist in the implementation of SMR work Section F: Certifications and Required Documents (0 points) - Focus Area 2 Applicants Only Applicants must submit the required documentation for at least one of the following items a-e below. Where the State Medical Examiner / Coroner’s Office is not the applicant, a Memorandum of Support with the State Medical Examiner or Coroner’s Office is a required document. Where the State Medical Examiner/Coroner’s Office is the applicant, at least one of the following items, b-e, are required. All relevant documents must be uploaded to UDPaas application:
a. State Medical Examiner/Coroner Memorandum
b. Evidence of Authority to access clinical and non-clinical records (state statutes, regulations, executive orders, etc.)
c. State Vital Records Offices Memorandum
d. State Hospital Associations Memorandum of Support
e. State Violent Death Reporting System Memorandum Exhibit Section (0 points) Applicants must include the following Exhibits (Budget template must include narrative descriptions of the line items and time line and must be uploaded to UDPaas application.)
1. Organizational Chart
2. Personnel resumes that reflect qualifications to meet the goals of the application 3a. Budget template: Staffing: Cost for personnel including salaries, benefits, and roles 3b. Budget template: Services: Detail expenses for services necessary for project implementation including contractors and consultants 3c. Budget Template: Supplies: List costs for materials and supplies needed for the project, including office supplies, specialized equipment, and other necessary items 3d. Budget Template: Travel: Outline expenses for travel related to project activities. Include transportation, accommodation, and per diem costs.
Focus Area. 2) OUTCOME 2.1 Improved structures and mechanisms at both centralized and decen- tralized levels ensure the progressive realization of human rights. Ind.1: No. of recommen- dations from UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies acted upon (as percent- age of total) OUTPUT
Focus Area. Automation Global Situation Indonesia Situation
Focus Area. Improve Edmonton’s Liveability • Transform Edmonton’s Urban Form
Focus Area. Initial triage and first level fix, Customer satisfaction, collaboration with L2/L3 teams to identify owner of incidents and closure thereof, as well as batch / infrastructure monitoring All activities described under Section 2.1 of Schedule 2 Annex 3 (Operations and Service Delivery Services) will be provided by the ServiceDesk.
Focus Area. Mathematics & Sciences Objective: Strategies to Enhance Aboriginal Student Success: Performance Indicators:
Focus Area. Relevant