Enrolment - Headcount* Sample Clauses

Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration. • Toronto reported to TCU the full-time total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 58,791 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total full-time Headcount enrolment reported by Toronto to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 45,343 (There are also 200 students who are less than 18 years of age enrolled at U of T in 2009-10) • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total full-time Headcount enrolment reported by Toronto to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 13,248 • Please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Toronto used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. The University budget and planning model uses a rolling, five-year, budget-planning window. The budget process operates in a continuous cycle as it moves through the planning and development, implementation and monitoring phases, leading directly into the planning phase for the next year. Under this model, an interactive enrolment planning process is key to accurate revenue projections and proper internal budget allocations. Each year, as part of the planning process, academic divisions review their actual enrolment against established enrolment targets. In 2009- 10, the University introduced new tools to enable divisional enrolment planners to easily model various enrolment scenarios and estimate the impact on the divisional budget. These tools have provided a consistent means for divisions to monitor their progress towards targets -- both in terms of enrolment and budget. Considerations captured in enrolment planning tools include: new and existing academic programs with particular attention to planning for growth or reductions; changes in the mix of domestic/international or full-time/part-time students; and, capacity to accommodate planned growth within existing targets.
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Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the un-audited enrolment forecast for 2009-10 (full-time funded students only: does not include Second Career, Apprentice or International students). • St. Clair College reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 8,060 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by St. Clair College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 5,421 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by St. Clair College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 2,639 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that St. Clair College used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. St. Xxxxx obtained a record high enrolment in 2009/2010. It achieved an incredible 20% increase in enrolment from 2008/2009 with a November 1, 2009 enrolment of 8201. Contributing success factors include increased marketing efforts, a large Second Career intake and new program offerings such as Border Services, Paralegal, Welding Techniques, Plumbing Techniques and a Law and Security Fast Track program in Chatham.
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the un-audited enrolment forecast for 2009-10 (full-time funded students only: does not include Second Career, Apprentice or International students). • Sheridan College reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 13,845 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Sheridan College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 11,047 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Sheridan College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 2,217 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Sheridan College used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. CRM Prospect Management - practice to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment As part of the Strategic Enrolment Plan we developed a prospect management solution (CRM Customer relationship Management) to support recruitment planning activities. This initiative will strengthen the relationships with prospects in of support of increasing the applicant pool of qualified applicants and subsequently, to increase enrolment. The CRM is a permanent and integrated solution to gather and use prospect information. In order to launch this service, we: •Trained recruitment, contact centre and admissions staff in prospect qualification •Automated qualified prospect contacts and developed a communications plan to support applicant growth and applicant conversion. With the development of the “Strategic Enrolment Management Plan 2010-2014” Sheridan has undertaken a strategic approach to enrolment planning. The Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) process at Sheridan is an integrated, information-based, and ongoing process that involves a Strategic Enrolment Management Team in institution-wide strategic planning. Its purpose is to align the enrolment effort of the college with the Institutional Strategic Plan and Academic Strategic Plan. Introduction of a Multi-year enrolment Projection Model This enrolment forecasting tool allows Sheridan to more accurately predict future enrolment based on application trends, past retention rates and regional demographics at the program level. In addition to more accurate predictions the tool ...
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration. • Trent University reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 5,903 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Trent University to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 5,009 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Trent University to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 785 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Trent University used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Over the last year, as part of the integrated planning process, Xxxxx has articulated a new Vision, developed a Mission and established six Strategic Directions with accompanying strategies and actions. The six strategic directions are connected to: graduate studies, internal and external community partnerships, research, student engagement and accessibility, teaching and learning, and Trent University Oshawa. Trent has also altered academic and administrative structures to increase the effectiveness of its leadership systems, in order to help the university create, sustain and manage activities, processes and innovation. The new and changing structures include the establishment of a School of Graduate Studies in September 2010, new administrative leadership for Trent University Oshawa and for Trent’s two professional schools, the creation of three decanal positions in the Faculty of Arts and Science (Social Science, Science, and Humanities), the implementation of the Office of the Xxxxxxx and Vice-President Academic model, the retitling of some existing administrative leadership positions, and the relocation of two senior leadership positions to the Bata Library. During 2009-10, enrolment and retention committees were formed and, through consultations, a multi-year enrolment and retention plan, which includes key enrolment targets and strategies for reaching those targets, was developed. Some of the strategies identified include improving retention rates through first year experience programs like New Student Advising and the Fi...
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration. • University of Ontario Institute of Technology reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 5,803 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by University of Ontario Institute of Technology to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 4,959 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by University of Ontario Institute of Technology to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 697 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that University of Ontario Institute of Technology used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. In 2009-10 UOIT set a 5 year Business Plan which the senior team reviews annually based on historical and environmental scans. This data is used to set enrolment targets and determine total student numbers through the creation of enrolment models.
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the un-audited enrolment forecast for 2009-10 (full-time funded students only: does not include Second Career, Apprentice or International students). • Fanshawe College reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 11,987 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Fanshawe College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 9,393 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Fanshawe College to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 2,213 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Fanshawe College used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight.
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration. • University of Ottawa reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 29,214 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by University of Ottawa to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 22,533 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by University of Ottawa to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 5,973 • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that University of Ottawa used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Note: We also have 708 students aged less than 18. The University of Ottawa maintains two liaison teams (one for each language) with high schools. The University has grown from 24000 students in 2000 to 38000 in 2009.
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Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration.  Lakehead reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 6,458  Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Lakehead to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 4812  Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Lakehead to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 1633  Please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Lakehead used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. In 2005, Lakehead University’s Board of Governors made the decision to pursue the strategic objective of creating a campus in Orillia. In September 2010, Lakehead University celebrated the opening of the first university campus in Canada built to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Standard. This new facility represents an exciting evolution for Lakehead’s Orillia-based campus which first opened in 2006 in downtown Orillia. The LEED campus enables the University to showcase our commitment to environmental sustainability while educating students to be leaders who understand the challenges of the future and are supported by a philosophy of education that is inquiry-based, interdisciplinary in nature and student-centred.
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration. • Carleton reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 18,031 • Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Carleton to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 14,438 • Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Carleton to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 2,642 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ • Please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Carleton used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. In 2009, we conducted a comprehensive survey of our fall 2009 applicants to review our recruitment, admissions and award activities. Overall the results were excellent; however, there were a few areas indicated where we could improve. Those areas included: the admissions website navigation; the perception of Xxxxxxxx’x reputation; and the financial assistance available for applicants with lower admission averages. During 2009-10 we worked to address these items. We focused on improving our website and how the admission and awards information was presented and accessed. We improved the info for applicants on our portal Carleton Central. Bursaries, government funding, student jobs and budgeting have been highlighted in our communication to applicants, both online and in mailings. In the areas of reputation, we have highlighted the successes of our Carleton students and our high quality professors through our publications, website, electronic newsletters, and email. University Communications has also played a role in having both our students and professors featured in the local and national media. As well, many Carleton students and professors participate in both on and off campus recruitment activities. The next phase of this project is the pre-applicant survey which was conducted at two stages of the 2010 application cycle (inquiry and applicant stages). We are looking at how our various recruitment activities influence prospective students to apply to Carleton. Res...
Enrolment - Headcount*. DEFINITION: Headcount is the number of full-time students enrolled in 2009-10, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students eligible for funding consideration.  Algoma reported to TCU the total Headcount enrolment in 2009-10 = 755  Please indicate the number of students aged 18-24 from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Algoma to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 520  Please indicate the number of students aged 25+ from the total Headcount enrolment reported by Algoma to the Ministry for 2009-10 = 235  Please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Algoma used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for overall enrolment. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Since Algoma received its charter (June 8, 2008), the university has developed a strategy to attract students outside the catchment area of northern Ontario with a focus on students in the GTA, international students and under-represented groups including Aboriginal students.. Using non-traditional methods of recruiting including social media, we experienced a significant increase in 101 applications. Follow up and relationship building with prospective students is critical with small institutions and we have been successful in fostering relationships with potential students from prospective to applicant stage. One of the successes we have experienced has been our „bus trip‟ promotion, where students from the GTA are bussed to AU for a couple of days and provided the experience of a northern university. Our recruitment and marketing efforts have become more aligned and focused.
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