Cause of Death Sample Clauses

Cause of Death. The causes of death were obtained from treating physicians or general practitioners and were categorized according to the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death-10 (ICD-10)18. Overall and cause-specific mortality of the general Dutch male population was retrieved from the Central Bureau of Statistics19. Date of birth, severity of hemophilia, HIV status and information on inhibitory antibodies were derived from the self-reported answers to the questionnaire. Severity of disease and type of hemophilia were verified with the patients’ physicians. Severity of hemophilia, depending on the residual clotting factor activity was categorized as severe (< 0.01 IU/ml factor VIII or IX), moderate (0.01-0.05 IU/ml) or mild (>0.05-0.40 IU/ml factor VIII or IX). The HIV status was based on self-reported answers of the patients. If patients were born after 1985 or if they reported no treatment with clotting factor between 1979 and 1985, HIV status was considered to be negative. Statistical analysis Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR’s) were calculated to estimate the rate of overall and cause specific death of patients with hemophilia relative to that of the general male population adjusted for age and calendar period. The SMR is the number of observed deaths divided by the number that was expected if the mortality rate in the cohort, with its specific age- distribution, was the same as that in the general population. Patients were followed from the 1st of June 1992 to the 1st of July 2001. We used mortality rates from the Dutch general male population between 1992 and 2001. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals (CI) were based on a Poisson distribution for the observed number of deaths. To put our findings into perspective they were compared to those of the previous cohort studies between 1972-198515 and 1985-199216. For this comparison mortality ratios were calculated by direct standardization using WHO standardization weight factors (xxxx:// Two methods were used to exclude the effect of viral infections on mortality 1) exclusion of patients who reported to be HIV positive in 1992 and 2) censoring patients of whom death was a result of HIV (AIDS) or HCV (liver cirrhoses, hepatocellular carcinoma) at the date of death. Cause-specific SMRs were calculated by studying the specific cause of death as endpoint and censoring patients with other endpoints. Median li...
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Cause of Death. If applicable. Use your Cause of Death code and provide translation
Cause of Death. If applicable. Use your Cause of Death code, and provide translation Summary Information: For reconciliation purposes (may be paper summary) Total number of records Monthly aggregate information by GMIB Design, GMAB Design, and Pricing Cohort (if applicable) Total of each dollar field Monthly aggregate information by GMIB Design, GMAB Design, and Pricing Cohort (if applicable) Note: All values to nearest dollar FB EXHIBIT I REINSURANCE PREMIUMS REINSURANCE ISSUE AGES PREMIUMS* GUARANTEED MAXIMUM ----------- ------------ ------------------ Return of Net Considerations 0-80 16.0 34.0 Annual Ratchet 0-75 24.0 50.0 * The current reinsurance premium rate shall be in effect for a minimum of twenty (20) years from the Effective Date of this Reinsurance Agreement. Thereafter, it may be increased based on expected experience but not beyond the stated guaranteed maximum rates shown. For contracts where the account value at any month end has ever equaled or exceeded $3 million dollars, the Reinsurance Premiums set forth herein represent the minimum premium rate. To calculate the maximum premium rate for these contracts, multiply the Reinsurance Premiums by 2.25. EXHIBIT II 1994 VARIABLE ANNUITY MGDB MORTALITY TABLE (APPLIED AGE LAST BIRTHDAY) Age Male Qx Female Qx ----- -------- --------- 1 0.000587 0.000519 2 0.000433 0.000358 3 0.000350 0.000268 4 0.000293 0.000218 5 0.000274 0.000201 6 0.000263 0.000188 7 0.000248 0.000172 8 0.000234 0.000158 9 0.000231 0.000154 10 0.000239 0.000159 11 0.000256 0.000169 12 0.000284 0.000185 13 0.000327 0.000209 14 0.000380 0.000239 15 0.000435 0.000271 16 0.000486 0.000298 17 0.000526 0.000315 18 0.000558 0.000326 19 0.000586 0.000333 20 0.000613 0.000337 21 0.000642 0.000340 22 0.000677 0.000343 23 0.000717 0.000344 24 0.000760 0.000344 25 0.000803 0.000346 26 0.000842 0.000352 27 0.000876 0.000364 28 0.000907 0.000382 29 0.000935 0.000403 30 0.000959 0.000428 31 0.000981 0.000455 32 0 000997 0.000484 33 0.001003 0.000514 34 0.001005 0.000547 35 0.001013 0.000585 36 0.001037 0.000628 37 0.001082 0.000679 38 0.001146 0,000739 39 0.001225 0.000805 40 0.001317 0.000874 41 0.001424 0.000943 42 0.001540 0.001007 43 0.001662 0.001064 44 0.001796 0.001121 45 0.001952 0.001186 46 0.002141 0.001269 47 0.002366 0.001371 48 0.002618 0.001488 49 0.002900 0.001619 50 0.003223 0.001772 51 0.003598 0.001952 52 0.004019 0.002153 53 0.004472 0.002360 54 0.004969 0.002589 55 0.005543 0.002871 56 0.006226 0.003241 57 0.007025 0.003713 58 0.007916 0...
Cause of Death. G. MARITAL STATUS AT THE TIME OF DEATH: Married [ ] Divorced [ ] Separated [ ] Widowed [ ] If "Divorced" or "Separated" from the APR, state the date of separation and/or divorce. Date: / / ------------ (MM/DD/YYYY) GREEN FORM - 21 If "Married," you must provide the following information: --------------------------- -------- -------------------------------- (Spouse's First Name) (Middle Initial) (Last Name) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Street Address) - ------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------- (City) (State) (Zip Code) ( ) - ( ) - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ (Daytime Area Code & Phone Number) (Evening Area Code & Phone Number) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Email Address, if any) / / - - ----------------------- ------------------------------- (Birth Date MM/DD/YYYY) (Social Security Number) H. NUMBER OF MINOR CHILDREN, ADULT CHILDREN AND PARENTS AT THE TIME OF DEATH: --------- For each minor child, adult child or parent, provide the following: --------------------------- -------- -------------------------------- (First Name) (Middle Initial) (Last Name) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Street Address) - ------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------- (City) (State) (Zip Code) ( ) - ( ) - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ (Daytime Area Code & Phone Number) (Evening Area Code & Phone Number) ( ) - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ (Email Address, if any) (Fax Area Code & Number, if any) / / - - ----------------------- ------------------------------- (Birth Date MM/DD/YYYY) (Social Security Number) IF THERE ARE ADDITIONAL MINOR CHILDREN, ADULT CHILDREN OR PARENTS, CHECK HERE [ ] AND MAKE A COPY OF THIS PAGE FOR EACH ADDITIONAL SUCH PERSON AND ATTACH IT TO THIS CLAIM FORM.
Cause of Death. 3. If any policies are CONTESTABLE or involve ADB, have you initiated a claim investigation? [ ] No [ ] Yes
Cause of Death. If applicable. Use your Cause of Death code, and provide translation Summary Information: For reconciliation purposes (may be paper summary) Total number of records Monthly aggregate information by GMIB Design, GMAB Design, and Pricing Cohort (if applicable) Total of each dollar field Monthly aggregate information by GMIB Design, GMAB Design, and Pricing Cohort (if applicable) Note: All values to nearest dollar Hartford Life and Annuity, Agreement No. 2000-25-DB Effective October 1, 2000 EXHIBIT I 1994 VARIABLE ANNUITY MGDB MORTALITY TABLE (AGE LAST BIRTHDAY) [REDACTED] Hartford Life and Annuity, Agreement No. 2000-25-DB Effective October 1, 2000 EXHIBIT II REINSURANCE PREMIUMS [REDACTED] * The current maximum premium rate shall be in effect for a minimum of twenty (20) years from the Effective Date of this Reinsurance Agreement. Thereafter, it may be increased based on expected experience but not beyond the stated guaranteed maximum rates shown. Hartford Life and Annuity, Agreement No. 2000-25-DB Effective October 1, 2000 EXHIBIT III BENEFIT LIMITATION RULE [REDACTED] Hartford Life and Annuity, Agreement No. 2000-25-DB Effective October 1, 2000 EXHIBIT IV CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Hartford Life and Annuity, Agreement No. 2000-25-DB Effective October 1, 2000 [LOGO] LIFE CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") made as of 14 October, 1998 by and between AXA Re Life Insurance Company ("AXA Re"), a life insurance company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and Hartford Life Insurance Company ("Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut.
Cause of Death. For over a decade the mortality crisis in Russia has been the subject of epidemiological and social science literatures. The principal causes of excess mortality are cardiovascular, injuries (suicide, homicide, and other injury), and alcohol-related deaths, including alcohol dependence syndrome, alcohol poisoning, and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Table 1 shows the contribution of each cause of death to excess mortality in the early 1990s. According to this data, from recorded cause of death data on Russian death certificates, cardiovascular disease (diseases of the heart and cerebrovascular diseases in the table) and injuries are the main determinants of the drop in life expectancy in the early 1990s, representing 36 and 29 percent of the change respectively. “Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis” and “other alcohol-related causes” together account for 12 percent of the change. In data not seen here, death rates from alcohol-related causes, followed by homicides, registered the greatest relative increases (Xxxxxx et al. 1998). Because cardiovascular deaths are much more common, a slight change in the death rate results in a larger impact on life expectancy.
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Cause of Death. Relative Risk of Mortality general Canadian population during the eleven-year follow-up period. All Relative Risks presented in Figure 2 are significant at the 0.05 level. *Hwang et al. (2009) Psychiatric illness and substance use disorders appear to confer a greater risk of death among homeless populations compared to age-matched housed counterparts. Xxxxxxxx determined that among people who died from drug use, individuals were 7.2 (95% CI 3.4, 15.2) times more likely to be homeless. Similarly, among people who died of circulatory and respiratory diseases, individuals were 1.8 (95% CI 1.1, 2.9) and 2.9 (95% CI 1.4, 5.9) times more likely to be homeless, respectively. Death from alcohol use, intentional self-harm, and assault was equally as common among the housed and homeless cohorts (Xxxxxxxx, 2009). Beijer et al found that death from self-harm (suicide) was 6.6 (95% CI 1.4, 19.5) times more common among homeless women compared to age-matched housed women, but there was no increased risk among men. Table 3 below demonstrates SMR measured in homeless populations diagnosed with mental and addictive disorders. Table 3: Standardized Mortality Ratio Among Homeless Mentally Ill Populations Study Design Location Population Cause of Death N SMR (95% CI) Babidge et al Case- control Sydney Homeless men with mental illness* All causes 637 3.14 (2.46, 3.95) Babidge et al Case- control Sydney Homeless women with mental illness* All causes 71 3.76 (1.80, 6.91) Beijer et al Case- control Stockholm Homeless men with mental and/or addictive disorders All causes 82 4.7 (2.7, 7.7) Beijer et al Case- control Stockholm Homeless men with primary psychiatric disorder All causes 19 none† Beijer et al Case- control Stockholm Homeless men with primary alcohol use disorder All causes 40 3.2 (NR) Beijer et al Case- control Stockholm Homeless men with primary illicit drug use disorder All causes 13 52.6 (NR) *71% of the population was diagnosed with schizophrenia †No individuals in this sub-population died during the 5-year follow-up period Stigma towards homeless and mentally ill populations put individuals at significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Stigma may affect their health directly through violence and emotional trauma and indirectly through public policy and poor access to healthcare and housing. Because of the pervasive stigmatization of homeless people and people with mental illness, service providers - the individuals who work at shelters, soup kitchens,...

Related to Cause of Death

  • Termination Because of Death If the Optionee dies while employed by or in the service of the Company, the Option may be exercised at any time before the Expiration Date or before the date 12 months after the date of death, whichever is the shorter period, but only if and to the extent the Optionee was entitled to exercise the Option at the date of death and only by the person or persons to whom the Optionee’s rights under the Option shall pass by the Optionee’s will or by the laws of descent and distribution of the state or country of domicile at the time of death.

  • Termination Because of Death or Disability If Participant is Terminated because of death or Disability of Participant, the Option, to the extent that it is exercisable by Participant on the date of Termination, may be exercised by Participant (or Participant's legal representative) no later than twelve (12) months after the date of Termination, but in any event no later than the Expiration Date.

  • Termination by Virtue of Death or Disability of Executive (a) In the event of Executive’s death while employed pursuant to this Agreement, all obligations of the Parties hereunder shall terminate immediately, and the Company shall, pursuant to the Company’s standard payroll policies, pay to Executive’s legal representatives all Accrued Obligations.

  • Termination Because of Disability If the Executive becomes incapable by reason of physical injury, disease, or mental illness of substantially performing his duties and responsibilities under this agreement for a continuous period of six (6) months or more or for more than one hundred eighty (180) days in the aggregate (whether or not consecutive) during any 12-month period, then at any time after the elapse of such six-month period or such 180 days, as the case may be, the Board may terminate the Executive’s employment by the Companies under this agreement. If the Executive’s employment under this agreement is terminated by the Board because of such disability on the part of the Executive, then the Executive shall be entitled to receive the following compensation and benefits from the Companies:

  • Termination by Reason of Death In the event that Executive's employment is terminated by reason of Executive's death, the Company shall pay the following amounts to Executive's beneficiary or estate:

  • Effect of Death or Disability 6.01 In the event of the death of the Executive during the Period of Employment, the legal representative of the Executive shall be entitled to the compensation provided for in paragraph 4.01 during the balance of the Period of Employment. The Period of Employment shall be deemed to have ended as of the close of business on the last day of the twelfth month following the month in which death shall have occurred but without prejudice to any other payments due in respect of the Executive's death hereunder or pursuant to any other agreements or arrangements with the Company.

  • Termination by Reason of Death or Disability A Termination of the Employee’s employment by reason of death or Disability shall not be deemed to be a Termination by the Company (for or without Cause) or by the Employee (for or without Good Reason). In the event that the Employee’s employment with the Company Terminates as a result of the Employee’s death or Disability, the Employee or the Employee’s estate or representative, as applicable, will receive all accrued salary and accrued vacation as of the date of the Employee’s death or Disability and any other benefits payable under the Company’s then existing benefit plans and policies in accordance with such plans and policies in effect on the date of death or Disability and in accordance with applicable law. In addition, the Employee or the Employee’s estate or representative, as applicable, will receive the bonus for the year in which the death or Disability occurs to the extent that a bonus would have been earned had the Employee continued in employment through the end of such year, as determined in good faith by the Company’s CEO, Board of Directors or its Compensation Committee based on the specific corporate and individual performance targets established for such fiscal year, and only to the extent that bonuses are paid for such fiscal year to other similarly situated employees.

  • Termination of Employment Due to Death The Officer’s employment with the Bank shall terminate, automatically and without any further action on the part of any party to this Agreement, on the date of the Officer’s death. In such event, the Bank shall pay and deliver to his estate and surviving dependents and beneficiaries, as applicable, the Standard Termination Entitlements.

  • Termination for Any Reason Following the termination of Executive’s employment, regardless of the reason for such termination and including, without limitation, a termination of his employment by the Company for Cause or by Executive without Good Reason or upon expiration of the Employment Period, the Company will:

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