SAP Software definition

SAP Software means: (i) any and all software products and Cloud Services licensed to Customer under the License Agreement as specified in software order forms or Cloud Service Order Forms (or other order forms, schedules or appendices as applicable) thereto; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to the respective support agreement or warranty obligation and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.
SAP Software means i. software products licensed and delivered to Customer as specified in software order forms between SAP (or an SAP SE Affiliate or an authorized reseller) and Customer; ii. any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available under a License Agreement for SAP Software and Support; and iii. any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.
SAP Software means any and all (i) standard software products (as well as relevant documentation) all as developed by or for SAP or any of its affiliated companies; (ii) new versions (especially without being limited to releases, updates, patches, corrections) thereof and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.

Examples of SAP Software in a sentence

  • SAP’s Confidential Information shall include, but are not limited to, any source code to the SAP Software, SAP programming techniques and concepts, processing methods, designs, inventions, flow charts, documentation, product specifications, and application programming interface specifications that relate to the SAP Software or the SAP materials, and any access credentials used to access the SAP systems, including, but not limited to password or account information.

  • Subject to SAP’s ownership of the SAP Software and Tools, the ownership of any Content You develop under this Developer Agreement shall vest in You.

  • Nothing in this Developer Agreement shall in any way convey to You any ownership rights or title in or to the SAP Software.

  • This Agreement and Your access and use of the SAP Software and Tools are subject to any governmental regulations, laws, orders or other restrictions on the export of software and related information and documentation that may be imposed by governmental authorities.

  • The SAP Software and Tools, may not be modified or altered in any way except by SAP.

More Definitions of SAP Software

SAP Software means (i) software products licensed to Customer as specified in software order forms all as developed by or for SAP, SAP SE and/or any of their affiliated companies and delivered to Customer; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to the respective SAP support agreement or warranty obligation and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.
SAP Software shall have the meaning as defined in the Master Agreement.
SAP Software means SAP proprietary software applications, hosted services and database products licensed separately or provided as part of the Cloud Service.
SAP Software means the software products of SAP and/or SAP ENTITIES marketed and licensed by SAP and/or SAP ENTITIES.
SAP Software means the proprietary SAP solution expressly named in the Service Offer. The SAP Software also includes the SAP interfaces, the structure, sequence, and organization of the SAP software.
SAP Software means the proprietary SAP solution expressly named in the Contract. The SAP Software also includes the SAP Interface.
SAP Software means (i) the SAP SQL Anywhere software product, and any applicable documentation, licensed to Licensee under this Agreement, and delivered as incorporated into the TELCOR software, as specified in Software Order Forms hereto, all as developed by or for SAP, SAP SE and/or any of their affiliated companies, and delivered by TELCOR to Licensee hereunder; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through TELCOR, and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.