Examples of SAP SE in a sentence
The Cloud Service may include integrations with web services made available by third parties (other than SAP SE or its Affiliates) that are accessed through the Cloud Service and subject to terms and conditions with those third parties.
In such instance, SAP, SAP SE and its Affiliates may in its sole discretion retain and freely use, incorporate or otherwise exploit such Feedback without restriction, compensation or attribution to the source of the Feedback.
Customer will defend SAP against claims brought against SAP, SAP SE, its Affiliates and subcontractors by any third party related to Customer Data.
All rights not expressly granted to Customer are reserved to SAP, SAP SE and its licensors.
Customer will indemnify SAP against all damages finally awarded against SAP, SAP SE, its Affiliates and subcontractors (or the amount of any settlement Customer enters into) with respect to these claims.