Requires Improvement definition

Requires Improvement is given, the evaluator must include specific deficiency(s) and recommendation(s) for improvement. APPENDIX C PGO PROCESS CHECKLIST Name: Date: Building: Supervisor: Assignment: The information below is to be used by the supervisor and the participant to make sure that they meet the deadlines of the PGO process PGO Entrance Procedures Timeline Date Accomplished
Requires Improvement. Total performance periodically or regularly falls short of normal requirements. Specific deficiencies should be noted in Section F. This evaluation indicates the supervisor’s belief that the employee can and will make the necessary improvements. Employee will be re-evaluated in 30 days. Effective – Meets Requirements: Consistently competent performance meeting or exceeding requirements in all critical factors for this position. If margin is narrow and standards barely met, explain in Section E. Most employees would be rated in this category. Exceeds Requirements: Total performance is well above normal requirements for the position. This evaluation should be reflected by marks for critical factors in Sections A and B, and superior or excellent performance should be noted in Section C.
Requires Improvement. Evaluations. Before a bargaining unit member receives an evaluation with a rating of “Requires Improvement,” the immediate supervisor must meet with and counsel the employee at least twice during the evaluation year on the specific issue(s) to be entered onto the evaluation. Any evaluation with a rating of “Requires Improvement,” shall include specific recommendations for improvements and provisions for assisting the employee in implementing any recommendations made. The employee shall have the right to review and respond to any derogatory evaluation in accordance with Article 4, Personnel Rights; Section 4.2, Personnel Files, as stated above.

Examples of Requires Improvement in a sentence

  • A further secondary school joined Anglian Learning in March 2016 with an Ofsted rating of Requires Improvement, which had been held for several years.

  • If any of the evaluation components are marked "Unsatisfactory" or "Requires Improvement," the requirements of section 14.6.3 (Progress Check and Remediation Plan) and/or 14.8.5 (Counseling and Assistance Plan) must be met, and a Performance Evaluation Addendum must been completed.

  • The same would apply if Ofsted inspects a school you run and rates it Requires Improvement or Inadequate, or if there is a decline in the performance of your existing schools.

  • A mark of "Requires Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" requires the completion of a Certificated Assistance Plan as outlined in Article (Option 1, Option 2) except probationary employees do not have a guarantee to be removed from the Assistance Plan as indicated.

  • RequiresIf any of the evaluation components are marked "Unsatisfactory" or "Requires Improvement," the requirements of section 14.6.3 (Progress Check and Remediation Plan) and/or 14.8.5 (Counseling and Assistance Plan) must be met, and a Performance Evaluation Addendum must been completed.

  • There are 4 grades of Ofsted report: Outstanding; Good; Requires Improvement; and Inadequate.

  • With reference to question 5, if you keep a record of their Care Quality Commission Inspection rating (Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement, Inadequate), please include this.

  • A Requires Improvement report issued twelve months ago should have therefore been remediated.

  • The grading of “Adequate” creates a fifth tier and will be positioned between Requires Improvement and Good.4.18 Regarding data protection, data breaches continue to be reported to the relevant areas.

  • It is recommended that a retrospective review is undertaken on a contractor by contractor basis to ensure that actions have been taken to remedy potential breaches.GP contractors with Requires Improvement notices have a 12-month window to remedy any areas of concern and CQC will re-inspect at the 12-month point.

More Definitions of Requires Improvement

Requires Improvement. Rating’ means a rating given by the CQC Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Related to Requires Improvement

  • Substantial improvement means any combination of repairs, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, taking place during any one-year period for which the cost equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either:

  • Substitute Improvements means the substitute or additional improvements of the Issuer described in Article V hereof.