Insider Information definition

Insider Information means any material non-public information, including that on the List of Insider Information of MTS PJSC approved in accordance with the procedure established by the RF legislation. The List of Insider Information of MTS PJSC is disclosed in the Internet information and telecommunication network on the MTS official website:
Insider Information means information that • relates to a particular security or issuer/issuer group • is specific or precise information (i.e. not be of a general nature); • is not generally available; and • is price-sensitive (i.e. if the information were generally available, would be likely to have a significant effect on the price of that security).
Insider Information means material, nonpublic information (i.e. information which is not available to investors generally) that a reasonable investor would consider to be important in deciding whether to buy, sell or retain a security (e.g., stock; bond; option) including, for example, non-public information relating to a pending merger, acquisition, disposition, joint venture, contract award or termination, major lawsuit or claim, earnings announcement or change in dividend policy, significant product development, or the gain or loss of a significant customer or supplier. Any non-public information may be insider information regardless of whether it is developed internally or obtained from others (e.g., the issuer, current or prospective customers, suppliers or business partners). Information is considered non-public until it is available to investors generally.

Examples of Insider Information in a sentence

  • In addition, the Director acknowledges and agrees that the Director may have access to “material non-public information” for purposes of the federal securities laws (“Insider Information”) and that the Director will abide by all securities laws relating to the handling of and acting upon such Insider Information.

  • Smith Asset Management Group, L.P. (“Smith Group”), an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”), adopts this Code of Ethics and Policy on Personal Securities Transactions and Insider Information (the “Code”).

  • See Policy Statement and Procedures on Insider Information and Insider Trading.

  • Securities laws prohibit anyone who is in possession of material, non-public information ("Insider Information") about a company from purchasing or selling stock of that company, or communicating the information to others.

  • Strategic Income Management LLC (“SiM” or the “Firm”) hereby adopts this Code of Ethics and Policy on Personal Securities Transactions and Insider Information (the “Code”).

More Definitions of Insider Information

Insider Information means information of a precise nature which has not been made public, relating, directly or indirectly, to one or more issuers of financial instruments or to one or more financial instruments and which, if made public, would be likely to have a significant effect on the prices of those financial instruments or on the price of related derivative financial instruments. In order to consider information published significant time must have passed for the securities markets to digest the information;
Insider Information means (i) undisclosed insider information defined as "material facts pertaining to business or other matters" in Article 166, Paragraph 2 of the FIEA and (ii) facts concerning launch of a tender offer and suspension of tender offer prescribed in Article 167, Paragraph 2 of the FIEA.
Insider Information means material, non-public information that a reasonable investor would likely consider important in deciding whether or not to purchase or sell the security;
Insider Information means information regarding the authority which is confidential under law or practice or which is not generally available outside the circle of those who regularly serve the authority as board members, officials, employees, agents, consultants or attorneys.
Insider Information means information:
Insider Information means non-public information about the Company or its Business Partners which a reasonable investor would consider important in deciding whether to buy or sell securities, including without limitation possible mergers, acquisitions and divestures, strategic alliances, financial results, new products, changes in the capital structure, important licensing agreements, major trials or contracts.
Insider Information. ) means all information that is not public and that may affect the market price of financial instruments. It also means information that investors would consider relevant, to buy, sell or hold such financial instruments. It is a crime to trade financial instruments, to encourage another person to trade financial instruments based on material nonpublic information.