Prospective Customers definition

Prospective Customers means specific persons from which the Company has actively solicited business within the six (6) month period prior to Employee's termination of employment from the Company.
Prospective Customers shall not mean Broker-Dealers) of the Wholesaler, of its parent company and of any affiliated person of the Wholesaler, the Wholesaler Agency Affiliates and the names and addresses of all customers and prospective customers of any Broker-Dealer that may come to the attention of the Company, the Underwriter or any person affiliated with the Company or the Underwriter solely as a result of their relationship with the Wholesaler, its parent company or any affiliated person of the Wholesaler, the Wholesaler Agency Affiliates or any Broker-Dealer and not from any independent source, are confidential and shall not be used by the Company, the Underwriter or any person affiliated with the Company or the Underwriter for any purpose whatsoever except as may be necessary in connection with the administration of the Contracts sold by the Broker-Dealers, including responses to specific requests made to the Company for service by Contract owners, efforts to prevent the replacement of such Contracts or communications with customers concerning option rights available under the terms of the Contracts. The restrictions set forth in the previous sentence do not apply if and to the extent a Broker-Dealer knowingly discloses the names and addresses of its customers or prospective customers to the Company or the Underwriter outside the operation of this Agreement. In no event shall the names and addresses of such customers and prospective customers, whether disclosed to the Company or the Underwriter by the Wholesaler or by any Broker-Dealer, be furnished by the Company, the Underwriter or any of their affiliated persons to any other person. The intent of this paragraph is that neither the Company nor the Underwriter, nor persons affiliated with the Company or the Underwriter, shall utilize, or permit to be utilized, for any purpose other than for the sale and administration of the Contracts or for the sale and administration of other financial products distributed or managed by the Wholesaler and/or its affiliates, their knowledge of the Wholesaler, of its parent company or of any affiliated person of the Wholesaler, the Wholesaler Agency Affiliates or the identity of all customers and prospective customers, derived solely as a result of the relationship created through the funding and sale of the Contracts. This paragraph shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this Agreement, and shall survive any such termination. In addition to ...
Prospective Customers means all Persons canvassed or solicited at any time during the two (2) year period prior to the date of this Agreement in connection with the Business.

Examples of Prospective Customers in a sentence

  • Seller agrees and covenants, during the Restricted Period, not to directly or indirectly solicit the customers who are current customers or Prospective Customers of the Company for purposes of offering or accepting goods or services similar to or competitive with those offered by the Company or directly or indirectly induce the termination of the current customers or Prospective Customers of the Company as of the Signing Date to terminate their business with the Company.

More Definitions of Prospective Customers

Prospective Customers shall be limited to those persons and entities known by the Executive to have been solicited for business with respect to any Prohibited Service within the twelve (12) month period preceding the date of termination of the Executive's employment, and with or from whom, within the twelve (12) month period preceding the date of termination of the Executive's employment, someone acting on behalf of the Company or its affiliates either had met for the purpose of offering any Prohibited Service or had received a written response to an earlier solicitation to provide a Prohibited Service; and
Prospective Customers means (i) any Entity solicited by the Executive on behalf of the Corporation for any purpose relating to the Business, and (ii) any Entity solicited by the Corporation with the Executive's knowledge for any purpose relating to the Business; provided that after termination of the Executive's employment for any reason, Prospective Customers shall only include any Entity who was a Prospective Customer during the twelve (12) months preceding the date of the termination of the Executive's employment.
Prospective Customers as used herein shall mean any person or entity that Executive, Employer or the Affiliates solicited, contacted and/or communicated with for business purposes during the preceding two (2) years.
Prospective Customers shall not mean Brokers) of any Broker that may come to the attention of LNY or LFA as a result of its relationship with any Broker and not from any independent source, are confidential and shall not be used by LNY or LFA for any purpose whatsoever, except (1) as agreed upon between LNY or LFA and any Broker; and (2) as may be necessary in connection with the administration of the Contracts sold by the Brokers, including responses to specific requests made to LNY for service by Contractowners or efforts to prevent the replacement of such Contracts or to encourage the exercise of options under the terms of the Contracts. The restrictions set forth in the previous sentence do not apply if and to the extent a Broker knowingly discloses the names and addresses of its customers or prospective customers to LNY or LFA outside the operation of this Agreement. In no event shall the names and addresses of such customers and prospective customers be furnished by LNY to any other person not affiliated with LNY or LFA. The intent of this paragraph is that LNY and LFA shall not utilize or permit to be utilized (other than as provided above) its knowledge of any Broker, derived as a result of the relationship created through the funding and sale of the Contracts, for the solicitation of sales of any product or service other than the Contracts. This paragraph shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this Agreement, and shall survive any such termination.
Prospective Customers means individuals or entities that the Executive shall have had substantive personal contact with on behalf of the Bank seeking to secure such prospective customer as a customer of the Bank within the one year immediately preceding the termination of the Agreement or the expiration of the Agreement.
Prospective Customers as used herein shall mean any person or entity that Executive, Employer or the Affiliates solicited, contacted and/or communicated with on the behalf of the Employer or any of its Affiliates for business purposes during the preceding two (2) years.
Prospective Customers mean an individual or a legal person, resident and/or having its principal place of business in the Territory, to whom RingCentral or its partners have not at any time previously provided their Services.